Sergeant Kim, don't you see the similarity with the club murder?" Detective Gomez said aloud as he squat over a yellow crime scene barricade.
"The slash depth is the only thing similar, detective" Sergeant Kim who was behind him replied.
They moved down the plain and could see uniformed men covering the bodies around.
"It looks like an animal attack"
"I know Sergeant, the forensic team did put the bodies together, a total of twenty one bodies, ten died of gunshot injuries and the others, detached body parts, others ripped throat, lucky ones, broken hearts, do you still believe it's an animal attack?"
"Broken hearts, the report says four of them, an animal wouldn't go for the heart and then choose to detach the bodies of the others, it's mysterious"
"Exactly, I'm trying hard not to get confused, the bullets were analyzed, it matched with the guns found at the scene and the prints on the guns matched with that of dead bodies"
"They engaged in a gun battle, there's no further explanation if not for the slash marks and other causes of death, was there a CCTV footage?"
"No CCTV in this part of the woods Sergeant, we cannot say what happened, yet"
"And no animal prints were found around"
"Nothing sergeant, only human prints, I was thinking these people were probably killed somewhere else and dumped here but with the forensic report, it happened here, reports proves they died last night, same time someone called 911 to complain about gunshots in the woods "
" So what's your conclusion detective? "
" I don't know, they didn't find hairs in the scene that could prove an animal attack, we could have at least gotten a DNA "
" You believe this is linked to the former case? "
" If I can prove this, lieutenant might let me handle this case too, then I can compare the murders and come to a conclusion "
" You got lot of cases on your hand detective "
" But you got non, you'll assist as always "
" Detective "They heard a voice and turned to see Mrs. Gomez moving toward them.
" Hey, "He inhaled seeing her.
"Esther "
"Sergeant Kim, good to see you, hey Gomez are you free?"
"Of course"
"It's about the bullets found in the victim, I think one of the murder weapons is missing"
"Um, what are we talking about?"
"We linked the bullets to the various guns except for five which were pulled out of the men's skull, we're talking about an EAA Windicator revolver, and a 357 Magnum model"
"And the gun wasn't found at the scene"
"No except its still somewhere around"
"I'll have some officers conduct a proper search" Sergeant Kim told them and walked away.
Detective Gomez inhaled heavily and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Are you alright?" She inquired.
"Yeah, I've never been so confused in my life before"
"You're scale through, as always detective"
He smiled softly and she gave him a weird look.
"I love the way you call me detective at work instead of Gomez"
"Work ethics detective, you don't expect me to call you honey, I'll be off now"
"Alright, if there's more report just make sure you send them to my mail"
"And Dear, sorry, Nurse Esther"
She smiled softly and he cleared his throat.
"Kindly sent the model of the guns found at scene and most especially, the serial number on them and bullet, I've friends at the Interpol who can help find the manufacturer, we'll trace the sale record to know who bought the guns"
"Brilliant Head, Gotcha!" She winked and walked away.
The classroom was filled with noise as Elena walked through the crowd of students and found her way to her seat.
She looked around and was happy to find out that Sarah wasn't in the classroom yet.
All she prayed for right now was Jackson not reporting her to the bully queen who would take vengeance.
The new girl who had came to her rescue thought it was normal and had walked away, only if she knew that she just signed a torture contract with her act.
She felt guilty that someone was going to suffer like her now.
That was what she always tried to avoid.
"Hey!" A voice jerked her from her thoughts and she raised her head to see Tara.
"You again, what do you want?"
"C'mon, we ain't enemies,"
"Neither do I want us to be friends"
"That's harsh"
"Fine, I'm sorry but please leave, I don't want any friends"
"This isn't because you don't want friends, it's because of the b*tch, Sarah"
"Are you freaking serious?" They heard a loud voice and turned to see a dark skinned man with a textbook marching into the classroom.
"It's Mr. Hopkins" Tara mumbled.
"Yep, Physics, can you leave now?"
She didn't reply and walked away with a sad look.
"Sit down already" He yelled at a female student behind and picked his marker.
That was the typical Mr. Hopkins in action, always screaming out his lungs for little issues.
"Electrostatics" Mr. Hopkins announced and wrote on the whiteboard before turning to the students.
"Why the surprise look?, this isn't a new topic"
He tapped the board gently and covered the marker.
