The day went by smoothly,Autumn chatted with her friends all day,Sofia and the other girls confirmed that they also got an admission letter.
Ray came home nine o clock,he had a happy look on his face.
Due to Judy connections, he managed to purchase five plane tickets for him and his family, they'll be leaving tomorrow for Florida.
"You look happy today", Lorraine said when she opened the door for him.
Aria and Autumn were watching a Chinese series called " The last Monk",they waved at their father and went back to their movies. Larry was upstairs playing some video games.
" I have good news for everyone", Ray said.
"Oh! Before you give your good news, Autumn got admission into college...yeyyy",Aria said with much joy.
He had a satisfactory look on his face "I'm proud of you Autumn baby, Keep on making daddy proud. At least you're doing great than your brother."
He got a quick and hard glance from Lorraine but he ignored it,thank God Larry wasn't here to hear this.
"Okay not to waste time.....taaataahh", he said taking out the tickets.
Autumn and Aria looked at it and yelled in happiness "we're going to Miami" they said together. They held each other hands and swing around the living room,almost destroying one of the flowerspot.