Chereads / Mantis / Chapter 1 - MANTIS NEWLY REBORNA


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(TFH) Production story:


Story by:Mikel Bushings;

Starting in the newly developing city of Lusaka (LSK) in itis A Town called LOSIRAM leaved a family of two CRAGand the elder sister ZORA with a sad story of their parentsDeath, when CRAG's father Mr Nsofwa was on his way towork he received a call from his BOSS a rich man calledFRANCIS the man is well known as a millionaire in thecity, and he owns a company called MEDOTECH.In this company different things were made such likemedicine, clinical wear, food and technology medical anddevises, Mr Nsofwa was called in his boss office to havea chat with him Mr Nsofwa knocked andMr Francis yelled out" Nsofwa come in pleas come in takea sit, I want to talk about this business it is running veryslow because we don't have anything to support it "Mr Nsofwa responded with "and what could that be sir?Mr Francis "you really don't get it do you? Am talkingabout we make medicine but we don't have that many sickpeople in (Losiram)".Mr Nsofwa "what are you trying to say sir?

2MANTIS NEWLY R EBORN Mr Francis "I am saying let us start making a sicknes s sothat people can start buying our products, we start makingmore money".Mr Nsofwa "No sir I can't help you do that, and what if the sickness starts spreading and we can't control it then what? Mr Francis (laughing) "t does not matter at all we going to make money and even better we will control the population. Mr Nsofwa "No sir am so sorry I can't do it I have to resin ". Mr Francis "if that's the case then am so sorry, just don't resin yet you a re my best employee yet, as for my apologywill send you on vacation you and your family should havea great time bill will be on me"Mr Nsofwa "well that's not a bad idea I will take it I really need a break sir thank you, I will leave tomorrow morn ing".Mr Francis "well good then see you when you get back let me deposit the money in your account right away". So as Mr Nsofwa left the office his boss Mr Francis made a call to hid driver saying "Do you know Nsofwa? D riverresponded "yes sir I know the man he works for you "Mr Francis "well good you know him, I want you to get reed of him and his family it will be easy for you to do that because I lied to him about a vacation so tomorrow

3MANTIS NEWLY REBORNmorning you should pick them up and get reed of them forme I don't care how just do it".Driver(Patrick) "ok boss no problem I will do just that sir ".That evening Mr Nsofwa went home happy knowingeverything is alright he walked in his house with a bigsmile, his wife (Fostina) asked him" baby wats thematter? you look so happy" Mr Nsofwa responded "baby Ihave good news we are going on vacation tomorrowmorning, my boss has paid for it all"WIFE "really babe that's wonderful I can't wait but onething is that we can't go with the kids because Zora iswriting her exam this week and Crag needs to study youknow he plays a lot at his age"Mr Nsofwa "ok I understand you are right my love sothey will go to your elder sis place right?WIFE" no baby Zora is old enough to take care of herselfand Crag and besides my sister is also traveling out of thecountry next week so same thing with them staying home"Mr Nsofwa "alright love as you wish, I just want to havea great time with you tomorrow ".The next day had come and the driver had come to pickthem up as they got into the car they waved at theirchildren. on road the driver had a passenger in front withhim as Mr Nsofwa sat at the back with his wife. The driverslowly starts to speed up the car and the passenger withhim looks behind as he slowly pulls out a gun, and the car

4MANTIS NEWLY REBORNdrifty turns in unknown bush as the gun fires 8 times. Anhour later a couple were driving and saw this car leave abush so fast as it left a dust trial. they decided to drivethrough the bush the car came out from. And as theydrove right through and no far from the entrance thedriving couple saw two body bags and quickly stopped thecar and decided to come out and see what was inside.The man unzipped the first bag and saw a dead manwith an ID wallet saying Mr Nsofwa and his wife was in theother bag they quickly called the police, minutes letter thepolice and ambulance came as fast as they can and thepolice began to question the man and his wife about whathappened to the people kill on spot and the man explainedthat, they saw a car leave the bush in a speeding waywhich made them curious and had to check exactly whythe car left in a rush and found dead bodies, thecommanding police officer DEVID had arrived as soon asthe bodies were about to be put in the ambulance, heasked the paramedics to check and confirm who exactlythe dead people are.As he saw the dead man on the stretcher he couldn'tbelieve his eyes, it was his very good friend Mr Nsofwa, asheart breaking as that was he ask the people around ifthey had seen two children, they said no, there are nochildren there the police men said at once, he quicklypulled out his phone and call Mr Nsofwa home the phonewas picked up by his chilled the first born Zora. He had nochoice but to let them know what had happened, Zora

