"Pardon?" asked Wulfric. What does she mean?
"Who am I to you? I've felt a strong connection towards you, and I do not know why. Do you know why I have this feeling?" Lyra responded.
Does she remember what happened when we touched? What do I say? The partial truth, I'll go with the partial truth for now.
"Lyra, right now, you are my ward. That's it. I will take care of you while you are my ward."
"So, you do know what I'm talking about."
"Yes, but now is not the time for you to worry about it. When you're better, we'll discuss this. Do you understand?"
"Yes… Your Grace."
I don't like her feeling like she must call me 'Your Grace', it feels like she I feel like she doesn't like me. I should change the subject.
"Are there any other questions you might have? Or is there anything you'd like to do while you're here? I can bring in tutors and instructors. I can get you anything you want for any hobby you might be interested in."
"Really, anything?"
"Yes, anything."
"I-I loved to work in the garden back when I lived with my caretakers."
Markus chuckled. Both Wulfric and Lyra looked at him curiously.
"Markus, are you alright?"
"I'm fine, your Grace. So, my dear, you like gardening?"
"Yes, very much, but it has been such a long time since I've been able to do it."
"Don't worry about that, Lyra. I can have the gardener work with you. We have an expansive garden on this estate, and a couple of greenhouses we use throughout the year. Maybe I'll have one made especially for your use. How does that sound?" asked Wulfric.
Why am I saying all this? An entire greenhouse for her use. My god, I'm going insane.
"I'd like that very much, but probably not just yet. I want to make sure I can properly take care of the plants that I'm growing."
"Of course. Whenever you decide you want it just let me know."
Lyra nodded as there was a quiet knock at the door.
"Enter," commanded Wulfric, and Ellen entered with a tray of steaming soup in her hands.
When Lyra finished her soup, Markus had Wulfric leave.
"All right Lyra, Ellen and I are going to help you get up. Your feet are going to hurt when you stand on them, but we'll at your side to help."
Lyra nodded. After a moment, she swung her legs off the bed. When her feet touched the floor she winced. As she put her full weight on her feet, she cried out in pain. Ellen and Markus each gently grabbed one of her arms to keep her steady.
"It's alright, my lady. You can go slowly. Just use us as support," Ellen kindly stated.
Lyra took a moment to compose herself, then took a small step. It hurt, but it was not like she had not dealt with worse pain before. She pushed aside the pain and took another small step. Then another. With each step she was able to push away more of the pain. It wasn't long before they made it to a door at the other side of the room. Ellen opened the door, and they entered a room that was floor to ceiling covered in polished wood. There was a large tub in the middle of the room that had steam rising from it. A beautiful wrought iron wood stove stood at the far end of the room, with a good-sized fire going in it. To the right of the door was a dressing table and another door. In front of the tub was a wooden bench that had a comfortable looking robe folded on it. Markus and Ellen guided Lyra to the bench, where they helped her sit down.
"Lyra, Ellen is going to help you out of your dressing gown and into this robe. I'll be over by the woodstove," stated Markus.
After Markus walked over to the woodstove and was fiddling with the fire, Ellen turned to Lyra, and gently helped her out of the dressing gown. There was a slight pause as Lyra stood there completely naked, before Ellen quickly helped her into the robe.
Ellen put a soft hand on Lyra's shoulder and whispered, "You're safe here. I'll not let anything happen to you."
Ellen removed her hand and walked over to Markus, whispering to him. He nodded and they both turned to Lyra. Ellen with a kind and gentle smile on her face, and Markus with a look that showed no emotion.
"If it's okay with you, Lyra, I would like to do this going bit by bit. Starting with your head, then arms, shoulders, back, and legs. Then I will move to your face, chest, and stomach." Markus took a hesitating breath, "Is there anywhere else I should look?"
Lyra blushed and shook her head. For a split second both Markus and Ellen looked relieved. Ellen returned to Lyra and guided her closer to the woodstove, where there was more light. So the documentation of Lyra's injuries began.