Chereads / Earth-NKWN 999000 / Chapter 103 - Chapter 123

Chapter 103 - Chapter 123

Chapter 123

In the next day, Captain Steve contacted us as they met Captain Marvel and Mr Stark, they just returned and needed us to be with the team.

I goes with Lyla and took one potion from Krista in case Tony might need it, Nebula is a cyborg so she might not need one but I still another for emergencies.

We teleported to the Avengers headquarters which is where the team supposed to be. The light covered us as we traveled great distance in an instant.

We arrived at the time where Tony and Steve are arguing. No one notices us as they focus on the two, Tony fell down on the floor as his weak body cannot take it anymore and fell unconscious.

We walked forward and they notices our appearance, my arm may have bandages but my neck still has signs of black burns and purple veins.

My arm is hanging but I can move it for only a little and Captain Steve and the others asked about my condition. " How is your injuries? It seems like your healing factor don't work much."

I touch my arm and responded " Don't worry, this arm will soon be my powerful asset. It held the infinity stone and the power gem to be exact and now I have my own infinite source."

Rocket commented " It is a miracle that you even gained a power when you held that stone. We once witness one time a girl held that gem and exploded, and almost destroying everything."

Thor glance at my arm then to Rocket " Rabbit, You know the stone? How did it came to Thanos possession? "

Rocket sighed and replied " A guy named Ronan wanted to take the power gem but our team prevented him by killing him in exchange for one of our friend dying."

" Quill had a unique bloodline so he survive when he held the power stone and that only happened when six of us shared its powers. After that, we handed the power gem to Xandar. Thanos invaded that place and took the power gem before he ambushed your ship."

Thor nodded, he just wanted to make sure.

" Cain, You've become a powerful Avenger. Last time we met, I almost did not recognise you and you're even able to contend with Thanos while holding one of the infinity gem. The power stone to be exact."

Thor may look okay on the outside but he is already on his toe ready to cleave Thanos when they meet again. " And I remember you also, the kid who is fast. I remember you want to hold mjolnir but failed." Laughing, Thor pointed at Pietro while making fun of him.

Then look into my eyes directly while asking " I also remembered you said that after Stark is rescued, we can locate Thanos' whereabouts. So how and where can we find him?"

I stared at Thor's eyes and see anger and desperation, he is eager to meet Thanos and get his revenge then take the stone to bring back those he lost.

" It is his daughter, Nebula. She should have an idea of Thanos' location. And by the way Natasha, take this and inject it to Mr Stark." I toss her the vial that is made by Krista.

Rhody is the one who ask " What is inside that vial? Is it some kind of healing potion?"

" Yeah, It is."

My fast reply surprise the others as they thought I was kidding about it being a healing potion. I guess what is on their mind, and I had to explain some things.

" That vial is just recently developed by Krista so there are less than a handful so don't expect I have many of those. You can inject it to Tony and see it's effects."

Natasha walked forward and took and injection and injected it to Mr Stark's arm with all of us watching specially Pepper Potts.

Tony's conditions improved instantly while he is sweating, Pepper held Tony's hands while the process is happening. Lyla had to pull her back as she might get burn by Tony's body heat.

I chose to explain what is currently happening " This potion is similar to the Extremist virus, let me continue Pepper."As I saw Pepper standing up, I had to ask her to keep listening.

"This vial contain a lesser potency of the Extremist virus, it is a virus and it can heal almost all diseases and disabilities, including the loss of limbs, cancer, and many more. Basically, Extremis is an advanced form of genetic manipulation using nanotechnology. It acts like a virus, travelling to your brain to 'rewire' it or some sort. The virus allows your body to regenerate from physical damages, deformities, and, in large doses, even psychological damages, in a short time."

Pepper and Natasha already understood this but kept silent as I need to resume explaining " In short, this potion have to only act like a virus to travel to the brain and rewire it then healing and regenerate accordingly to what the body parts may need. If you have two lost hands, only one will regenerate."

" So what it did to me was reformed my whole body by giving it what it needs? Seems like a good business opportunity, is your wife interested in partnership?" Tony, who have already been awake spoke according to his instincts.

Pepper hug him and the others smiled. Mr Stark still ignores Captain Steve.

Nebula walked inside as she already had a talk to Captain Marvel. The team suit up and get ready to board the Spaceship of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Tony Stark put on the Arc reactor which was holding the newly repaired Iron Man L. I also boarded with Lyla at the back, they persuaded me to stay but I insisted on coming. Thanos might choose a different decision and I need to be there in case I need to contribute my powers.

Soon after, we boarded on the swallow jet which is piloted by Rocket and Nebula. The team consists of Captain America, Mr Stark, Thor, Natasha, Bruce, Rhodes, Pietro, Nebula, Rocket, Lyla and me, then Captain Marvel is the last person as she remains at the very back.

If there might be war on their way there, all hands should be on deck and one more ally is enough to confront Thanos and possibly destroy his army.

As the spaceship named Milano, the Millennium Falcon reached the outer space. Rocket observed all of us and our daces, he decided to ask first before starting the multiple jumps on wormhole.

" Do anyone of you have never been to space? It might be shaky and you might throw up so get a bag on your side while you all buckle up." He reminded us for a moment before we look at each other.

Our team consisted of dozen members inside the Milano so it is a bit cramped. The people at the back had to sit in a makeshift chair arranged by Rocket. As most of us have never been to space except for a few people, me , Lyla, Rhodes, Captain Steve, Pietro and Natasha.

The six of us raised our hands and Pietro was the only one who prepared a small bag in case he puke himself out. Natasha was a trained spy and she can take a little dizziness and Rhodes is a expert pilot. Captain America can also take a shaky flight due to his constitution and experience.

Pietro is the only one who had no experience with space travel and had to prepare a bag. He just look at all of us and glanced at me and Lyla " You can fly Cain, you've never tried going to space?"

I responded at him calmly " I tried a few times, I can only survive for less than an hour but it's different from long distance space travel."

I have tried flying to the space a few times in order to be nearer to the sun and it works but the downsides was I cannot breath without oxygen so I had to think about a different technique.

Lyla also tried but she more likely can't survive for an even longer if left alone.

Most of the time, I trained under the sun and into the highest atmosphere. Apparently, it is different this time as we had to travel a long distance so only Thor and Captain Marvel could travel out in the space.

" Ready in ten seconds "

" Jumping in 6.5.4…3 ..2 …1 "



The space travel is a first time experience so most of us are anxious about the space but we had a trust to Rocket that we will get to the destination safe and protected by the Milano.



The Milano jump out of the wormhole and arrive outside at an Earth-like planet. The planet have greener earth that shows it is a habitable and Thanos should be staying right here.