Chapter 33 - GHOST TOWN.

The sound of their laughter filled the whole house. Dylan couldn't remember the last time he had a guest over apart from his parents when he had first moved into the house.

His house was a ghost town.

"How can someone be that dumb ?", he asked Anna as they watched friends.

"Joey is supposed to be the dumb one but I think he's so hilarious ", Anna said as she laughed at a joke Joey had said.

"Do you watch it all the time you kind of know all the lines ?", asked Dylan.

"Yeah I've watched it more than five times it's my personality now ", said Anna.

For a split second, she wondered if Vincenzo would ever sit down and watch the shows that she liked with her.

He didn't even know what her favorite flowers were when he was supposedly her husband. Dylan nudged her shoulder and she turned to look at him.

"You okay you kind of blacked out there for a second ?", he asked her. He could see tears in her eyes but he didn't want to push it.

He knew that she was going through something and the fact that he didn't want to talk about it was a clear indication that it had affected her so much.

He wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her that everything was going to be okay.

He couldn't do that, he couldn't deny the fact that he still wanted her. From the first day that he had seen her, he had wondered what she was doing with Vincenzo.

He had assumed that maybe Vincenzo was treating her well but was shocked to learn that his behavior hadn't changed at all.

"No ", Anna said as she broke down in tears.

It was then she realized that if she and Vincenzo were meant to be they would have been already.

"Can I fix whatever it is that's making you feel like this ?", he asked her.

"No you can't unless you know how to unlove someone who keeps hurting you ", she said as her hands covered her face.

Vincenzo had broken her.

"It's okay you'll learn to unlove them someday it doesn't have to be today ", he said as he pulled her closer to him.

She wanted to open his heart to him but couldn't. She knew how he felt towards her so telling him was only going to hurt him.

Why did she have to love someone like Vincenzo? She knew that he would never love her the way that she did but somehow she was still there waiting for him to change.

She wanted his love so much that she didn't care the way that he hurt her. She just wanted him to realize that she was good enough for him to love.

The days she had been with Vincenzo she had cried so much more than she had ever cried growing up.

She wished that someone had told her that also love hurt. She had thought it was the sweetest thing or maybe it was and she was just in kive with the wrong person.

She couldn't think of herself with anyone else apart from Vincenzo. She didn't think anyone else could touch her and make her feel the things that she felt when he touched her body.

If Dylan would be able to stop loving her he would. As she sobbed in his arms it hurt him more than her.

He would never treat her the way that Vincenzo was treating her but she knew that and it was her choice who she would be with.

He also didn't expect her to just lose his feelings for Vincenzo all of a sudden, it didn't happen like that.

"How about we watch something else, I choose this time round", said Dylan as he looked at her and wiped her tears.

"Okey, it better be good or else I'll assume you have bad taste ", she said as she chuckled, and just like that she stopped thinking about Vincenzo.

"It's not good like funny like friends but it will keep you occupied ", said Dylan as he looked for what he wanted them to watch.

"Is this you trying to justify the fact that you have trash taste in shows ?", she asked him.

"No just explaining to you that it's a bit of a sitcom like Friends but I think it's better than Friends ", he said as he sat down and pulled closer to himself.

She didn't say anything she just laid her head on his chest and they both waited for the show to begin.

By the half of the show, she had turned into a detective.

"Who do you think the killer is ?", she asked him.

"I have watched the show before so obviously am not going to tell you I'll spoil it for you ", he said as she chuckled.

"Okay, I think one of the officers is the serial killer because he has too much information. Someone from the outside can't know all that information I just can't figure out which police officer did it ", she said as she turned to look at him and then back to the screen.

The smile on his lips was still there as he watched her wonder who it was that was committing the murders.

He had never seen that side of her and as he looked at her if she had noticed she could have seen how much he adored her.

He looked at her as if she was the most fragile thing that he had ever laid his eyes on. He kept the smile on his face as she kept ranting about who the killer was.

Most of the time he wasn't listening to what she was saying all he was thinking how things would be if she was his.

She was the most fragile thing with the purest heart and all he wanted was to hold her hand and take her everywhere she wanted to go.

He wanted to make her so happy that she forgot all the hurt that she had experienced before.

He wanted to be the reason she smiled. He wanted all the good memories she had to be linked with him and nobody else.

She was the only person he allowed in his ghost town and she was enough to light it up.