Chereads / Earth-NKWN 999000 / Chapter 79 - Chapter 99

Chapter 79 - Chapter 99

Chapter 99:

The three Dr. Strange, Tony and Peter sat and thought about any plans.

Before Ebony Maw left, the Q ship's main control is damaged and now they can only think of another plan to get back.

Dr. Strange still has the sling ring and they have a last chance to turn and go back to Earth. But Tony suggested different plan.

" Under no circumstances, the time stone will not be brouth to Thanos"

" You don't understand, what Thanos is capable of, how much he can bring to Earth on the last battle at New York but I saw it and he's been inside my head since."

" Wait wait, you forgot something, unlike anybody else, I don't work for you."

" Due to saving you, we are now in a flying donut billions of miles away from Earth without any back up"

Peter raised his hand " I'm back up"

Tony " No, you're still a kid. The adults are talking"

" I thought he was your sidekick."

Tony " The ship is self correcting its course and we don't have control of it."

When the battle of New York happened, everything change for Tony, the knowledge that hostile alien forces were waiting outside the void was too much for him to process.

Tony solemnly said " Instead of bringing the fight on Earth, let's bring the fight to him, the mind stone is safe with the Avengers. We don't need to put all stone to one location."

Dr. Strange " You're saying we are going to fight Thanos on our own?"

Dr. Strange contemplated while staring at Tony Stark's eyes. " All right Stark, we go to him… But if there ever a choice of between saving either you both or the stone, I will choose the stone because the universe depends on this."

Tony Stark spoke " Fair enough"

Tony walked to Peter and presented him with words and style of knighthood " Kid, You're an Avenger now."

Peter's eyes light up and smile crept up his lips, he lifted his chest high and chin up showing how proud he was at the moment.


Dr. Strange, Iron Man and Spider-Man instead of going back to Earth, went to continue to meet Thanos with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Few hours ago.

As the three waited inside the Q ship to reach where the spaceship will take them, Peter butt in the conversation of the two adults.

Peter tried to warn Tony and Dr. Strange of something he's feeling due to Spider sense.

Tony looked at Peter and frown. Looking around, he suddenly noticed an incoming a rolling item in the midst of their group.

Tony immediately don up the Bleeding edge Mark L armour as he brace for incoming explosion.

Peter also suit up his nanotech Iron spider suit as they all three got blown off.

Three intruders charges at the other three but Tony saw that the opponents coming their way and then fired his repulser, Dr. Strange conjured spells as he defended while floating.

Peter on the other hand is currently webbing an alien woman coming his way.

A muscular grey alien who had crimson tattoos throws his daggers at Dr. Strange, Dr. Strange defended and use a lasso spell.

Tony fought the last guy who seemed to use gadgets and a Quad blasters.

Tony got stuck on a metallic pillar as the guy lunges at him and used a advance gadgets that work like a magnet.

Tony used his suits power to unstuck himself. This short interaction battling without any words displayed the resilience of Mark L suit.

The man who used Quad blasters decided to take one their opponent's teammate as a hostage to ask questions.

Pushing a button behind his ears the man showed his face while holding his quad blaster at Peter's temple.

The intruders were obviously The Guardian of the Galaxy. As their leader, Peter Quill aka Star Lord with Drax the destroyer and Mantis.

They found this Q ship as they are tracking Thanos and the Black Order in order to save Gamora.

The team separated at the time Thor needed their help, Gamora with Peter Quill and Drax and Mantis, goes to the location of the reality stone which had been on the Collector's possession.

The four is too late as Thanos already created a trap for them in order to kidnap Gamora whom in which knows the location of the soul stone.

Peter Quill failed to fulfil Gamora's wish on killing her than being back on Thanos hands.

Thanos trapped them and didn't kill them with the reality stone in his infinity gauntlet.

Thanos wanted fate to decide whether these people will survive the snap…or not.

With Gamora gone, Peter Quill tracked everywhere and located one of Thanos Q ship.

They raided it thinking they will see some of Thanos subordinates and interrogate them of where he might be.

The confrontation lasted only for a couple of minutes and decided to take one of each a hostages.

" Everybody, chill the f*** out, stay where you are."

Peter Quill took Peter as bargain and Tony rearrange his nanotech to create a cannon blaster in front of Drax's face.

" I'm gonna ask this one time, where is Gamora?" Peter Quill asked seriously.

Tony withdraw his helmet and also asked his question " Oh, I'll do you one better, who is Gamora?"

Drax, who may or may not realise the seriousness of the situation commented " Then I'll do you one better, Why is Gamora?"

Everybody glanced down at him, who is currently lying on the ground.

Peter Quill who is already used to Drax's antics ignores him, " Tell me where the girl is or I'll fry french this little freak."

Tony interrupted him and said " Let's do it, you shoot him and I'll blast this guy."

Drax " Do it Quill, I can take it."

Mantis panicked a little " No he can't "

Dr. Strange help the situation " Yes, she's right, he can't take it."

Peter Quill's voice is getting irritated " You don't want to tell where she is, that's fine. I'll just kill all three of you after I beat Thanos out of myself, starting with this little freak."

Peter Quill shoved his blaster at Spiderman thinking they are part of Thanos.

Dr Strange got the words and ask to check " wait.. Thanos? Let me ask you one time. What master do you serve?"

" Master? What am I supposed to say, Jesus?"

Tony rolled his eyes and remark " You're from Earth."

" Not from Earth, from Missouri."

" Yeah, That's on Earth."

Spider man withdrew his helmet and mumbled a question " So you're not with Thanos?"

" with Thanos? No, I'm here to kill him…Wait, who are you guys."

" We're the Avengers."

Mantis " You're the one Thor told us about."

" So you know Thor?"

" Yeah Tall guy, not that good looking, needed saving."

Dr Strange " Where is he now?"

" Somewhere to forge his weapon to use in order to kill Thanos."