5MANTIS NEWLY REBORNgrieved in tears and dropped the phone with full shockwith what he was just told by the CO Mr David.A years had passed as the case was still underinvestigation, the city was undergoing some sick trails avirus was recoded killing people and the city had toundergo safe measures no one was to in large numbers ofgroups because this virus spreads fast everyone wassupposed take a drag worth K50 (Zambian kwacha) thiswas really tough even for the jobless, Zora and her brothertried to work hard for them to live better as Mr David wasalways there to help them, Mrs Nsofwa's sister Jessicawas out of the country and heard the news about hersister's death, rushed back to LOSIRAM town as soon aspossible, Jessica as a detective made sure of it that shefinds the killers of her sister and brother in-Law.It was a Monday morning just as Zora was about togo to work a small job Mr David found for her, she juststeps out her door step and saw her aunt Drove through,she quickly ran towards her car with a shocked face,Jessica came out of the call to give Zora a big hag, sheasks in tearsJessica "how are you and your brother doing I just heardthe news yesterday"Zora" we are trying aunt we really are trying thoughCrag has not been himself he keeps talking aboutrevenge"

6MANTIS NEWLY REBORNJessica "I am back now I am not leaving you guys, youwill move in with me as soon as possible".Zora (in tears)" thank you so much ".As Crag walked out of the house ready for school he sawZora and his aunt but was too sad to run towards them hejust rudely walks to school without saying a word asbroken as he was he just looked down.Zora and the aunt looked at him as they called hisname he never looked back.Jessica "what's with him?Zora" aunt Jessy Crag has been like this since last year.Jessica "anyways I know he will come through, so whatare you doing yourself Zora to keep you moving?Zora "I work and school at the same time, I work atchemist not too far from here and I am schooling at theuniversity of Losiram (UNL) doing medicine, I have afriend Fiona I study with we working on an antivirus for thissickness we going through called (HDM) human disordermanipulate. my friends big dream is to work in the bigcompany MEDOTECH"Jessica" Wow Zora you really out done yourself I neverknew you were this smart and hardworking you remind meof your mom my sister"Jessica had to go to work she told Zora that she will beback she need to go file in the investigation report that she

7MANTIS NEWLY REBORNis taking over and decided to run the operation on her on,four hours later Crag had come back from school andfound Zora home,Crag" where's aunty Jessy?Zora" she left for work, and Crag why did you ignoreher like that earlier this morning she felt sad, now shegoing to work seeking for revenge.Crag" am sorry I just had a bad dream I saw mom anddad get killed and I was there watching it I got up so sad Ijust couldn't talk to anyone because they are doingnothing about it ".Zora "well am sorry about your dream, and aunt wantsto make sure mom and dad's death doesn't go in vain".An hour had passed and Jessica come back to pick thekids up to her place, they arrived safely and gotcomfortable, next morning Zora was on her way tooschool and Fiona called her phone say" Zora hurry upsomething just come up, I need to show you something assoon as possible, as Zora rushed to the school she randirectly to The laboratory room, she Found Fiona showingher and insect she found laundering around the schooland told Zora saying " did you know a pray mantis as theability to overcome bigger pry? What if we hard blood cellsthat could act like a praying mantis. As confused as Zorawas she just decided to pay attention to Fiona's teaching.

8MANTIS NEWLY REBORNFiona "I have really studied this thing right here and Iam almost getting to the part of helping humans, and don'tworry Zora it won't do anything to you I injected it with aradioactive neutralizer, its stable at the moment just don'tlet it touch you it might infect you I don't know what theneutralizer fully did to it.".Zora" wow really ok I won't get anywhere near it let mejust put my bag down and we get to work'The insect fully regained consciousness and started totweak its tiny little legs, Zora and Fiona where distractedwith assignments that Fiona forgot to cover the insectafter five minutes. The insect was not strong enough toescape it fell into Zora's laptop bag, an hour after studyFiona quickly "yelled oh no" Zora surprised and asked"what?Fiona "I forgot to cover the insect and now its runaway"Zora" you are telling me an insect am afraid of inloose in this room and we don't know where it is oh no amleaving I will come bag tomorrow after the de-infector mancomes and praise this room because he was supposed tocome, see you tomorrow Fiona am not staying any longer"As Zora quickly leaves the room as she collects her bagshe went straight home and took a shower, the insectcrowd out of her bag and moved around the house, asCrag got home he went straight to his room and took anap, the insect crowd into his room and on his body Cragwas fast asleep and the insect was lying next to him as he

