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Test #1 - Power

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Power8 months ago

Chapter 1 - Power

One person once said: If a crime can be settled with a fine, then that's only a crime to the poor, the catch is… every crime can be settled with enough money, so being poor… being weak is the only sin humans can ever commit




"Today on the news, the trial of Senator Jason Williams came to an end as Judge Miles ruled that there wasn't sufficient proof of the crimes that the senator was being accused of, here's what Senator Williams had to say about the judge's ruling"


"It's great that we still have people in this world that are worried about justice, I command Judge Miles for not bucking against peer pressure and instead doing the right thing. The people of America can sleep well today knowing that justice was served, and let's not forget the elections coming up, tonight is the so long expected ball where…"


Watching the TV with an unamused expression was James McCree, a 40-year-old veteran detective with a disheveled beard and messy hair


"What a shit show" The detective said calmly as he lit his next cigarette, an addiction that has been with him for years now


He was once a bright young detective, but he isn't naive anymore…




In a dark room the door opened, the light outside revealing a small kid curled up in the corner of the dark room, his eyes showing signs of recently crying


"I'm sorry son, I know I promised we would play today… but we got a new clue on that important case we've been working on the past month, I…"


The figure that opened the door told the kid tenderly, he started explaining himself but lost the energy to as he went on…


"It's okay dad, I… understand I'm being selfish" The small boy replied hesitantly while showing maturity beyond his age


"Sigh… how about this champ, next weekend I'll take you to the park so we can play double… no! Triple the amount we were going to today" The dad forced a smile and said to try and cheer up his son


"Okay, that's a deal" The boy composed himself and replied with a smile of his own


They were both liars…




 In front of a casket there was the small boy holding his mother's hand


"Why?" The boy asked amidst sobs


"Your father… he was strong… but also kind, that made him want to protect others" The mother explained with vacant eyes


"…Maybe it would've been better if he was weaker" the mother whispered as she joined her son in a choir of muffled sobs


That day the kid learned the burden of strength


And against his mother's wishes the kid grew up to follow on his father's footsteps




The boy… now a veteran detective woke up the next morning


'That dream again…' He thought annoyed


He got up slowly, the years of service showing in the number of grumbles it took just to get out of bed


He had to get ready for work, brushing his teeth the disheveled man didn't even bother with minor details like combing hair or shaving the unkept beard


Doming his work clothes that consisted of a rumpled trench coat, white shirt, black tie and black trousers


The man released a silent laugh looking at himself in the mirror


'You look tired' He thought in a self-deprecating manner




As the detective entered the police station it ended up grabbing the attention of a young officer


"Hey, Tony. Who is that guy that just walked in?" The young officer asked in a whisper to his senior partner


"Oh, I almost forgot you're new here… that's James, he's a detective just like the others you've met last week" The senior officer explained dismissively 


"…but why is everyone looking at him that way, if I didn't know any better, I would've thought a well-known criminal just walked in" The young officer questioned once again


"Sigh, people don't like him, they say he's just a grumpy old man that always thinks he's the smartest in the room" The senior officer explained patiently


"…others think that… what about you then? What do you think?" The young officer saw himself becoming more curious about the weird detective


"I… think he's the smartest person in the room" The senior officer replied


"…but sometimes that isn't good for you" He added somberly


The young officer understood his partner didn't want to talk anymore; after taking a last look at the disheveled detective he went back to paying attention to the documents in his desk and continued his work


Suddenly everyone heard


"Look who we got here, Mr. Sherlock Holmes. It is a pleasure for you to grace us with your magnificent presence" An unkept police officer said loudly with a contemptuous smile


The detective looked in the officer's direction for a split second, before he kept walking, ignoring the man completely


The smile vanished from the cop's face, he blocked the detective's path and whispered


"Listen here, you arrogant fuck, maybe you were big shot a million years ago but nowadays everyone knows you're just a useless…"


"McCree, McCree…" A loud and imposing voice could be heard coming from deeper into the station interrupting the cop's rant


The cop looked back into the station before turning to the detective once again


"Ha, the captain is calling you" The cop's smile returned as he stepped aside…


The detective gave one last look at the unkept cop before continuing his way


Opening the door at the end of the station McCree spoke first


"Are you looking for me?"


"McCree… sit down first" The captain sighed tiredly


Closing the door and sitting down in front of the captain's desk McCree asked impassively


"Is something wrong?"


"Don't play dumb with me McCree, you know why I called you here…" The captain replied


McCree still didn't react in any way, almost as if he had no clue what the captain was talking about


Seeing the lack of reaction of his old friend the captain sighed once again

"I should have never given you the Williams case… I was naive…" The captain said tiredly while running his hands through his face


"…you know, when I found out that the son of my deceased partner wanted to become a detective 20 something years ago, I did everything to bring you to my department, I thought that maybe I could be the wings that protect you just like your father was to me" The captain reminisced sadly about the past


The captain looked McCree in the eyes, it was clear to see the sadness reflected in his pupils


"But now I became part of your downfall, one way or another… say McCree, do you want a cigarette?"


