Chereads / Star Bound Sorcerous / Chapter 96 - Book 5, chapter 22

Chapter 96 - Book 5, chapter 22

With only a day and a half before the war council, Zee skipped her classes, using the time to prepare. She had considered refusing an imperial summons, but Allison had quickly advised against the idea. There would be serious consequences for such public rebellion. 

"Tell me again why I can't simply ignore the summons and not attend the war council?" Zee asked. 

The brush Allison was holding snagged in Zee's hair, giving her scalp a painful tug. Wincing, Zee shifted in front of a full body mirror, while Allison stood behind her, brushing out her hair. 

Allison gestured with her brush at Zee in the mirror. "You can't ignore the summons because it's against the rules. Defiance of that nature will not be tolerated. If you want to rebel, you need to be subtle. Outwardly, you are in support of the emperor, but, in certain ways, you may display your dissatisfaction," Allison said, giving Zee a telling look.

"This is stupid.. There are rules to rebelling against the emperor?" Zee complained.

Allison poked Zee on the back of the head with her brush.

"Of course there are rules. You are dealing with imperials, and high level nobility. The rules are not the same ones I had to follow back home, but they are close enough," Allison said.

Zee swore under her breath. "And prey tell, how can I show my displeasure without breaking the rules?" Zee asked. 

Allison reached over Zee's shoulder, revealing a fancy broach on her open palm. 

"Let's start off by pinning this broach to your dress," Allison said. 

Zee glanced down, noting a broach in the shape of a flower. Made of a reflective white metal, its pedals were some type of gem that glinted beautifully.

"It's pretty, but how will jewelry help with anything?" Zee asked with furrowed brows. 

Allison smiled. "Your grandpa visited me earlier today and gave this to me. This is a broach that belonged to Julian's late wife, Verenia. More importantly, Julian gifted this broach on the day that Verenia revoked her noble title. It was also the day they married," Allison said.

"You think it will piss off the emperor?" Zee asked, much more interested in the gem studded broach now.

"According to Julian, the fact that you are wearing this will make the emperor furious," Allison said. 

Zee grinned. "That is quite devious. I must say, I didn't expect grandpa to actually help me," Zee said.

"He said it was part of his apology," Allison said.

She nodded. "He still has a lot to answer for, but this is a step in the right direction," Zee replied.

Behind her, Allison gave her a teasing smile. "You know, I feel like the roles are reversed now. It wasn't so long ago that I was the princess, and you were the country bumpkin," Allison said.

Zee rolled her eyes, as Allison expertly started to weave her hair into a fancy braid.

"I am no princess," Zee replied.

"Sure you are, and everyone knows it. It's about time you stop sulking, and focus on what you can do," Allison said, her tone mildly chastising.

Zee grumbled, but didn't have a counter. She didn't like it, but Allie was right. Denying reality never fixed anything. 

She took a deep calming breath. Her fate wasn't sealed just yet. There was still a way out, she just had to find it.

"Any other ideas aside from the broach to show my displeasure?" Zee asked.

Still weaving her hair into intricate knots, Allison smirked. 

"I hear the emperor doesn't like the color yellow. In fact, I hear he dislikes it so much that no one wears it to functions he is attending. It's not explicitly stated, but yellow is effectively banned from imperial court," Allison said. 

"That sounds perfect. Do you happen to have a bright yellow dress?" Zee asked hopefully..

Allison snorted. "Of course I do. Who do you take me for?" 

"You are the best!" Zee said. "How did you get it on such short notice?"

"Acquiring the dress was easy. Your favorite tailor in district two was more than willing to accommodate my request once he heard who the customer was. He even threw in a pair of his finest shoes at no extra cost," Allison said.

Zee grinned. "I thought I was going to hate this, but who knows, the war council might be fun," Zee said.

Allison laughed. "That's the spirit! Now, we need to discuss your attitude. At the war council you need to be on your best behavior. You need to comport yourself with the utmost dignity. If you are above reproach, the emperor will be forced to put up with your style of dress," Allison said. 

"That's devious, I like it," Zee said.

Allison shook her head. "This is just the start. Taylor gave me a list of people, clans, and houses that are in opposition, or are known to go against policies invoked by the emperor," Allison said.

