Chereads / FALLEN (Sequel) / Chapter 30 - Protect her at all cost

Chapter 30 - Protect her at all cost

Days had been chaotic for Mark but he managed to solve the issues surrounding the pandemic. Jesus was at the perfect time and perfect spot and stopped the battle between the Angels and the Dark Spirits, between Mark, his legions and Lucio, his minions.

Humans thought that I don't see them. They thought that I don't hear their minds when they talk dirty or good to their neighbours, friends or family. They thought I don't see their eyes and their hidden desires, passions and lusts. They thought I don't see their real picture, their true selves behind the masks, the social media where people cover up and pretend that everything is fine but not or they don't experience problems but in fact living a disastrous, lonely and pathetic lives. I see them, I see you and your schemes, your dirty tricks and lies.The devil has corrupted certain people, including people in the church, religions, governments, media and the business sector. Lucio and his dark spirits claim that they are just tempting or organizing plots, situations and events, disasters to happen so people would lose hope, faith, love and inspiration, or cling to doing evil and what's easiest to do than being good or doing the right things for themselves or others.

I have a friend who is an influencer and she inspire others to be positive and always have a happy disposition but we don't experience joy or success all the time. More often than not, we lose, get bullied, have problems and rough relations or no relationships at all with others. It's hard to see through a soul and I always tend to close my spiritual eyes so I won't see a person when I'm talking to her or him. I can hear an individual's complains, hurts, disappointments, expectations and blames. I pity them who bullies, disgraces and disrespects people such as the elderly, children and teens. I have a daughter and Destiny had gone through bullying and gender discrimination. I love her and I know she is special.

She has her reasons why she acts and do what she does all of the time. I never questioned her identity and love her for who she is and what she has become. She is my source of happiness and joy. I am proud of her and when I found out she also has exemplary powers, I almost cried. Haha! A huge, powerful angel like me, sob, in fact snorted because my daughter is like me, an angel. But with Destiny, she is half-human and half-angel. I have never heard of a human that is half heavenly creature and I think Destiny is a first of her kind. And I need to protect her at all cost. Lucio might want to get a hold of her and that would be deadly on my part and might be the end of the world if he got his hands on Destiny.

Haaa!!! I worry too much. I know she can take care of herself. She is an angel and she can protect herself. I just worry about her friend Becca. She is an odd girl who I can't really see her background, her past, present and future. As if she is a slate with nothing on it, no history of any sort and that's weird to me. I know everyone in the world even the unborn babies that are to be born after a couple of months or so. And I have details on the ones who died and stayed in purgatory or been pulled out of there. I even know the souls who are staying in hell and those who are about to go there, so on and so forth. But with this Becca, she is a total stranger, a mist or a mushroom that just sprouted on the ground maybe. Aha, yeah! Maybe she is, she was created by Lucio to be close to my daughter and get Destiny's attention, feelings…and trust! That's right!, Oh no!, Destiny is in danger!, I thought waking up and standing up from the bed, Belle wiping her face with her fingers. Honey, what's wrong?

It's Destiny and it isn't good! Go back to sleep honey, I'll be back soon!, I added and kissed my wife on the cheek, flapped my wings and flew away like the wind disappearing in the thin air.

Ah, hon…..! You are wearing a bathrobe, Bella tried to warn Mark but it was too late and he popped out like a bubble so quick Belle haven't finished her sentence yet, Mark already disappeared in their room.

It's just a fast travel and Mark arrived at the farm in an instant. He peered through every room and like an x-ray machine his vision became so clear he can even see whatever the clubbers are doing late this night. Mark found Destiny and Becca's room. He appeared inside the teens room and when he popped suddenly Destiny felt it too and got surprised. Dad, what are you doing here?

I just wanted to say hi and to check how you're doing after the news about the plague of the dark spirits and the devil's minions spreading badness, war, sex, violence, violence and drugs.

We're good, Becca's dad will be lending us their family plane to bring us home on Sunday, Destiny said happily. I miss you too dad, Thanks!, but we're okay and will be back before you know it, Destiny replied and hugged her dad, not once but twice.

And that friend of yours, Becca, right? She is lovely, smart and rich but there's something weird about her, I smell and see Lucio's power surrounding her aura. Be careful honey okay and I'll see you on Sunday?, Mark said giving his daughter a warning to stay away from Becca. But how can she stay away from her friend and love now?, Destiny thought while hugging her dad.

Becca's eyes turned black while spying on Destiny and her dad, the angel. And by the way dad, how did you come here?, Destiny asked so puzzled. Ah yup, that too! Honey, it seems hard to believe but me, your dad is an angel!!!, I disclosed to Destiny whose eyes bulged and burst into laughter. If that's a joke dad, it's so funny and crazy!

Yes, dear, funny but true!, Mark said and gave Destiny the glow and the wings that she almost fainted seeing me as golden and mystical as I don't usually appear in front of her. With Belle I can be who I ever want to be.

^(istory) Okay, thanks for telling me dad but I have something to tell you too!, Destiny added smiling and holding her dad's big arms. That you have powers and that like a half-angel, half-human you would definitely acquire some of my powers and special abilities. I know that already baby, ever since you were a five I think, I knew that you will be super special. But I came just to warn you about your friend Becca. She seems not right and a bit off. I can't locate where she came from and I think she is created by Lucio to use her to earn your trust. Just be careful okay. I guess I better go or your friends will find it weird that I'm here with you, now!, Mark said, kissed Destiny on the forehead and disappeared. Okay, dad, noted!, I can take care of myself and Becca isn't like that. I trust her!

Thanks, you trust me. That means a lot, really, to me!, Becca said after appearing right in front of Destiny who almost jumped out of her seat when her lover friend spoke. Oh, God Becca, you scared me, I cried smiling at Becca. Don't say bad words! I never liked God anyway. Lucio is cool and a heartbreaker that I can be one too. Have you thought that I coulf be lying to you and all, Becca said then laughed and said that she was just kidding.

So much for that joke that I would have slapped Becca on the face for scaring me like that. Bitch!, Destiny uttered and Becca held her on her arms and kissed her abruptly on the mouth.

Sunday morning, a private jet plane landed on the landing area near the onion plantations that is about a couple of meters from the farm house. A military man went down the stairs with his men, two of them walked towards the farm house. He was greeted by the farm keeper and offered coffee. The man accepted. Becca is already in the reception area to receive the guest. Captain Pete Rosario. Your dad sent me to protect and accompany you and your friends home, the man said gallantly. He held Becca's hand and kissed it.

Becca was surprised and pulled it away. Captain Pete smiled and went to sit on the table where the keeper placed the coffee cup. Becca sat adjacent from him and remained calm about the situation. Becca, right? Nice to meet you Becca and I hope I'd be of help to you and your friends, he added. How old are you?, Becca asked while I still peep from a distance where the reception area is and a couple of feet from the restrooms. I was hiding until it's okay for me to come out, maybe when I finally know it's safe to come out. I'm 26 years old, why? Am I not perfect for you, your dad says that I'm the perfect man you can…., Pete said but interrupted by Becca who is now annoyed with how the conversation is going to.