The impassive detective finally showed a reaction, his eyes widened for a second looking into the captain's eyes before returning to normal


"Sigh… so they got me, how?" The detective head dropped backwards as he looked to the ceiling, almost as he was looking past it


"Does it even matter? Whatever they could come up with to make sure you never see the light of day again" The captain replied


"You knew this was going to happen and you did it anyway… all I wanted of my best detective was for you to investigate just enough so that the victim could receive some form of financial compensation, we both know that poor girl could use the money after all she's been through…"


"Opening up old cases, chasing leads… you even used your credentials to get into that beneficent ball venue trying to gather any and all evidence to bring a senator down, I don't know if you're smartest or the dumbest person I know!" The captain said getting more and more worked up


Unfortunately for him the subject of his anger kept looking at the ceiling… the truth is, he always knew this day would come eventually, he just didn't know how it would happen


What people don't talk about the abyss… is that you never forget what you saw


"You know better than anyone that all I ever wanted in life was to bring justice to these monsters" The detective expressed calmly


"Sigh, you… are not wrong McCree, but the world is…" The captain whispered one last time before getting up from his seat


"James McCree, you're under arrest for forgery of evidence, suspicion of conspiracy to commit first degree murder and acceptance of bribery to facilitate drug trafficking. You have the right to remain silent…"


'I'm sorry, but I have a family of my own'




In a damp cell the… former detective sat pensative looking out of the small window


In the background a TV was reeling the news, the world was moving on regardless of the detective's situation


No one knew what this detective was thinking, he barely had any reaction to what had happened, almost like a spectator who is removed from the events


Outside the cell in the distant corridor slow footsteps could be heard


"Well, well, well… Mr. Sherlock Holmes" A snarky voice sounded from the other side of the bars


Even with closed eyes the detective knew who came to visit him, after all there's only one person that call him that


"So, you are the one who's going to finish the job" He asked with his eyes still closed


"Ding, ding, ding. Right on the money McCree" The cop said mockingly


"You can pretend to still be calm, but you should know you're not getting away this time…" The cop switched from his mocking behavior to showing serious anger against the jailed man "…Do you know how many times I got beat up by my connections because you solved some shit when I was responsible for making it disappear?"


"It's not my fault that you're just bad at both of your jobs" McCree replied


The anger in the cop's face intensified before he smiled


"There's no point in being mad against a corpse… tell me this McCree, in this world, is it the most powerful the ones that survive? Or are they the most powerful because they are the ones that survived?" The cop asked with a sneer


"You should have minded your own business McCree, maybe accepted a bribe or two, all you had to do was look the other way once in a while" He added, crouched to look directly at McCree's eyes


"Ha… ha, ha, ha"


McCree, the impassive detective… started slowly laughing, one that eventually became a laughing fit, the type that would make your belly hurt


You would think he have just heard the funniest joke, not that he was a dead man spending his last moments into a dampen cell


Even the corrupt cop that was hiding a loaded gun couldn't help but feel goosebumps looking at the man in the cell laughing


"What's so funny?" said the cop reluctantly


"It's just funny you know… these men… just like you they walk around feeling superior to those around them, they oppress the weak and bow to the strong, they think they hold power… but all they have is the illusion of power…"


"I'll show them, I'll show them all WHAT TRUE POWER IS!" The detective in the cell exclaimed fanatically with a smile


The cop's eyes widened in shock, but he relaxed a little realizing this man has already gone crazy


"Sigh… looks like killing you won't be as fun as I thought"


Suddenly the TV caught the attention of the cop who turned around as an emergency announcement rolled in


"Breaking News, a terrorist attack has just been caried out in the beneficent ball organized by the government, an explosion high enough to be seen from miles away caused the building to collapse minutes ago. Right after the attack the terrorist organization released, what is being called by experts, as multiple fake evidence against some of the attendants…"


"…no number of causalities has been confirmed, but we'll keep you upgraded on the situation"


The cop felt all his hair stand, he didn't know why… but he had chills all over his body… could it be…?


He slowly turned around to look at the crazy man insane the jail cell, but for a moment the world seemed to come to a halt for the corrupt cop


'Devil…' he thought


The man on the cell… was smiling, a smile so big it was almost deformed


"Ah…" The man sighed with satisfaction




Finally, the day had come… only he knew how many years it took to set up this plan of his, now all he felt was absolute bliss


After a couple of seconds of fumbling




Two shots ranged out


The smoking gun in the corrupt cop was trembling, even as he shot this devil twice in the chest, he couldn't help but fear the jailed man


"WHAT YOU DID WON'T CHANGE ANYTHING… YOU'LL DIE ANYWAY" The cop screamed at the dying man


"You still don't get it do you?" The man replied weakly as he looked at the bullet holes and the blood that was rapidly leaking out of them


"…I won't live to see it, but the seed has been planted… It will be watered by the sons and daughter of victims, groomed by the kind people that still walk the earth… and bloom into a beautiful tree of revolution…" The man smiled as he fell face forward into the ground, his eyes looking into the distance almost as if he could see the future that was about to unfold




In a desolate alley, the same jailed man lays unconscious before waking up gasping for breath rapidly




"What the fuck happened?" He said extremely confused