Zee cocked her head. "There will be people of opposing factions attending the war council? I thought it was only the emperor's highest ranking staff?" Zee asked.

"That is complicated. Just because he is the emperor doesn't mean he holds all the power. The Lorocan empire is vast, with hundreds of planets. No one person, no matter how powerful, can manage an area that massive. 

In order to maintain control, the emperor must appoint people to manage different areas of his territory. That comes with drawbacks. It gives the people he appoints power and influence. Given he can remove them under certain circumstances, these people will not go against him directly. In fact, there are rules they must follow, just like you.

As long as they play by the rules, they are safe from being removed from their positions of power even if they go against the emperor. Well, there is nothing the emperor can do legally," Allison said.

"Just like duke Valac? The emperor cannot get rid of them until they actively break the law?" Zee asked.

"That is a good example, though the problem with Valac was on a much smaller scale. Still, in either case, It's very difficult to get rid of an entrenched noble," Allison said.

"That makes sense. But why do you want me to ally with these nobles who oppose the emperor? Isn't that a bad idea?" Zee asked skeptically.

Allison shook her head. "It all depends on the outcome you want. If you wish to do this properly, you will need to make allies in both friendly and opposing factions," Allison said

"Why should I make connections with allies of the emperor? Isn't that counter productive?" Zee asked. 

"No.. Just because someone is allied with the emperor, doesn't mean they are well liked by his faction. For example, the treasurer is probably the most disliked person in the imperial court, and he is allied with the emperor. Speaking of which, you need to spend as much time as possible conversing with him. It will help alienate the courtiers," Allison said.

While Allison helped Zee get ready, she went over a list of things Zee needed to keep in mind. The list ranged from how to address the people she should talk to, as well as people she should avoid. It was like a strategy game, one Zee didn't feel prepared for. 

Even after about an hour, one thing still didn't make sense. 

"Hey, Allie."


"Remind me again why I am wearing a gaudy dress for a war council? I get the whole yellow thing, but wouldn't my combat gear be more appropriate?" Zee asked.

"No, this is primarily a political function. Plus, the only ones allowed to openly carry weapons in the presence of the emperor are the imperial guard. It's a moot point considering how powerful the current emperor is, but thousands of years of tradition cannot be ignored," Allison said. 

Zee could only shake her head. "You have only been here a few years, how do you know so much?" Zee asked. 

"After placing highly in the tournament last year, It allowed me to make a few connections with people in high places. You would be surprised by the things you can learn by listening to the scions of high nobility gossip," Allison said. 

Zee sighed. "You are a-lot better at this than me. If I ever get forced to be the empress, I will just hand over the crown and the gaudy chair to you," Zee said.

Allison laughed, "Ohh, no! There is no chance. I didn't even want to be the princess of a small kingdom on a backwater planet. Ruling the Lorocan empire sounds a hundred times worse," Allison said with amusement in her voice. 

"Worth a shot," Zee muttered.

Allison slapped her playfully on the shoulder. "Alright, you are done," Allison said. 

Zee spun, allowing the dress to twirl side to side as she got a good look at herself in the mirror.

The yellow dress fit her wiry body perfectly. The tailor had done a splendid job to help accentuate her curves, though he didn't have much to work with.

Unlike Allison, Zee was lacking in the curves department. Even so, the way the dress clung to her body, leaving most of the upper chest and shoulders bare was a good look. 

It was the tailor's attempt to show off some of cleavage, or what little she had.

The dress was sleeveless, with two thin straps to keep it from falling down. 

The dress clung tightly to her narrow hips, flaring out around her knees in several layers of silk. When she twirled, the fabric rustled like waves on the sea. 

She had the white metal broach with the glimmering pedals pinned to her dress on the left side of her chest. With her hair done up in a fancy braid, and expertly applied makeup on her face, she had to admit; she looked pretty good. 

Allison still looked better, and would even if she wore only rags. Zee could only shake her head. Comparing oneself to such a physically gifted scoundrel was bound to create a sense of inadequacy. 

"Thanks for the help Allie. I should probably get going," Zee said.

"No problem," Allison said.

Everything appeared to be in order. She even had her necklace that contained her spatial storage around her neck. It was a silver chain, with a single black teardrop. 

