"Haba Linda, Autumn is very popular here,I don't want to be caught talking trash on her name please."
Aria jerked the moment she heard her sister's name,"Autumn?" She asked herself.
She tried to listen to the girls conversation more but they've stopped talking.
" Have you heard of Autumn Ray?" She asked Ethan.
"I'll be back." She said and moved to where the two girls were seated. "Hi,I'm Ariana,can I sit with you?"
"Sure",Linda said.
"You're new here?" The other girl reading the book asked.
"Yeah, today is my first day here."
"I'm Josephine and she's Linda, we're freshman also,but this is our second semester."
"Hi girls,can I join you?"
"Wow,so strange to see that someone wants to be our friend." Linda said.
"Why,it doesn't happen often?"
"Forget it Ariana." Josephine said,"My class is two minutes from now,I have to get going,will catch you around"
Josephine left and Aria called Ethan to sit with she and Linda.
"So Linda,I heard you guys talked about Autumn,is it Autumn Ray?"
"Of course, which other Autumn would it be if not Ms ' annoying '."
"How is she?"
"How will I know how she is? She's a jerk, I'll advice you stay away from her."
"She's my sister,I'm Ariana Ray and she's Autumn Ray. I lost communication with her years back."
"Really?"Ethan asked.
"Yes, she's the reason I came to NYU."