9MANTIS NEWLY REBORNrolled over the insect with quick defense beat his rightshoulder ,and Crag stood up and looked for what had beathim as he took a nap and saw the insect on the flow tryingto escape and he quickly stepped on it.Zora had finished taking a shower and was about toleave, Mr David gave her a call asking where she hadmoved to, she apologized and told him her new locationshe had moved to with Crag in her aunt's house. MrDavid arrived thirty minutes after the call, he gave Zoraand Crag a big hag and asked to see the aunt. AsJessica the aunt came out she recognized him but hecouldn't recognize her, he told herMr David "am really sorry for your loss I just want tolet you know that Mr Nsofwa was a good friend of mine Iwon't let this case disappear ".Jessica" no its fine, and about the case officer don'tworry I am going to find the killers and make them pay".Mr David "ma'am please let the authorities handlethis issue I myself will make sure they pay because thisnews is really heart breaking".Jessica "what do you mean authorities officer?Because I am a detective, I already filed in the case in myname am in charge of the case, and since you where MrNsofwa's good friend the I would like to ask for your helpcatch these criminals since you know this place very well",

10MANTIS NEWLY REBORNMr David" oh! That's really surprising I didn't know youwere a detective ma'am, and yes pleas I want to be part ofthe investigation, I do know this place like the back of myhand".Meanwhile at MEDOTECH Mr Francis was enjoin hiswealth and decided to ask his scientist to make a newversion of his virus used to control people in the city, MrFrancis saw the news as he hears the news reporter saythat the death of two Mr and Mrs Nsofwa's death case isnow fully active as Detective Jessica Bwalya and officerDavid Mwanza have decided to run the case and makesure that the killers get what they deserve, Mr Francis wasnot happy about this he decided to call his daughter Ellawho is a lawyer for protection.Next morning Crag was not well he was too weak to getup from bed Zora told aunt Jessica about Crag'ssickness, he was rushed to the nearest hospital the doctorfound nothing wrong with him as a matter of fact he washealthier than anyone in the hospital that the doctor beganto question his family "What do you feed the boy youbrought here? his immune system is stronger than any ofus here and his heart is just ok and his weakness is nomore "Zora replied to the doctor" actually doctor Crag is mybrother and he loves doing exercise a lot and eating lots ofvegetables sir"

11MANTIS NEWLY REBORNDoctor Chris "wow amazing your brother really loves hishealth am really impressed, he can go home he is reallyfine now don't worry "Twenty minutes later in the car back home Zora toldCrag "why did you lie about your health his morningsaying you are not ok huh why?Crag "yo yo Zora chill I was really not well today assoon as I was brought to the hospital I felt batter, I willeven go to school there is still time, Aunt Jessy pleas dropme off at school".Jessica" oh alright Crag let me do that I drop you firstyour sister I think from there I will go to work"As Jessica drops of the kids, Crag on the other handwas not himself he felt different and quicker than ever hewas walking and sliding his hand across the school wallshe got stuck couldn't move his hand and looked around ifanyone was watching and quickly removed his handagainst the wall, he looked at his hand wandering whatjust happened, he thought it was an imagination so hetried it again but this time it didn't work he just laughed andwent to class, mean While at MEDOTECH, Mr Franciswas so insecure and winded to get reed of theinvestigation of the killing he was behind , he sent one ofhis guys to go get reed of officer David, so that the casewould change.That very day Mr Francis sent his guy over toOfficer David's Office to plant a Bomb and did just that,

12MANTIS NEWLY REBORNCrag had just knocked off from school and walked byOfficer David's Office and decided to see him.Crag "uncle David how are you? it's really beenlong ".David" oh Crag welcome am fine, and how are you doingyourself? how's home and everyone there?Crag "yes uncle everything is....As Crag was talking he felt something wrong in the roomand told his uncle to get up and leave his uncle wassurprised of what was going on and he asked his uncleagain, Uncle I Said get up now and leave because I feelsomething is wrong, as his uncle was looking around hegrabs his uncle and dragged him out as the officeexploded, they fell down in shock of what just happened.They stood up and wandered what was going on Cragexplained "I have not been feeling myself since yesterday Ican tell if something is wrong oh not and I felt some sort ofenergy in the room growing and it felt wrong for me, andthat's why I was telling you too get up.The uncle speechless just nodded his head in a yeswith his jaw down and decided to drive Crag home, as hegot to Cags home Jessica and Zora where just fromwatching the news and saw Officer David's office catchfire as they were watching they heard the car pull up, Zoralooked through the window and saw Crag and officerDavid parked and she quickly rushed out to see them,what happened she asked with shock as Jessica walks