If Zee was being honest, the space inside was incredibly small, and not very well made. She could easily make one far better these days, but didn't have the heart to replace the necklace.

It was a momento, something her mother gave her on her sixteenth birthday. 

She could just make another one, or ten more, for that matter. The problem lay in the fact that having multiple pocket spaces in such proximity could create problems. Spatial energy was inherently chaotic, and needed to be reined in to be used. Having one spatial storage was quite safe, having multiple, not so much.

Each pocket of space created a resonance, one that would interact and create conflict with other nearby spaces.

It would create a feedback loop that could eventually go horribly wrong. Considering each one contained enough spatial energy to rip a house apart, the person wearing them would not have a good day.

Or, in master Anton's words, 'there won't even be blood left of the idiot who ignores my warning.' Zee remembered that lecture distinctly, though she was kind of insulted that he had been looking right at her while he said that last part. Hmm, perhaps she could remove all the energy inside, get a jeweler to-repair the damage, and then remake it? 

Zee shook the thought from her mind, no time for that right now. The rest of the team were sitting around the kitchen table, looking up as Zee and Allison entered. Dressed in her gorgeous dress, with her hair done up, she walked out into the dining room. 

Malden was the first to see her, and much to her displeasure, he performed an extremely deep bow.

"Your imperial highness," he said with a needle toothed smile.

"Don't do that Maldy, you are going to make me sick," Zee said.

His grin only widened further. "I must say, I am quite worried for the future of the Lorocan empire. Having a farm girl as the heir apparent is a recipe for disaster," Malden said, amusement in his voice. 

"At least having a farm girl is better than having an oversized house cat as ruler," Zee retorted.

"You know, I can't tell if they are flirting or not, should I be worried?" Bastion asked.

Malden scoffed. "You can keep the farm girl Bass, she is not my type," Malden said.

"But a house cat is?" Zee asked. 

Malden's ears twitched in embarrassment.

"It's not like that, fluffy is just a pet," Malden said. 

Zee only grinned, which seemed to make him more embarrassed.

Teasing Malden was one of her favorite pastimes. He would no doubt find a way to embarrass the crap out of her later. 

That's what she liked about Malden. He was never one to back down from some verbal sparring. 

They conversed for a few minutes, which was already pushing it. Factoring in the ride to the imperial palace, she didn't have much time left. Just as she had that thought, Dern spoke in her mind.

"A fancy carriage just rolled up. It's waiting outside the front gate," Dern said.

"The carriage is here, I got to go," Zee said, moving towards the door. 

Taylor fumbled inside a satchel at his hip, reminding Zee that the pesky living book was locked in her room. It was going to be extremely grumpy when she got back, but that was better than it causing mischief at the war council.

Taylor offered her a stack of papers with elegant handwriting.

"What are these?" Zee asked.

"You have about a half hour to reach the palace from here. That will give you some time to memorize all the clan crests, and house names I have compiled," Taylor said. 

"Thanks, that will be a big help. Alright, I will see you all later," Zee said, giving them all a wave.

"Good luck," Bastion called.

"Just remember to be above reproach, let your clothing do the talking," Allison said.

Greg gave her a nod, while Yukna and Taylor smiled encouragingly. 

Just before the door could swing shut, Malden shouted, "Don't blow up the palace," 

With a smile, she descended the front steps, eying the carriage just beyond the gate as she crossed the front yard. 

Lacquered panels of green and gray wood made up its intricately designed exterior. With several gray flags with imperial heraldry fluttering from the roof, the carriage stood out like a lizard in a ball gown.

The escort didn't help either. One of them peeled off from the ten man escort, walking over and bowing deeply.

"Your highness, I am captain Cornell, and will be in charge of your escort. Draveroc al Farsaic has it inside the carriage and awaits your convenience." 

Zee grimaced, tossing a scowl at the carriage, which as expected was blocked off from scanning by arrays.

Cornell must have noticed her disdainful glance, as he straightened his back. 

"If the lady prefers some peace and quiet, perhaps you would like to ride beside the driver? I hear that seat is quite comfortable," Cornell suggested. Zee couldn't help but smile. She liked this man already. 

The driver looked about ready to faint as she leapt up and lit gracefully on the seat next to him.

"Don't mind me. You won't even know I'm here," Zee said.

