But have things changed even if we fight for the truth, justice and equality, or defended climate change actions and tried our best to solve climate and world issues? I think no. For many years we have heard everything and just the same, our leaders did some changes and implemented some laws or rules for climate action, global warming, poverty, famine, Covid virus, job security, land reforms/ development of equipment /machineries for farmers/fisher folks in our country and or the world. A scientist whom I watched on You Tube said that it is hard to solve world issues like hunger and climate change but it is easier to use government funds or business tycoon riches for scientific explorations, digital and technological innovations and for some corrupt leaders to lie, cheat and rob the people of their money, rights and dignity than promote or practice justice, equality and world peace.
Goodness is still here and there are still those who believe that peace, love and harmony can exist in the world. I do, though others in social media and in reality don't believe it still happens since we always see bad and sad things in the news. Those who say that it is hard to change or be good and that we couldn't change a life-long habit of traditional, twisted practice of power in our country or in the world, is wrong. We just couldn't and wouldn't let go or power, position, money or the influence we get when we are in office or in the government.
I don't believe a politician runs in a position that he or she didn't know the stakes he or she is facing or taking. He or she knows a great deal about it and in politics we seldom see good and honest people on the job. If they are good when they started after a period of time being influenced by corrupt people and be part of dishonest dealings in and outside of office, he or she can say goodbye to conscience and say hello to selfishness, greed and compromises. It is very hard to see through a leader and an influencer but a true servant of the people is transparent, compassionate, generous, passionate and truly cares about the people and their constituents, the people who voted for them, the people who believed and trusted them that they could do something different, that they could make a difference in the country, in the world that left them empty handed, lost and hungry for respect, dignity, priority and value.
Who is our first priority? Who do we serve? Do we serve ourselves or the people? What is our vision for the future of our country or our people? What is our dream, our goal to achieve when we are elected for office, especially when we are chosen to be the president or the leader of a nation or the world maybe?
What are your plans and how do you execute them? Is your plan or project time bounded and realistic? But if a plan is impossible to achieve do you give up or you have other options to achieve it for the betterment of your people and the nation you are leading to succeed in your endeavors?
One out of less than 30 girls per section in Angel's Haven Academy, will be chosen to represent them. Selina from Borne (bor-ne), Benedicta from Diete (di-e-te), Lyka from Hapina (ha-pi-na), Silka from Loneli (lo-ne-li), Madie from Feara (fe-a-ra), Kendra, a German vampire from Valiante (va-li-an-te), Sussa, an Egyptian magic mistress in the line of Incas, from Mourna (mo-ur-na), and Hailey, a powerful Bhuddist from Fiesto (fi-es-to). These extraordinary girls will be tested to their limits and the winner will be the captain of their crew as Angel's Soldiers after graduation.
The girls will undergo series of tests on land, water, sky, fire, cold and death defying situations that would let them think, feel, observe, evaluate and study their actions and fight for their survival in the end.
The girls will be divided into two and they will help each other and create a bond like sisters to protect, assist, care and be the conscience or foe so that they could past all the tests in store for them in the future.
One girl with her crème coat made out of jean-like texture that has a gold thin cross with sail hooked on its side is with the other line exceeding to form an A inside an H for the letters of the school Angel's Haven Academy and it looked like this:
The hallow side also looked like magic dusts sprinkling from the star above it. Hmm!, a cool logo don't you think?
Here in a condominium part of the academy, the girls were already been given their partners and would soon get to know them. The girl with her crème coat tied on her waist is Selina one of the vicious and arrogant student alongside Benedicta who are coming from the elite line of wild foxes ad wolves. She was walking toward the hall of their new home. The condominium where she and her partner will live, study, sleep and train for the whole three years.
The condo unit is new and just built a couple of months after Reka ordered to sign an agreement that AHA will be under its wing in all its financial, morale and administrative needs for support. Revilum and D'EYE have tied the knot that instead of engaging to a war since they both have different opinions almost on everything, they decided to make a truce and instead help schools, academies, colleges and universities and support these educational and military foundations where the world's best soldiers hail from from many centuries ago in history of highly advanced genetically engineered human or super humans combined. These soldiers or what they've been called Angel Defenders will eat, sleep and be trained day in and day out, to be well and exceptionally talented, skillful and smart for battle, protection and safety of every nation on earth. And both organizations chose to build and train girls to not lose sight of human's sensitive, passion and sensual side in a soldier.
That's what the geniuses of Revilum and D'EYE thought! In every intensive training and good intention always have casualties.
In every unit consists of two beds, some with bunk ones, others with single beds which already are choses for each girl's personality and likes for a bed, room color and designs. Cara made sure that the girls stay in their unit would make them feel almost at home and be happy in their stay for becoming and Angel isn't an easy task but a risky and tricky responsibility in the future. The Angels are defenders of the universe and people who are oppressed, domestically hurt, raped or bullied and left for dead in an injustice and unequal practice of a society.
The girls wore aside from the crème coat or jacket are short bloomer skirts that has a length from waist to the upper part of the legs and has fleets.
A lighter crème short shirt as top will be inside their coat. The jacket has the school emblem on its back and on the neck line are gold lines that are etched. The best accessory for the girls are their tall boots which are curved to shape their feet their up until below their knee. The boots has several stick-ons instead of shoe laces. The rubber under it is hard core and can kill a person with just one kick. But the boots is lightweight, which can amount to just Ralph Lauren boot though not that expensive but really made with high quality fire and water proof leather. The girls will use these boots on training, pre-training battle and the actual war itself if there comes a time that one nation will declare war against another.
The girls will have two pairs of these boots and will have their uniforms already readied when they enter the academy especially the chosen ones to stay on their respective units at AHA Condo. Cara's assistant Melanie advised the girls to attend a meet and greet session at the Freedom Hall in the center of the condo grounds. The girls are advised to wear their uniforms and be in the hall at twenty.
At exactly three twenty the girls fell in line and stood gallantly on the Freedom Hall waiting for Ms. Cara for her opening speech. The ten girls were excited except for two of them, Selina and Benedicta. Selina was the girl who had her coat buckled down her waist since she felt like being casted and couldn't breathe with it on her. But Melanie saw her efforts to hide her discontent and arrogance not wearing the coat properly. Melanie ordered Selina to wear the coat properly but to no luck, Selina just smiled and winked at her.
Cara saw this at first glance and smiled a sneakily. So, it isn't a myth. Selina is a one heck of a girl, tall, beautiful and smart, but hard headed and arrogant.