Chapter 56 - Help!

She perhaps missed me too that whatever I'm doing to her she's just obliging and as if I'm permitted to touch, lick, savage her in the most wild and crazy way just like how the women of the movie The World to Come did because they found true love and fell in love with each other for the right reasons, they understand and felt connected in the heart, mind and soul. That even in death, their love transcended towards the afterlife and still felt each other's presence through the use of mere imagination and desire.

Alexa and Gin came home shocked with Meg and Jade still all tied up on the dining table, the two lovebirds ran upstairs to their room and giggled while taking their pieces of clothes / under wears carelessly thrown on the floor. Gin smiled a wicked smile and Alexa covered her mouth with both of her hands seeing and thinking about the crazy sight she wanted to delete of her mind with whatever happened between her kids. Jade is no different to her and she loves Jade like her own daughter same as Meg. Kids these days are hot!, Gin said while dropping the two paper bags with bread, eggs and full of packets of pasta, fruits and vegetables, he and Alexa bought from the grocery. I want to laugh aloud but Gin told me to lay low and keep quiet so as not to embarrass our daughters. Haha!, Gin laughed in silence and hugged Alexa who also couldn't stop her frantic giggles in front of her husband..

I have lived a life where I ran from who I really am or destined to be. My parents were dubbed as witches or freaks since they could tell what's going to happen in the future or how technology will change the world today moreover the years to come after Covid-19. My real name was Victoria Vadra but my parents sais that it's wiser to name me among the Hindu names we have in the olden books of Kiirtan but I think more of the voo doo paperback and not really the saintly ones. Well, ever since I was little I know I'm different and I could tell how and what others feel about me or about things. I have an oversensitive emotion and I feel almost everything I see, taste, hear, think most especially what others feel and think.

I knew that Covid will happen but I never know how and why will it come in the first place. I just saw that it'll come in a country and many other places that was painful and scary for me. I cried gravely but I didn't know who I could trust to tell this.

Then, from visions to dreams and now feelings to real experiences. I saw myself living many lives. From the years when all is still fresh and new, the lands on the earth is still healthy and free. The animals are still running and living wild in the wilderness and not captives. The earth was still beautiful, untouched and undisturbed. Then angels would come up and down from heaven to earth and vice versa. But neither my family nor friends know about what I saw but just you and my special friend DL. No wonder consider me as lunatic or weird, is because I do what I want to do and say what I want to say especially when it is necessary and has meaning to help or inspire others. I loved women before and once or twice I have suffered a broken heart. Yet, I continued to love and fall in love, for beauty is everywhere and I see it all in women and their bodies. As a knowledgeable person so I could defend myself and not claim that I'm a witch or a magician, I believe in the power of love, time travel and futuristic thinking.

Witches, vampires, wolves or other scary beings that the world consider as monsters or spirits of the underworld, they exist and have been living with humans for centuries. These beings haven't killed nor broken the law of engagement that they aren't allowed to be seen in public and not allowed to kill for food in the cities. But due to the unprecedented destruction of nature, forests and seas. These beings who depend solely from the gifts of the mountains, seas and forests, no longer can hunt animals in the wild because they became extinct and no longer eat the fruits of the wilds since humans have dried the lands up and threw garbage on the seas and oceans where these creatures scavenge there daily consumption of blood or flesh of animals.

I saw them seeking revenge for being locked in dungeons or lower parts of the earth for being neglected, and left for dead for we humans have been selfish to share the world. So now these scary creatures ravaged the lands and ate what they can take. They have suffered long enough that men should realize their greed and selfish desires led many beings of this earth suffer and die.

These creatures came out of their prisons, cell like dungeons that like ghosting wolves ran wild to feed on the living being they can find and one by one they fed with one, two until it reached millions and billions in the world. These hungry wolves ate what they can to fill their hungry souls, to quench their thirsted egos with ownership, power, freedom from slavery, poverty and heed for revenge. Death wasn't the sentence people deserved to get in the world, but sue to the pandemic, death became a saving factor for those countries who suffered from hunger, diseases, slavery, inequality, injustices and wars. Death came like the savior for those who wished there was another option and another way to live and stay poor and undignified. Even in death, these unfortunate people couldn't afford a decent burial or grave to place their caskets. What more their families to see the light of day and prosper with the low income jobs they have or in buying or selling products on or offline to earn a little to feed their love ones and their children.

A sad state the world plunged itself into. If we will never change, digital technology won't save us not unless the rich share their lots / money to the poor and the elite would help and uplift their brothers and sisters living in the ghettos, streets, under bridges, shanties and sidewalks. We must inspire and help each other. Help not just the ones we love or friends with but most especially those strangers and new found friends whom we just felt like home. I'm Veena and I'm not a witch but a messenger who wanted to make a change and will act for the good of all. You and me are here on this earth to save humanity and what's left of it.

Jade and I ran upstairs and slid under the sheets. We were both laughing in embarrassment but it felt good, wicked in some way. Jade kissed me on the mouth and I kissed her back as well. We made love again under the sheets of the bed and it was magnificent. We were already tired to have sex when Jade told me that she wanted to help the people who were hit by the storm in Benguet. Since many lost their lives, homes, livestock and rise, strawberry plantations, she would love to extend her hand and donate $10,000.for them. I was overjoyed because that's an amazing thing to do and helping my fellow Filipino people is what I would want to do too always. It's just that, if I were to be appointed to be the leader for the world, it's going to be a hard decision. I would rather live a peaceful life than join politics or the dirty world of honing power.

I have been having dreams lately and it's all about someone I picture as me. Like I have been reborn over and over again. I am a doctor and I don't really believe on spiritual stuff but now as if my knowledge of science and medicine couldn't explain what I'm going through and its so frustrating. One time I saw a snake in my office clinic, right, recently, I dreamt of a small green snake slithering at me and then bit me on the throat. And as if like a black hole I was sucked in and in a whirlwind I saw myself lived one life to another like in the movies. I lived from centuries ago until one scene came to a halt, I died and then I saw a ring with some ensigna worn by a man inside a black carriage.

He is somewhat a villain in the scene but I don't know really if he is the bad guy. Then the focus went to the part where I woke up from a black bag, so it meant I died then lived again, or maybe I was in some experiment and lived to tell the tale. From there, I woke again seeing my life as I grew starting from my childhood to becoming a teenager then a doctor. But in between movie, I notice that, Veena was there, meaning she is like a spectator that watches me and she never grows old or looked different.