As I wake up I saw rixu sis in front of me ,
Haha I'm dreaming right wake up Himanshi from your dream I was talking to myself then rixu sis pinched on my face hey little xi I'm standing in front of you and you are busy talking to your self wake up now and get fresh up I will see you at dining room,
Sis where is mingzi,
He can't make it cuz suddenly he had fever so mom took him to doctor,
So only came here ,
Oh okay but how he is now ,
He is better now , doc said to rest so he will be admitted in hospital for few days ,
Okay enough with talking go get ready and come down ,
I was sad so I took bath and get ready but I wore my panda pajama with panda tee's,
Then I went downstairs I saw mom is serving breakfast to all
Hey lazy xi come down fast we all are waiting for you,
Coming mom
Then I saw mingzi there
What you came are you fine now sis why did you lied to me,
Ohh I was just checking out something and I'm sure now ,
What was you checking dear ,nothing aunt just wanna to surprise her and checkout her reaction
I sat down near to mingzi and rixu sis,
Hey how are you,
I'm fine but I got pissed of when I heard that you are sick and worried at same time,
Okay okay let's go for date today it will be our first date ,
What will gonna say to our parents,
Tell them that we are going to arcade and for your information rixu sis know that we are dating each other ,
What why you told this to sis it wil gonna be awkward if sis saw me talking and laughing with you,
No sis is very happy that we are together but earlier she was not because she thought that I will be hurdle in your future she was worried about you as you are her sister and I'm not his brother π
Haha so you felt jealous to me
No I just want you to know that sis like you a lot,
Afternoon we asked to my parents to let us go to arcade,
They allowed us me rixu sis and mingzi went together but as we reached to arcade sis went inside and told mingzi to take care of me ?
Neonxi if my brother said and did something to make you upset feel free to tell me I will teach him some lessons okay dear okay sis now you both enjoy your date I will be here playing some games,
Okay sis wanna join us sis,
No I don't want to be third tire
Okay sis we are going bye
Let's go neonxi
Then we went to restaurant and eat there and talked to each other about our like's and dislikes
After and 3 hour sis called us ,
Hey aunt is calling to come back home
Okay sis we are near we will meet you at entrance okay
Then we headed to home,
Next day we went to watch movie together sis sat so far from us in hall,
We watched marvel action movie with someπΏ and cold π₯€, like this 20 day's passed out
Next evening We came back home from park then we played some games together
Me rixu sis my few friends came over to my home because I invited them , they lived near to me so they came at night,
We played truth and dare ,
We asked lot's of questions then my friends known about me and mingzi being in relationship,
Suddenly my friends asked me to choose I know that she will gonna ask some shit ,
So I choose dare and she gave me dare to kiss mingzi,
Hey what kind of dare is this you have to choose between kissing mingzi or kissing sihen xun
Then I choose to kiss mingzi,
But I was so much nervous so all of them covered there eyes and seeing us from between the gap in fingers so I hurriedly kissed him on his cheek they said instantly
that you have to kiss at his cheek for 5seconds that's called kiss,
You guys didn't mention it I don't wanna to do
Okay then kiss like this with sihen xun
Okay I will kiss mingzi
Then I reached to his face but didn't touched it cuz I was embarrassed π³
So mingzi took one step closer and kissed me we kissed for 5seconds
All of my friends started to tease us that we took advantage of situation ,
Like this we continued our game for half an hour then all my friends went back to there home
Rixu sis asked us if that was our first kiss
Yes sis that was our first kiss
Okay now let's go and sleep mingzi
For next day he planned to give me surprise said this will be my best surprise
What will be the surprise
Continue πβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ
Thanks you everyone continue to support me love you all ππ