Chapter 9 - 9

Don't you know about it? Should you not speak? Shouldn't you lie? Zombie tell the truth to the Leader Professor Yes professor I told Hugo you were planning to attack him says Zombie So you were the traitor who exposed our plan of attack to Hugo Hugo herinque says the professor leader annoyed You exposed me to him You taught me to him you helped me to him to help you and now you do this? It's all your fault our Students are being killed you traitor! says the teacher The lead teacher takes the Zombie and they throw it on the floor The teacher looks at the Students and says The zombie is a traitor who exposed our plan to invade Hugo Herinque's school, she called Hugo Herinque telling us all our Invasion Plan for Hugo herinque herinque who is attacking us now! I was already looking forward to a day with this fucking traitor, You must be prepared for this, You have no choice, You en Zombie says I just called him to want to prevent more Students and colleagues from dying The teacher looks at the students and says you will accept this traitor flee without punishment The students look at Zombie angrily realizing that Zombie was the cause of it all, they are disgusted, You will face this traitor with a rifle to me the teacher says

. The leader Teacher says now beat her to death, so she learns not to betray us anymore Zombies suffer lynching of all the students All the students are beating the Zombie to death so she doesn't betray anymore The students keep beating the Zombie to the leader teacher Teacher tells them to keep quiet that you can tell them about the betrayal alongside other students from other schools, they don't know where the information goes, but it could have been a deadly betrayal You don't disobey The ones who get more angry still continue continues beating, beating is Zombie The students get more angry and continue beating, is beating Zombie Then they get more angry, people are angry with your betrayal You can't take any more Zombie says the teacher They don't want to take this shit Zombie anymore, they just want to kill her so she doesn't talk to other students from other schools again, She can only have one place so she doesn't die before waiting to kill her The students they just want to kill her so she doesn't talk to leaders from other schools anymore

But the Students and the Lead Teacher hear a shot behind them The Students stop beating Zombie and look back It's Hugo herinque smiling pointing a gun at the Students and saying You already realize that I'm here to kill and kill and kill and you already realize that we can survive now

> Hugo herinque says "Oh, oh, it seems that I arrived at the right time"

> Hugo herinque I look at Zombie who is on the ground with several bruises.

> Hugo herinque says "Who did this"

Students don't respond, so I shoot a student in the head to get her down in time, they're not dead, but one student is on the floor.

> Hugo herinque says "Who did this to Zombie"

The students didn't answer Hugo, so he shoots another student in the face so he doesn't have to go to the beach to kill Then the Students afraid of dying point to the lead Teacher The teacher says yes I did it with Zombie because she deserved this traitor

> Hugo herinque says "You know one thing, professor, that I don't tolerate are cowards like you"

> Hugo herinque says "Then I'll kill you for doing this to Zombie"

Teacher says wow I'm scared to death you shitty student The lead teacher pulls out his gun to kill me, but I'm fast enough to shoot his arm and drop his gun I shoot the lead teacher one more knee He falls to the ground taking it your knee is groaning in pain Hey I'm going to the lead teacher, when he sees me he begs for his life Lead teacher says please don't kill me, if you don't kill me I'll give you my school for you

> Hugo herinque says "If I let you live, I won't be worthy to be a real man"

"So I'll give you a college"