"I'm not gonna teach this twice so I'll need you all to get your ears widely open, no distraction....."
The door of the classroom pushed open slowly and everyone turned to see the figure at the entrance.
There she was in a off-the-shoulder shirt and paired with a ripped jean.
Her hairs were perfectly fine now making her cute face fully visible and her ocean blue eyes.
No one would definitely be able to resist the temptation of staring at her twice, take Mr. Hopkins for an example, his marker had fallen off his hand and he was yet to notice.
Elena's jaw dropped down, she couldn't believe as she wondered what she was doing here.
"Silvia Nicholas" She mumbled with trembling lips.
"Um... You....."
"New student" She saved Mr. Hopkins quickly from his stammering.
Squatting low, she picked up his marker and handed it over.
"Silvia Nicholas is the name"
"Oh, wow!, c'mon in" He told her and swallowed the saliva in her mouth.
Silvia walked away with each step of confidence that cannot be explained.
Fixing her gaze on Elena, she let out an infectious that revealed her purely white set of tooth.
She slowly closed her mouth leaving her lips on an oval shape that kept the students lost.
"And to our topic, Electrostatics.." Mr. Hopkins resumed his teaching but everyone's head were tilt to the direction where the new student was.
"Electrostatics!" He yelled with a voice that echoed all over the building of stardom of high.
The students were chased out of their imagination to open their books quickly.
"Electrostatics" He exhaled and opened his book with a straight look.
"Hey" She smiled and sat beside Elena who was still shocked with mouth wide opened.
Silvia used her fingers to shut it and beamed a smile again.
"Seriously?, What are you doing here?"
"C'mon, I'm your classmate now, ain't you glad?"
"You're.... ?"
"Mmm hmm, and now seatmate, does anyone seat here?"
She was too shocked to reply Silvia who took off her bag already.
"Well I don't care, I posses this place now"
"You changed your dress"
"I decided to look you know, hot, like damn, look at that beauty goddess, you know" She said laughing but Elena kept a straight fine.
"Not funny, let listen to the boring man, then"
"It's your first time in his class"
"I know boring people when I see"
Tara could be seen watching them with sweat forming in her forehead.
She wiped it off and tried to write on her book but her fingers were shaking.
"Really!" She said in a low tone and raised her to see Mr. Hopkins who was engrossed in whatever he was writing on the board.
It was noisy at Stardom Airport as a plane landed on the concrete runway, it speed slowly reduces as it covered a short distance and finally came to rest with an 180Β° turn.
Almost immediately, A blue limousine came into the scene with several vehicles of different brand following from behind.
They all came to halt at the side of the plane and the door of the limo slide open revealing Elvis who was in a red leather jacket.
He stepped out in his shiny pair of shoes and took off his dark shades.
The door of aircraft pulled opened with a projected staircase that land gently on the concrete, thereby revealing the old man who stood at the exit.
Seeing his grey hair and visible veins on his face, you could easily predict that he was between the age of 60-70.
The doors of the other vehicles behind pulled open and men alighted in their number.
In his overall coat he moved down the staircase to meet Elvis who had no exact emotion on his face.
"Garrick," He began.
"Son, it's good to see you again" His grumpy voice could be heard as he tapped him on the shoulder.
"You arrived earlier than I expected"
"That's right Elvis, I couldn't wait to kill your so rumored Nicholas Wolves"
"I'm not joking, Father"
"Let's save that for later, how's home?"
"Don't ask we that father, you know I don't have a wife"
"Your men are your family now, Elvis, and your daughter, how's she?"
"Typical girl, you know her already". He replied and they got into the vehicle.
"How's she coping without her mother?"
"Stop the Damn question, Garrick, stop talking about my wife, Anabel, we both know I had to do what needed to be done, it makes me feel bad when you talk about her"
"Fine, I guess we can talk about the new wolves"
"Or the deceptive idiot, I can't wait to kill her myself"
"We ain't killing the girl Elvis, we're not going to, how do you aim to become a better hunter when you don't know how to use a rare asset"
"You speak about been better father when we're breaking the rules of our ancestors"
"The goal is sending werewolves to extinction son, don't lecture me about the rules, you sit and listen to me"
"Fine then, what are you waiting for? , Badoo, drive!"