13MANTIS NEWLY REBORNout , as Officer David was about to explain Jessica said "I thing we are up against a master mind killer because ifhe tried to kill you that means he knows us and where weare located and he knows how to do it without a problemso am sure he is coming for me next I have to be superprepared for him ".Officer David" you are right Jessica they are notjoking if it comes to killing am sure they are coming for younext and he might also come for the children we need tokeep them very safe".Zora" does that mean me and my brother are notsafe at all"?Crag "don't worry I will make sure that person pays theprice"Officer David" li you two just be strong nothing willhappen to you me and your aunt won't let anythinghappen toy you two, and as for you Crag what happenedtoday was just an instinct don't think you have powersbecause this is real life there is no such this as powers, sowhat you should do Crag is don't go to school tomorrowok stay home you can even go visit friends Oliver andApollo, but don't go too far from the house ok boy"Crag "alright uncle David I hear you".Meanwhile at the university of Losiram (UNL) Fionadiscovered a cure and called Zora excitedly,

14MANTIS NEWLY REBORNFiona "Zora I finally did it I found the cure of the virus Itested it on my friend who had it and he recovered and Ithing I can sell it at MEDOTECH".Zora" wow bestie wow great job and tell them to get usjobs there so that we can work at MEDOTECH and makemillions of money".Fiona" on it Bestie am on it right away, talk to you laterlet me just call them".Fiona call the agent at MEDOTECH and was giventhe direct call straight to Mr Francis he told her" how areyour young lady what do you mean you found the cure tomy sick I mean to the virus because it's impossible"Fiona "no sir it is not impossible I have found a cure sir"Mr Francis" what do you mean you found the cure whoelse knows about this?Fiona "only me and my best friend sir "Mr Francis" alright tomorrow, bring your friend and don'ttell anyone about it ok "Fiona" no problem sir will do just that"she was so happy and told Zora bout it right away nextmorning her and Zora went to the company and as theyarrived they were locked up in a room instruction by MrFrancis he didn't want anyone to ruing is plans, a weakhad passed, Jessica and Crag began to wonder whereZora had gone to because she did not tell anyone where

15MANTIS NEWLY REBORNshe had gone too and her phone was of they tried calling itnumber of times and still no response from her or herfriend Fiona , Fiona's family was worried so Fiona'sbrother and cousin went over Crags house to check if shewas there Oliver Fiona's brother and Apollo cousin gotto Crags house asking about her and they told them thatthey have not seen or heard from Zora and Fiona sinceFriday last week.Officer David and Detective Jessica went off a look forthe missing but Crag wouldn't just let it be he needed helpso he asked Apollo and Oliver for help and that's when heneeded a dress code they helped him look for a gooddress code, he told them " guys you been my friends sincewe were little today we are grown men and the day Zoraleft for her interview she told me not to tell anyone shewanted to surprise Aunt and Uncle David about her newjob at MEDOTECH and when she got there she texted methat she is at MEDOTECH but that was the last text shesent me I have a feeling she is over there and I just got togo find her.Oliver" and how do you intend to do that Crag?Crag "I think I have super powers"Apollo and Oliver laugh out loud ha ha ha and how didyou get them huh?Crag "ah let me just show you what I mean "

16MANTIS NEWLY REBORNCrag walk next to a wall and claimed it and just stayedthere looking at his friends Apollo and Oliver wheresurprised that their friend was on the wall they asked himhow this was possible he explained that that he was beatby a praying mantis, his friend took a while understandingbut in the end they did, he stood out with his look and toldhis friends to wish him luck, he was jumping from tree totree from building to house fence till he got to hisdestination that was late at night and he decided to crowthrough the window and in he went and took out two firstguard and was crowing through the buildings vents andheard Zora's voice trying to break something as Fionacries, he opened the vent in there room and Fiona tried toscream but Zora held her mouth and said "crag is thatyou? Crag responds with a "how did you know it was me?Zora "I know my brother very well what are you doing hereand how did you get up there?Crag" I will explain everything when we get home rightnow we got to get you guys out of here "As Crag opened the metal bars with his strength one ofthe guards heard a loud noise and decided to locate thenoise and saw them trying to escape so he started firinghis gun but Crag dogged all the bullets with his quickability he didn't know he had so as Zora and Fionaducked down from the gun fire, Crag beat up the guard sofast and told Zora we have to get going and they ranaway, as they got to the exit they found more guardswaiting for them, Crag folded his fist with Unger and made

