Corey was astounded by how she spoke to him, "Nobody force you to ma'am,we had an agreement and you should have waited for today."
"Arguing with you is useless. I took down some points when studying last night,take a look at it." She gave him the three sheets in the middle of her book.
"This is impressive but it doesn't correspond with our work. Can I see the books you got from the library?"
They spent the next two hours with their assignment until it was time for her next class,she and Corey split the work in two halves and each person took thiers,they were to work on it all night and review it together the next day.
Aria got through with her class and when to the canteen to sit and grab some food,she ignored calls from Linda and Ethan,she wanted to be alone and focus on her work.
After eating she went into the library,she knew Linda and Ethan would be home by now because it was getting dark. There were few students in the library,most of them were home or on their way home.
Aria loss track of time completely,it was when the librarian told her that it was time to close the library before she realize she was the only student there. She look at her wrist watch and the time was 10:55, "damn! How did I loss track of the time!"