A man stave over ther not by food lacking but to not scare if today im tomorrow will be how that IS the Brain of one of the Maniac man ever existing in the World but let go back why existing could so impressive for a living person the man have sicilian familly but he was in chi town he IS thé father of that state economicly one day je sais to his what honesty,dignity those stuff you know my parents in use to Whisper every single day inour existing After the first words the man see it IS how the dentiste use to use while destroy our by whispering the good word in our ears to accept the if itll be case thé man love his daddy he follow thé steps of his daddy by being a faithful person have intégrité work hard and so one one day while working they where in a industry the man almost Lost Lost his finger je IS kind with the boss but that his thé thing made him mad he Saïd let me try the other side of the médaillon on his stomach to sée if his daddy wasnt wrong you know will happen