17MANTIS NEWLY REBORNsure all of them got a beating, and they managed toescape as they got back home Crag told Zora I can't go inlooking like this he removed his outfit and they found auntand uncle discussing where Crag had gone too she wasabout to start crying, Crag Zora and Fiona jumped in thehouse in a rush and the uncle was surprised" what justhappened Zora where were you we looked everywherefor you and Fiona.They explained what had happened and Jessicafrom there knew whom the killer was that moment withUnger she got her gun and was about to drive toMEDOTECH but Officer David grubbed her hand and saidno we need to get him the right way because we don'teven have evidence we don't even know what he isplanning now that Zora and Fiona are here and free hewill definitely Deny that he had them in his keeps ,Jessica agreed and decided to go the and investigatesince the late Mr Nsofwa used to work there , next morningFiona went home and Jessica and Officer David drove toMEDOTECH with a warrant to search the building Ellarefused them to come in but Mr Francis smiled and toldthem to come in and search freely but Jessica Knew itwas a trap.They refused to go in but told Mr Francis that they willreturn soon they need to go do something, as they went inthe car David asked Jessica why didn't we just go in Shetold him that she saw the guards plan something she justhad a bad feeling so David agreed and said ok next time

18MANTIS NEWLY REBORNwe going with back up, next day they went there with buckup police officers they did not know that Crag had followedthem behind, as they got in the building , they got insearched the while building but found nothing, embracingthis was they left, Crag on the other hand sneaked in thebuilding to check for himself.As he used the vents he jumped into Mr Francisoffice he searched round he saw a photo of his dad withMr Francis together he felt touched and laid it down a dooropened behind him and he went in, he saw scientist in alab working on different kind of things, he was terrified andtried to run away he found Mr Francis in his office hisguards started firing gun shots to Crag he dogged all andmanaged to escape in fear he ran straight homeundressed and told his aunt and she asked him how didyou find that because we went in and found nothing andCrag said ' my friend told me there is a secret lab heworks there,Jessica "Crag listen to me there is nothing there wewere there too we searched the place found nothing Idon't know where all this is coming from but stop let thegrownups handle this"Crag" aunt listen to me please "Jessica" no Crag go to your room am not listening to you"Crag(thinking)" fine I will do it myself I will take thisman down on my own"

19MANTIS NEWLY REBORNHe steps out and sits on top of a roof thinking how is hegoing to stop what is happening he needs help he had anidea and knew what he had to do, next morning he calledhis friends Apollo and Oliver to visit him together theymade sure he looked great and they asked him what areyou going to call yourself he looked up and said MANTIS,they looked at each other exited and operation take downwas on, he went out back to MEDOTECH to take down MrFrancis he jumped building to building tree to tree hefinally got to his destination as usual he tried to use thevents they were blocked it's like Mr Francis knew the wayhe enters.He wanted to use another way he decided to use thewindows as hi he got in he saw two guards waiting for him,took them out he went looking for the office he found moreguards waiting for him he saw Mr Francis running yellingget him get him don't let him get it out, he folded his fistwith Unger, he made sure he gets all the guards, he beateveryone and got to the office the door locked he held thehandle and knocked the door down he saw the back dooropen he ran in.Mr Francis escaped with all his Henchmen he lookedfor them everywhere but found no one, he was upset hewent looking for them and couldn't find anything again hewent home disappointed and his friends Apollo andOliver where waiting for him he got back home

20MANTIS NEWLY REBORNdisappointed and sad, his friends told him not to give up atall, Mr Francis was so unconfutable with the visits he hasbeen having lately in his other hidden lab he told hisscientists make him soothing that can protect him hisdaughter was with him the lab and watched her father gettested on with several kids of testes, he was asked toinject himself with some sort of medicine that is unknownand he took a sip of some sort of medicine again, hegained super strength and he felt fearless on of thescientist tried to reduce the level in his veins but MrFrancis got him by the knack and threw across the lab ,with a deep laugh his daughter was terrified with the newversion of the father.Zora and the aunt wanted to take a walk that morningso that they can have a privet talk as they were walkingthey saw this car pull up, they tried to run two men cameout and grabbed them Zora screamed so loud Crag heardit not too far from home he knew it was his sister in troublehe ran out looking only saw tier tracks he was not happyhe went home called his friends they came over and theyhad to look for a plan as soon as possible Apollo was atech person he knew how to design technology machineryas for Oliver was a computer freak he knew how to hackstuff so he tracked Zora's cellphone as Apollo makessome gear for Crag new suit.He was ready to leave, his friends staid back directinghim and advising him he followed the tracker and foundhis way he didn't know how he was going to go in he, he

