Chereads / Birth Of An Alpha / Chapter 4 - Four

Chapter 4 - Four

I knew that I would get lucky tonight and I was hoping for it the entire night last night when I could not stop thinking about Madeline. Then, when she threw me on the bed and straddled me. I knew that the moment has arrived.

But then something completely different happens and something that I never thought I will see in my life. This beautiful woman turns into the ugliest woman that I have ever seen. Her beautiful green eyes turn into red eyes. Her beautiful blonde hair turns into a greyish color.

Her voice that had me completely hypnotized suddenly changed into a rough rusty sound. I want to get her off me but I have no power against her.

"What the fuck?! What did you do to Madeline?"

She lifts up her face to the sky and starts to laugh from her stomach.

"I am Madeline, you pathetic excuse for a man. I have been sent to teach you a lesson. A lesson that you will never forget"

Fear is not the emotion that I am experiencing now. It is more as if I am in some kind of horror movie. I want to pinch myself to wake up because it is a nightmare that I find myself in. I can feel myself starting to tremble and all I can do is speak because I can not run.

"What do you want from me?! What have I ever done to you?!"

She looks back at me and then smiles. Her breath is that of dead animals.

"You have done nothing to me but you were just about to do something. I gave you a chance to treat me well but all you want is for me to give my everything to you and then you treat me like I am nothing after you got what you wanted"

"I never intended to make you feel bad"

"Just like you never intended to make every girl in this bed feel bad about themselves?"

"What girls are you talking about?! I have been good to every girl in this bed"

"Now now now...I am sure that you think you have been good to them but then after you got what you want you to throw them out like some garbage that you would never need again"

"That is not true! I give them a note and they understand"

Then suddenly I see her eyes filling with fire and it is clear that she is very mad. Then a cloud appears in my room with all the girls that I had fun with, in this room. I see each and every one of them crying in their rooms and some of them tearing up my posters.

"They understood?! You are more delusional than what I thought!! This is why I will teach you a lesson that you would not ever forget"

I do not know what to do to get out of the situation but I have to find a way. At this moment I am afraid for my life and I am not sure that I would come out of this alive. I never realize what I have done to all these girls and it has not been my intention.

"Since you like notes so much. I will see to it that you get what you deserve in a note..."

And then without warning, she is gone, as if she has never been in my room. I jump up from my bed and run around the room trying to find her. But I do not even see a trace that she was in my room.


What is going on?! What just happened?! Where is she?! Who is she?! I have so many questions running amok in my mind. I do not know if I have to cry or scream or shout or even swear. What was she talking about a note? What lesson is she going to teach me?

I am not very sure whether I am awake or asleep. I know that I am exhausted after a show and I guess I must be sleeping. Maybe I am hallucinating. I am trying to think whether I took any pills before I fell asleep but nothing comes to mind.

I start to wonder whether I even saw her at the show or not. I quickly take out my phone and text Bruno.

"Can I ask you a question?"

It's not long after I sent the text that I get one back.

"Yes sir. What can I help you with?"

"Did you pick up a girl with blonde hair and green eyes? She had a red dress on and brought her to my house?"

"Yes sir. The woman from the show. Is everything okay?"

"I am not sure. Can you come and pick me up and take me to her house?"

"Yes sir. I will be there in ten minutes"

"Thank you"

I have to see for myself if I am seeing things and I want to go and confront her. Who dares to come to my house and tell me what I am doing wrong? I quickly make my way downstairs and then Bruno picks me up.

"Please take me to where you picked up Madeline. I need to see it"

"Yes sir"

He does not drive for too long and then I see him circling. I let down the partition in the limo that separates me from the driver and then I say.

"What is going on?"

"Sir, I do not understand. I am very sure that I picked her up from this address"

"What address?"

He stops right in front of a big empty yard with only long grass and trees but no house.

"Is this a joke?"

"No sir"

I can see that he is completely confused and then he says as if he recalls.

"There was a big white house with a patio and stairs. I opened the door for her and she walked through the gate in the fence. She greeted me and was nice to me. I promise you, I promise you there was a house"

I do not know what it is but for some reason, I believe him. I know that he is not lying. Because just like this house, she disappeared right in front of my eyes. I pat him on the shoulder and then I say.

"I believe you. Please take me home"

"Yes sir"

We drive back home and as soon as we get back, I make my way back up to my room. I pace around the room because I do not know what to make of this night. Then I decide to make my way back to where we had dinner. Maybe there will be some sort of clue.

But when I get there they have already cleaned up everything and there is nothing that I can see that is out of place. I walk around in disbelief because I can not believe this is happening to me. I would lie if I say that I do not feel a bit of fear starting to reside in my heart.

What just happened to me? I walk back to my room and I instantly froze when I saw a note on my bed. She said that she would leave me a note and I swear there was not one when I came back. I slowly walk towards my bed and I feel the tremble in my hand as I reach for the note.

I take the note and open it..