Chereads / Close Protection / Chapter 6 - The customer

Chapter 6 - The customer


I enter a fancy restaurant, it is so fancy that I can see myself on the marble floor. I walk with a lot of class, I trained hard to succeed in having this feline walk. The clothing, it is an idea of Ingride, a pencil skirt with a black blouse, a little transparent. My hair was curled and I chose to leave it loose. With every step I take in the restaurant, I can hear my heels clicking on the marble floor. I take off my glasses and look around for Nicolas, eventually finding him. He is sitting next to a man, I assume he is the customer.

I advance towards them, the more I approach them, the more my apprehension grows. The customer's gaze is on me, I suddenly feel naked. I hate it. I arrive at their table and place a kiss on my brother's cheek.

<< Hi I say. >>

<< Hi, finally you're here. Let me introduce you to Emme this is Matt, Matt, Emme she will be the bodyguard who will pretend to be your girlfriend. >>

I see the client choking on his glass of water.

<< Your sister will be my bodyguard? >>

<< Yes. Do you have a problem with that? >> I ask defensively. I sit down next to Nicolas.

<< No, not at all. I... I'm just surprised. Nice to meet you," he says, holding out his hand. >>

I extend mine in turn. As soon as our fingers touch, I feel like an electric shock stinging my whole body. My eyes get lost in his, an ocean of bright blue.

He smiles at me, and a shiver runs down my spine, I haven't felt this kind of thrill since Lucas. I hastily withdraw my hand from his. These shivers make me afraid. Nicolas looks at us in turn.

<< Well how about you tell him a little about yourself Matt. >> I raise my hand to tell him that there is no need.

<< I've already learned all I need to know about you from your file. >>

<< Well in that case you could tell him about yourself. >>

I glare at my brother, but what is he trying to do? This man is a client. At the end of this mission, I don't even know if I'll hear from him again. So what's the point of him knowing or not knowing anything about me.

<< I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back in a moment. >>

<< Yeah right! >>

a stupid excuse, like we're dumb enough to swallow this. He just wants to leave us both so we can talk. Once Nicholas leaves, I turn to the customer and tell him.

<< There's no way I'm sleeping in the same room as you. >>

<< Uh... Of course. >>

<< Secondly, I hate the noises in the morning, it's horrible. >>

<< Okay he said with a smile. >>

<< Also if you want to meet your girlfriends, I will ask you to do it far, far away from the house. >>

<< Uh... Why? >>

<< It's called showing respect. >>

<< Ah right. Is that it? >>

<< Yes if there's anything else I'll let you know. >>

I guess he must be very upset about my conditions. Men are all the same, stars or not, he'll have to meet his mistresses somewhere else, I don't want to have the perfect body of a model in the morning, I'm already complex enough as it is. Good.

<< And when do you plan to move in? >>

<< By tomorrow, is that okay? >>

<< Yes. That gives me time to set up a room for you. >>

I don't know why, but I can't help being aggressive towards him. In fact, for two years now, I've been aggressive towards all men who are not my father or my brother. He doesn't say anything more and looks out the window. I observe him discreetly. The pictures of him don't do him justice.

He is even more beautiful in real life, his features are more delicate, the blue of his eyes is clearer and his smile is much warmer, warm. I find myself wanting to see him smile again. And he's awfully sexy. I thought Lucas was the sexiest man in the world and well, you can go put your clothes back on Lucas Dos Santos, I've found a sexier man than you. Nicolas returns to the table.

<< So you had time to get to know each other better? >>

<< If you will. Your sister is quite authoritarian as a person. And I like that. >>

I feel myself blushing, does he like it? Would he be one of those men who like it when women dominate them? That would be my luck.

No, but what kind of weirdo has Nick gotten me into. I turn to him and glare at him. I wish I had some lasers I could shoot in his freaky head with. Matthew bursts out laughing, a cool, sing-songy laugh, even his laugh is sexy, and those chills start again. Damn! I even notice several female heads turning towards us, does he know he's a chick magnet? I want to yell at them and ask if they've ever heard a man laugh, but I restrain myself because I too am transfixed by this deep, throaty sound.

<< Your sister is imagining things old. >>

<< I can see that, she has turned as red as a tomato. >> Said my brother bursting out laughing. I'm dreaming, or both are laughing at me. You'll pay for this, you traitor. I sink into my seat, embarrassed that he could read me.

<< By the way, how's that jerk Reed doing. >>

<< Great. All the soldiers are doing badly, but never him, always excited about a new mission. >>

<< I totally understand how he feels the adrenaline you get when you approach a new mission is something exhilarating. >>

<< You never told me, do you often regret leaving the military? >> Matthew asks. I've always wondered about that since his early retirement.

The Army was Nicolas' life, he loved his work, but the death of Ethan, his best friend, put everything in question. Is he fulfilled in his current life?

<< To tell you the truth, I really miss the army, I mean my brothers in arms, we share more than bullets you know? It's a real family. We had our good times too, you have to experience that at least once to understand. >>

Matthew smiles at him, the meal ends. And we go out, Matt gets up at the same time as me and at the moment of leaving the table I bump into him. His hand comes then to rest on my hip to prevent me from bumping against the corner of the table. Through the thin fabric of my skirt, I manage to feel the heat of his fingers. The sensation which is born in my lower stomach is then indescribable, I am taken of a violent desire that he touches me. Again and again. He throws me a sorry smile.

<< Are you okay? >>

<< Yes thank you. He withdraws his hand from my waist and I already miss his heat. >>

<< We part ways in front of the restaurant door. It was so nice to see you again man. >> Matthew says to him while giving him a friendly tap.

<< And even if it's to save my ass. >>

Nicholas bursts out laughing.

<< And I'd do a lot more if I could, you and your family have done so much for me. You're like my second family now. >>

<< You're going to come back on this if? Give your princess a kiss for me. I'll come by to visit soon. >>

<< I hope so. >> Nicholas walks over to him and hugs him.

<< Watch your ass, by the time I send my men. >>

<< I'll try! He leaves Nicolas' embrace and turns to me. >>

<< See you soon Emme? >>

My name in his mouth is like a sweet litany. I feel myself blushing again. I quickly regain my composure and answer him.

<< Of course! >> A valet brings him the keys to his car, a Mustang, he grabs them and gives us one last wave before he rushes into the vehicle and drives off.

<< A Mustang? Just that? >> I say, turning to Nick. He smiles.

<< Stop it he's not what you think. >> He puts his hand on my shoulders and we walk for a while more.

<< Sure, he drives a fancy car and you want me to believe he's not a shallow person? >>


<< That's what I said superficial. Does he even know how to defend himself? >>

<< How annoying you can be when you put your mind to it. If you want to talk about his fighting skills, don't worry, he fights very well. >>

<< Oh yeah? >> He gently tugs on my ear and we continue walking.

<< Say, how much longer are we going to walk? These shoes hurt like hell. >>

<< That's why we're walking. >>

<< What do you mean you know I'm in pain? >>

He raises a mocking eyebrow.

<< You son of a... >>

Too late, he starts to run. To stop us a cab.