21MANTIS NEWLY REBORNwent to the back took out the first guards he found thistime he was faster, he made sure the coast is clear hefinally went in he found a huge lab in it he was sure it wasMr Francis's lab he just knew that he was there he foughtand fought also got beat up but he never gave up, MrFrancis was just watching what was happening he neversaid a word he just watched as him and his daughterlaugh at MANTIS get beat up.MANTIS was to weak he got tired he was browsed andgot shot on his right arm he fell on his knees and the mainBody guard to Mr Francis was about to blow his brains outMr Francis said "no wait let me finish this idiot myself firstlet's see who he really is" As Mr Francis got closer he tookthe mask off, shocked everyone was they couldn't believeit Mr Francis said "wait I think I know you, aren't youNsofwa's young boy? So you are here to revenge yourfather is that it? Because if it's so my dear boy you arewrong I killed your father and mother for a reason, you seethose two guys standing there? they are behind the killing,I told them to kill your father and mother for me, and nowyou will join them, say hi to your father for me tell him Ialways knew he was weak he didn't know power when hesees it.MANTIS was so surprised in tears he was so angryhe got up punched Mr Francis in the face but Francis didfeel a thing he laughed and stood MANTIS hit him againbut Francis was not feeling a thing he held MANTIS otherpunch and hit him in the ribs as MANTIS fell in pain

22MANTIS NEWLY REBORNFrancis said "you are as weak as your father was he wasjust so easy to kill I don't even regret killing him I enjoyevery moment of it, as I am going to enjoy this". He kickedMANTIS in his face he was beaten mercilessly he couldn'ttake it anymore; Francis was enjoying himself.Francis daughter started feeling like it was too muchshe yelled out loud "dad enough please stop you haveproven your point" Francis didn't want to stop she randown and held his hand" dad ok stop enough, don't killhim like this please" Francis grabs her and pushes heraway and says "watch me take the life out of him the sameway I will do to the rest of his family" MANTIS looked upinto his eyes and says "I won't let you hurt anyone else "he gets up as Francis throws blows he dodges all of themvery fast and grabs Francis hit his face multiple times.As Francis was down his Guards run in to help, MANTISwas unstoppable he didn't let them hurt him anymore, onebody guard threw a grenade MANTIS got it and threw itback that made a chemical reaction in the lab, MANTISgot up and started looking for his sister and aunt the Labwas about to self-destruct he looked around he heardZora's voice sounding tired up he followed the sound, ishe got closer he saw Zora and Jessica all tied up heuntied them and told them to follow him they followed himout and the building blew up at the other side he sawFrancis and followed him they stared fighting Jessicapicked up a weapon and aimed at Francis and short himon his shoulder and MANTIS kicked him to the ground .

23MANTIS NEWLY REBORNEveryone was catching their breath and Mr Francis'sdaughter that also made it out of the explosion came outwith some bags in her hand and handed it over to JessicaZora Collected it and new it was an anti-biotic for Francisand she Quickly injected him he lost his power, MANTISwas standing and taking his breath and saw Ella approachhim with his mask and told him " hi I think this belongs toyou and he collected t and out it on he looked back sawhis sister smile at him and aunt too moments later thepolice hard arrived and David was happy to have caughtFrancis in action his workers were found injured andothers dead . He looked at MANTIS and asked who is thatMANTIS quickly jump away and off he went. Mr Franciswas facing a lot of charges in his case Zora and her familywhere happy they finally got justice, MANTIS hanging onthe building said to himself "I finally got what I wanted thebad guys are behind bars and am free but the journey hasjust begun his is not the end of MANTIS.MANTIS and his friends work together to fight crime inthe city Zora and Fiona finally Work in A company theymade called SIBATECH with Ella as their new friend.The city was now protected safe and secure Jessica andDavid were promoted and run the stations in the city andMANTIS new story has just began MANTIS newly rebornTHE END OF CHAPTER ONE