"The moon is cracked and broken, and that is all the proof we need to say that nothing is impossible." -King Tyne Sythin, at the Battle of Bieven
"What about this one?" Dancer placed the next scroll down on the ornate floating table. The table was large enough for nine chairs around it, but it currently had use for only five. Each of the Instructors of Dragon Academy sat at the table.
"Ah! Saber! She has an eye for tactics far beyond the other students. I believe she would do nicely for the mission at hand." Windclaw stroked his long beard while reading the scroll. It had all of Saber's information on it: Saber, Cynthia Dozrey, age 19, 1st, White Sword-Tail Dragon.
"The Dozrey family are the mages responsible for the latest sparkguns. We would lose too much if their daughter died on a mission and they pulled their weapons from us." Captain Lyons spoke with a solemn tone. Dancer knew what he meant, but still found it a harsh truth. She never got along with Lyons. Even back when she was a student, the two of them clashed. After some of the things her and Silver got away with, it was a wonder he allowed them to ever fly.
"I see your point." Dancer placed another scroll on the table. "This one is Thunderbolt. His real name is Trevor Vykrin. He got in 2nd place in the exams. He's 19, like most of the students, and his dragon is the Black Lightning-Spike." Dancer paused too examine the faces of the other instructors. Windclaw held the same wide eyed expression he always had. Loudmouth was the newest instructor, only haven been there for the last six years. His face looked unsure. "Surely, Thunderbolt is a capable candidate?" Dancer asked openly.
"He's good." Lyons nodded.
"He is too cocky." Windclaw chimed in. "He thinks he's the best of this lot. Selecting him for a special mission will only elevate his ego."
"If he has the skill then he should get the job!" Loudmouth finally spoke. "This kid can be a leader if we direct that energy in the right way."
"What do you think?" Dancer looked to Raven. The head instructor had been quiet for most of the meeting. her black hair covered one of her eyes, but the other held its piercing gaze. There was years of focus and experience in that glare.
"Three." Raven finally spoke. "We should deploy three students for this mission. Any more and there become too many variables." Dancer was impressed by her tone. Raven had a habit of commanding the room whenever she said anything.
"Do you think this student should be one of them? If we are wrong then.." Windclaw started before being cut off.
"Then we cannot be wrong." Raven looked at each of them. "Who are our top three students?"
"Its too early to tell. They've only just started weeks ago." Lyons said. "If we go by the entry exams then it would be, Saber, Thunderbolt, and Cross.
Dancer stood up. "He's right, its too early to tell. The entry exams are given to them before any of them have even flown." She began tossing scrolls of each student on the table. "Number 3 Cross, number six, Pixie, number 11, Crusher. None of these students have ever done anything like this mission."
"This is an order given to us by the King himself. There are talks of war. This Union debate has got every nation in the alliance afraid of there neighbors." Captain Lyons stood up as well. "We must obey!"
"At least let me lead the team!" Dancer's voice cracked. Too often she let her emotions get the best of her. Not this time. "We should do a test flight."
"A test flight?" Windclaw looked amused. "Isn't that the point of training here?"
"Not here. The air makes flying too easy. It helps them learn, but it won't be anything like where they are going. Let me take the students over the Sea of Roul. Neutral waters, where they can practice a patrol."
There was a nod by the other Instructors. Everyone seemed to like the plan. Until Raven spoke again. "Six." Raven looked to Dancer. "You may take six students for your test flight. You will choose who goes. Then you will choose among that six, who does the mission." Then Raven stood up. "Thank you, everyone, this has been a productive meeting." She walked out of the room, Leaving Dancer with protests and questions.
Hotshot was at the dragon stables. Probably his favorite place at the Academy. When he was a boy, he imagined they would be similar to horse stables, like the ones he used as a squire. There were not like them at all. Dragon stables were open. They stayed in a big dome with multiple floating objects for them to lay on in mid air. There were even obstacles that appeared and disappeared, giving them plenty of room to fly and play with each other.
Hotshot had to shoo away one of the dragons. It probably smelled the treat in his pocket.
"I'm sorry, its not for you." He quickly moved passed the giant lizard with wings that could kill him without a problem, but Hotshot wasn't scared. Dragons were the greatest creatures in the world. They were incredibly smart, loyal, and powerful. He couldn't believe that he got to be here.
He saw Pepper curled up in the corner. The other dragons had nested together, leaving it alone. Pepper was a size smaller then the next dragon. It took Hotshot a little bit to get over his disappointment, but this dragon was quickly becoming his best friend. Pepper saved his life! He also, couldn't ever explain the joy he felt while merged. Flying as Pepper was sensational.
"Hey girl, you tired?" Hotshot sat next to Pepper while uncurled her head and placed it on his lap. He stroked the side of her neck and she gave a chirp. "You must have had a long day." Her eyes fluttered shut.
"Oh, I almost forgot!" Hotshot pulled a small piece of dried meet out of his pocket. "This is for you." He held it up to Pepper, who snatched it out of his hand. After a few chomps, she swallowed it and curled up again.
"Goodnight, Pepper." Hotshot could hear her snore.
On his way out, Hotshot gave a last look back at his dragon. He thought about the future. He was determined to be the best. "It will be more work than everyone else. Pepper is small. I'm barely allowed at the Academy." His heart sunk. Part of him never thought he could make it this far.
"I thought I'd find you here." A familiar voice came from behind him. He turned and saw Dancer.
"What is it now? I did all my probation work. I did all my exercises. What more could you possibly want from me today?" Hotshot looked at her with his heavy eyes. Just seeing Dancer got him riled up.
"Can you do it?" She said calmly.
"Can you prove yourself a worthy Pilot?" Dancer took a step forward.
"I don't know what you are talking about." Hotshot took a step back.
"I only have one thing to say." Dancer narrowed here eyebrows. "Don't make me regret it." Then she walked away, leaving Hotshot alone with his confusion.