The driver gave a what the hell look to Cornell, but the man had already turned his back and was moving back to his escort. 

Cornel gestured them forwards. The springy seat under her jolted as the driver cracked the reins, and the guard lurched forward. 

A sense of giddiness washed through Zee as the carriage shot forward. It moved with impressive speed up the street, being pulled by a bulky lizard of some rare breed. 

The imperial guard was on foot, and yet they set a rapid pace. Their auras were tightly controlled, but she could still feel the way the world river reacted to their presence. Twenty D grade combat cultivators as escort might be a bit overkill, but she supposed it kind of made sense. 

There were not just ten in front, but ten imperial guards following. It was a display of power, and also prestige. That sneaky emperor was showing everyone just how much he valued her as his heir. Zee doubted everyone got this kind of treatment. The procession definitely drew a crowd, which started cheering for some reason. 

Zee had never had people cheering for her before, much less thousands of people lining up along the streets. She wasn't sure if she disliked it or not. Part of her regretted not riding inside the carriage, but not overly so. Enduring the cheers of random strangers was a lot more enjoyable than talking with Draveroc. 

Besides, this was a great way to express her defiance. On the driver's seat she could show off her bright yellow dress which was on full display.

Rumors would hopefully spread like wildfire. All she had to do was smile and occasionally wave.

Zee had been hoping to go over the documents Taylor gave her, but that was difficult with so much chaos around her.

It was hard to focus on the documents when her Spatial Ripple skill amplified all cheering and movement. She tuned it out best she could, but there was turning off her sensory skill. 

In times like this, it was more of a hindrance than help. 

Thankfully, the carriage took less than a half hour to arrive at the imperial palace. The crowds were even more overwhelming the closer they got, at-least until the cart entered the palace proper.

Then there was blessed peace and quiet as they entered the sound canceling arrays on the courtyard to the palace proper.

Zee sighed in relief. That was a bit too much excitement for one day. 

Following a roundabout, the carriage came to a halt. A servant rushed over with a stool to help her down, but Zee simply leapt down herself. Giving the startled woman a smile, Zee strode forward, headed towards the wide double doors. She didn't mean to snub the poor woman, but she did not want it to seem like she was with Draveroc. 

Standing near the far wall in the opulently decorated ballroom, Julian heard the doors open. A smile tugged at his lips as Zee walked in, not even bothering to pause and give the crier a chance to prepare.

The bright yellow of her dress made him want to burst out laughing. The broach was a nice addition, as well. The contrast with her bright red hair and violet eyes was quite stunning.

She definitely got her good looks from Verenia, not to mention the fiery temper. His mirth fled as she descended the staircase to the ballroom floor.

Sensing a very slight disturbance, his eyes flicked to her shadow, and the creature that hid within. His brows furrowed. It wasn't the spectral, nor the Ashary, but something much more insidious. Julian's blood boiled at its presence. He really didn't like that thing to be so close to his granddaughter, but this was a part of the agreement.

The emperor would watch over Zee, and in return, Julian would join a strike group on a top secret mission. Knowing the emperor sent The Hand was both a comfort and caused a sense of unease. That neat freak of an abomination would kill Zee without a second thought if it benefited them. 

The emperor must have offered a very exorbitant fee to contract to the services of such an infamous assassin. Julian just barely held himself back from unleashing his most powerful skill to annihilate the creature. First off, the attack would kill Zee, and secondly, the assassin would doubtlessly escape such a frontal assault.

After fighting the thing in the past, Julian knew all too well just how difficult it was to kill.

His glare must have drew its attention as there was a soft probing on his mental defenses. With a growl, a raspy voice entered his mind. 

"If you keep staring, and get my presence discovered, my contract is void," It threatened.

Julian realized some of his aura was leaking out, and quickly reined it in. His anger burned, but he did as it asked. If its contract was voided, the creature would leave, or it might kill Zee out of spite. It was hard to tell with such a vile abomination. For now, he would have to endure, and pretend like it wasn't there.

If only the others in the room could detect it. There would be an uproar if the people in this room knew such an infamous assassin was hiding in their midst.

 Plastering on an expression of forced calm, Julian focused on Zee, who had noticed him and was crossing the room to where he was leaning on the wall.