Chereads / FALLEN (Sequel) / Chapter 2 - Mortha & Belle 2

Chapter 2 - Mortha & Belle 2

Now back to this guy looking like a god (in the mythical pictures or the mythical creatures I read like the Roman or Greek gods of old. Since I inherited my Papa's bookstore called 'Kyouiku' (Education). I have all the time in the world to read and explore places, countries, people and cultures. I love books, may it be Japanese or Foreign materials. But I just can't figure out where he came from and how this man came to be in our lake.

Hen'na! (weird!). Belle thought while messaging her grandfather. Ojichan, I don't know what to do, can you come here and check the guy for me. I am near him and he seems breathing fine, but….,well, just come, Belle stopped and her cheeks are now burning, then she turned around and her back facing the mysterious guy in the lake. It's a good thing, there's no one here to witness this blessing, hi hi!. Belle talking to herself, smiling though embarrassed to see the whole being of the beautiful guy, not to mention, naked in front of her. Now, no one will no longer call me a 'virgin'. Hmp!, Belle thinking highly of herself, thanks to the guy on the lake.

Ojichan came anxiously. Then he saw the man. Haaaa!, his eyes and mouth so wide, it can swallow a goat whole. Magomusume! (Granddaughter), let's keep this a secret and don't ever tell anyone about Ten no otoko (heavenly man), hai?, Grandpa asked authoritatively. Hai!, I replied diligently while bowing at him. Ojichan carried the man to his Japanese Suzuki Every Wagon. It's a good thing grandpa brought a shirt and pants that can fit the man.

We drove home. Ojichan, Mama, Shita and I live near Lake Nojiri. Otosan wanted a house near the lake and he bought this two storey structure when I was just three years old. It's built on white cement and bricks, with a commercial store, where our bookstore was placed.

Papa is an engineer and he made the house plan when he was still in college. But since he came from a rich family even though my grandpa was a farmer. He earned more than the professionals we have in the district. Ojichan saved his earnings and bought his farm land of plums. However, when grandpa became older, he got tired of planting. So, he sold the land and bought a farm villa where visitors or foreigners stay for vacations. It was a good enough reason why Otosan built a bookstore since visitors asked for books and all. Instead of traveling to Kyoto to buy or borrow books, Papa placed the bookstore at the comforts of our home. Grandpa said that Papa wanted me to have the bookstore, since I love reading and he wanted me to travel using the books we own at the store. Anyway, how can I leave this place if Mama is working as a manager at the farm villa Ojichan owns and Shita can't be left alone since she's still young at nine. She was just five when Papa died due to an accident trying to save his friend while they were fishing at the lake. I always remember Otosan as a warm and gentle person. He loves traveling, fishing and taking us places. I was just 10 years old when we went to visit Italy. Then, after that, our family went to Canada, Australia and Thailand. The last country we went to was in Germany and that was five years ago. Haaa! Papa, how I wish you're still here to hug me and tell me stories. I miss you so much!, Belle now teary eyed while heating the sauce for the pasta her mom cooked this morning, before she went to work.

Okay, what are we going to do with this mysterious man from the lake?, Belle wondered while stirring the red sauce and adding the pasta in the pan to be heated.

Ojichan got tired with the issue on this man on the lake, so he asked to retire early. Grandpa and I helped each other to carry the man to the room near our garage. It's so strange why the man is still unconscious until now. After making sure that the man is alright, Grandpa ate bread and milk on the counter, kissed me on the forehead and bid me goodnight.

Shita, Shitaaa! Come down for dinner, Belle called her sister, with the little girl running down the stairs with head phones still on her ears. Hmm! That's why you can't hear me, you're wearing this, Belle added while taking the head phones and placing it on the dining table. Hey!, Jaakuna imoto!, behhh!!, Shita said angrily but smiled when she saw the pasta her big sister prepared for her. Wow! My favourite, thank you Onesan!!!, