Chapter 2 - Aleax & Jodie

Knock! Knock!, someone's at the door. Oh! Yes? Alex answered. It's Sanjay!, the model's here, he said as if very excited he can't stay put in one place. Didn't Basil tell you, she arrived earlier than expected. Get ready with your cam! See you in the next room in 15...,he added walking away fast, excited. Wait what's her name...ah huh??? Hmm! A girl model...weird. Who set this up, anyway? Alex thought strangely. I didn't even know her name!, Alex shrugged and left with her camera on her neck.

The hotel is very extravagant! Wow...Cool view of the beach, trees, the solitude, the fresh air, where you can only hear the sound of the waves. This room looks very expensive..hmm! Who is this mysterious model who I'm given this privilidge to take her photos. Ha! Ha! I wonder!. Alex was fixing her stuff while walking towards the room next to her.

So, going back to Jodie, Okay! She became so popular she was invited to do shows in Dubai, Singapore, Indonesia, London, California, China, Germany and many more. Her song, "I Miss You". And "To Be With You" were massive hits that they took No. 1 spot for months in local and international charts.

Alex! Hey! Are you there?, Basil interrupted. Okay! I will be there in a minute! (I'm peeing though and just looking at Jodie's old photos on my Canon, my old cheap camera bought on a second-hand store in China). Now delving myself into a DSLR and Nikon D7200 for more sophisticated and artistic shots for my models and photo shoots.

Alright! I'm here, I shouted while feasting my eyes with the room I'm in now. I heard that this is the best room here, I thought to myself. A four star hotel, Henann Lagoon Resort in Boracay, really makes my summers tranquil and happy.

Oh! Hi!....a familiar voice said while I was still appreciating the beautiful view outside the window of the the said room.

Ahhh! When I turned around I saw.....Jodie?!!!!! Oh my God! Jay! I said so shocked that I stood like frozen ice. When Jodie hugged me so tight, I can't even breathe. So, you're my famous photographer! I heard a lot about you. Hmm! I didn't know Alex is a girl...anyway! My P.A. and manager said you're just A or Alex. Jodie said so happy to see me. Well! Same here. I didn't know you are my model. I said, never imagining you will be my model, my very best friend and love, I thought. Alex, I'm so happy to see you, she said with me still frozen in time and space. Imagine that! For five years, we haven't spoken or messaged each other, Jodie added still looking at me gladly.

Yes! Imagine that! That was a very long time for a special friend to even say hi to me, since we are neighbors, Alexa thought smirking when she remembers it.

Are you okay! Can you forgive me? And are you not happy to see me? Alex????, long silence. Jodie asked now teary-eyed. I really missed you, if you only knew!. Okay!, I got you! We're good, Jay! Jay! I can't breathe!, Alex said while catching her breath when Jodie released her from her grasp, assuring Jodie she forgave her while being tucked in and hugged very tightly. Though Alex is speechless seeing Jodie, she is very excited to work with her once again, for three days. This is going to be a wild and fun three days, I'm sure of it! I can't wait!

Yess!!!! Me too!, Jodie said sitting on the bed wearing a red nighty, bare foot, with no make up on, not yet. She looks pale but still pretty. Wait!, you're not wearing make-up? I asked. Yes! I will just wear lipstick and that's it. They needed a photo of me on this silk night gown for my quote and quote sleeping habits. Then we will do other shoots for a clothing line and all, Jodie added tiringly. One by one, lights staff, Jodie's P.A and make-up artist Loren, etc. came in.

I told Jodie to lie down on the bed and made sure she feels comfortable with what she's wearing before we head for the actual pictorial. I told her to feel natural so the audience, the readers would feel the same way she's feeling every time she's wearing the night gown. Jodie is a professional, so am I. She really made me and the staff feel comfortable with the nightie she's wearing and also promoting for the magazine. Jay! Put your hand on your head while lying on your side, your body facing me. Your left leg should be in front of the right, as if you're inviting, opening yourself to be with the person you want to be with....the audience, or your special someone, perhaps! Alright! Ah, He! He! Like this, and I like that! Jodie positioned her self on the bed and did her magic. Jodie is not only just a good singer but also an exquisite model.

Ever since we were children, she loved playing with her mom's shoes, dresses and make-ups. I would always laugh when she puts on make-up and her lipstick smearing all over her mouth like a clown. But I always see her, her beautiful face, small round face with long eye lashes which can carry a lizard on them. Her hair so long same as mine.

But hers were curly. I had long brown hair, her is long, curly, shiny and black. She has a tiny but tall nose. Lips so kissable, puffy, full, and pinkish. Mine is always red, the lips I mean. Especially when I cry, my lips and noise would turn red. I have a very white complexion. Jodie has fair skin but beautiful like an old garden rose. Plump cheeks but pinkish.

Okay! Hey! Alex? Are we good?, Jodie asked interrupting me with my thoughts of her, 'when will I be done on this position? It's almost two hours now....Jodie added laughing. Oh! Sorry, Ha! Ha! Okay. We already had enough shots on different angles, so it's a wrap. My team will just check on the negatives for the best ones to send to your manager for the mag. Okay! It's a wrap, guys! We will start early tomorrow for your clothing shoot Jodie. Alex, caught blushing, while Jodie's moving closer to her to catch her attention. Jodie then teasingly smiled. Ha! Ha! Okay!, I said giving her a wide grin. That's a wrap! See you tomorrow. Get your dinner at the concierge and go get some cold drinks while you're at it! Good job today! I said, while everybody's clapping their hands.

We did the photo shoot for five hours. Not bad for first half of a day pictorial, I thought to my self. This is a first. Usually it can take 9-12 hours just to complete a set of wonderful shots. Hmm! Nice, I'll have more time to write my blogs now!. I thought, when..."do you have other plans for tonight? Can we grab a drink and catch up on each other's gossip, at the bar, later? I'll just take a quick bath, yes? Jodie invited, strongly. Oh! Ahhh! I need to look on your photos to check on whether they're perfect enough for your magazine cover. I said outright, as if escaping from a trap. Hmm! That is so sad!, Jodie literally said pouting. Oh! don't worry Alex, we will handle it for you!, Basil intruding, while fixing the lights and lines. Yeah! It's not a biggy!, Sanjay second-emotioned winking at Jodie. See! A, Alex, they're good! So we're good! Be back in 30 minutes, Jodie said running to her suite which is just next to Alex's room.

OMG! What am I going to do? I'm so scared to face and talk to her. It's been years and what will I tell her? I thought to myself. Hmm! Alex, be cool. It's just like old times. You can do this!

I remember when I tried to call her one time when we were in college. Jodie didn't answer the phone. I wondered why until now. I want to ask her about it, she was dating Vern then. They lasted long, I mean their relationship lasted long, which I was jealous about, because Jodie and I didn't have much time together ever since. She never had time for me and she was with him almost all of the time. But I wanted to talk to her about our graduation date, which she totally forgot that time. Maybe she was with Vern making out or something, that's what I can only think of during those times. Anyway, I need to shower too.

Alright, what else? Wow. Their bath tub here's very exquisite. I just want to live here for the rest of my life, for real! With a picturesque view of the beach, open air and bed I want to dive in all night long. I wonder what Jodie's doing now? I asked my self in awe while plunging in the tub. The water feels so good, relaxing...ahh...this is life!