She was captivated by the smiles of the beautiful girl who stood near Nicole on the photo,she considers that girl to be Brunita, Nicole's and Corey older sister.
Her smiles was so beautiful and she looks carefree on the picture.
Mr Lawson stood besides their mother with a baby in his hands.
The picture was so cute and Aria couldn't stop but stare.
She noticed that Mario and Jake had no picture of their own on the wall,the only pictures they had was them standing with Corey.
"Like what you see?" The deep voice of Corey startled her and she looked down.
He was sweaty from head to toes, even his hair was wet from the sweat.
"Where are you coming from? I woke up alone in this big house,no you,no Mario and no Jake."
"Sorry babe,I went to the gym to get fit. You were sleeping so peacefully and I didn't want to disturb you." He said climbing the stairs to get to her.
He planted a kiss on her left jaw because she didn't give her mouth and held her waist tightly.
"I have to get ready Corey,let go."
"Get ready for what?"
"Today is Saturday,I have to do my laundry,and I have to do it early before the other girls at the dorm,or I won't be able to use the watching machine. And also don't forget,we still have Mr Taylor's work to present."
"Babe, we're going in a date. Saturdays are for relaxing;not working."
"Well for you,but not me." She said when she pushed him gently, causing him to hit the wall behind him.
"Okay babe, let's make a deal. I will do your laundry and iron it. All you have to do is go out with me for the entire day."