Chapter 110 - Fort Haven Angels

Please, please Selina, come on! Give it to me. Give the fuckin' packet, you bitch!, Benedicta said getting impatient since Selina took her cigarette pack, and waving it the top of her head. Nope, you don't need this, Benedicta,'re better than this!

Selina, I seldom use it, you know that. But I have something in there that's more important than those smokes. Hand it back, now or else!, Benedicta shouted and now getting agitated.

Or else what?, Selina replied teasing. When Selina said the word what, Benedicta turned into a big wolf and now charging to intuitively bite the annoying old gal of hers, head off right then and there. Benedicta thought that Selina's head would be a nice decoration in one of the family's memorabilia heirlooms.

Okay, okay, chill out!, Selina added shocked and gave the packet as if saying she's surrendered.

What's going on here?, Sara stopped, her brow moving up and down, in front of the girls while she was checking on each and every girl recruits room if they settled in well for the training program,. She was actually about to test and check on Benedicta but she wasn't in her room and found her here with naughty Selina.

Ah!, nothing ma'am!, Selina was just giving me what's mine!, Benedicta added shifting back to her normal self again. You know the policy, no smoking in and out of the training grounds, plus, I can see you mimicking me Selina, you can't wear those here. Change to your sleeping clothes and sleep. Goodnight!

Benedicta, come with me please!. Sara added while walking past Selina who just held her tongue out to scorn Benedicta. Benedicta, on the other hand, looked at Selina with piercing eyes and walked with Sara obediently to the next room after Selina and Lyka's bedroom.

Haaa.... Sara is scarier than I thought she's a beautiful lady with invisible fangs, whooo!, Selina cried going in to her bedroom and closing the door behind her like she's seen a ghost. Lyka was laughing and shaking her head from side to side.

Hand me the packet, Benedicta and go inside the room, Sara said with authority and moved in after Benedicta inside the room and closed the door behind her.

What, Sara, please not here. We can go to the pantry and so it there, if you like!, Benedicta said liking an idea but she doen't know what's going to happen between her and Sara. She is hoping its sex.

What are you talking about? Turn around and put your hand behind your back, Sara added and touched Benedicta on her head, face, neck, ears lobes, arms, chest, stomach, navel, waist. Her hands alson went inside Benedicta's panties and was still searching for something and found it there.

If you want to feel me I could've have made you do it when I'm staring at you. It would feel better and sexy!

Benedicta, I'm twice your age and besides you're not my type! You're not supposed to have anything sharp and medicines of any sort aren't allowed to be ket inside the training grounds. What's this?, Sara asked calmly.

Age is just a number and I don't know what you're talking about. It's none of your business!, Benedicta added and kept silent like she's accused of a grave crime.

Sara took a thermometer like tool and checked on the medicine. Prozac, an anti-depressant that helps the patient calm and happy.

Benedicta, why do you have this medicine, I checked on your system and could have found it all in your blood stream, but no. Hmm so you can block it with the use of your wolf powers or something. But why didn't you tell me?, Sara insisted and moved to tap Benedicta's shoulder.

I didn't want you to tell Reka about it and be kicked off the program. I love being here and being somebody people could look up to. Sara, please help me with this!, Benedicta pleading.

You'll be okay, it doesn't say in the program that you couldn't be depressed to become an Angel but it's okay. Don't worry! Just be honest next time and tell me if you are experiencing issues and trouble using this drug.

Okay, thanks. I owe you one, like sex maybe!, Benedicta cried smiling and feeling relieved.

Nope, I'm good!, Sara said leading Benedicta out of the room. How about petting or fetish oral sex?

Not a chance!, Sara added pushing Benedicta to go to her room. Goodnight, play bae!

Right, I am that! Mwah! Benedicta trying to kiss Sara, then she closed the door in front of her, with her lips kissing the door instead of the flattered doctor.

Kendra was just watching how Benedicta made a fool out of herself, giggling while reading a magazine and the whole scene which is insane. Fool!

She's really awesome. I'm totally in love with her! Man, she's the best!, Uh uh! Hmm!, Benedicta jumping and lying on her own bed wide stretched like an angel without flapping her wings.

At Selina and Lyka's room. What's wrong?

Ah, Sara is a beast! She asked Benedicta to come with her in a room and spit out about the cigarette packet she caught us fighting over with!, Selina said like she's really afraid or something. Are you kidding me!, Sara the doctor, I don't think she's that beastly, she's so nice and pretty. You're just scared of your own shadow Selina!, Lyka replied laughing at the girl in front of her gasping air like she ran a mile or something.

Well!, I know better. Sara is a good lady and she wouldn't do anything to hurt us. She cares and looks after us. I know she is different from anybody else inside the fort or the program, Lyka added getting ready for bed. Just stop being negative and get yourself ready for bed.

Yes, Mama! I'm on it!. Hmm!, it sounded nice, you my mama and I'm your daddy! Come here baby and give me some loving!, Selina cried with her arms up and lips pouted giving her roommate a gesture to hug and kiss her.

Eww! Selina, not in this lifetime, Lyka disgusted with the idea and covering herself with the comforter. It's been cold in the chambers lately and it's not really about the heater but something far more challenging for out Angels and the rest of the staff, crew and management of Fort Haven.

Sleep tight and sweet dreams, honey!, Madie kissed Silka on her forehead then turned off her side of the lamp. Madie was still reading about the letter Silka's dad sent to know where she's at and how's she's doing. Madie kept all the letters he sent to make sure he didn't bother her little sister. Though she and Silka aren't blood relatives, she loves and protects this kid's best interests. And seeing her dad or being with him isn't the wisest and probably the worst decision Silka would ever do if that's the case. Silke is a sensitive girl and she has powers that can be used against the good and her dad isn't the best parent too. He is an owner of a pharmacy. He can be nice but is a bit weird when I talked with him, if he really wanted to take care of Silke. The truth is, he just wanted the child aid the U.S. government give out to those who adopt children from foster homes. Silka was one of these lost girls but I saved her and gave her anything she wanted but in a good way and when we work hard to have them and achieve our dreams in life. I have lived a life alone and scared when I became homeless for many years. I was just given an opportunity by Shelley in the clothing line and sold them in the little boutique we ended up working together for food and rent.

And that was where Sara and Jim saw and recruited us to enter a training program to become soldiers, Angel Defenders of the world.

I was so relieved because we no longer have to hide, be afraid and be ashamed of being homeless and for living with a teenager who ran away from home due to sexual assaults and domestic violence. I love Silka as my own and we understand each other like true blood sisters.

Sussa and Hailey became best of friends in an instant. It just took them a few days to get to know each other and when they did, they became inseparable and always in each other's throats all the time. We hated each other but what was it like working with mercenaries but saintly ones or those opt to help the poor, oppressed and experienced injustice in their lives.

We, us, are the future of Angel's Haven Academy and future Angel Defenders of the world. Whatever is going to happen in training will determine if young schoolgirls, semi-humans can save those who need a savior in all the cruelty and bias people deal with every day of their lives.

Since we came in to Fort Haven and the island, we all have experienced home sickness and the regular things we do each day without the monsters or gunners aiming at us or trying to kill us even in our sleep. We need to be sharp, smart and brave in everything, and Benedicta isn't being one. She got caught with her anti-depressant pills and well, though I'm not that crazy I sometimes take some to calm my nerves down.

It's exciting to fight villains and enemies who seem to be innocent and harmless but deep inside are more dangerous than the wolves and beasts we fought several days ago.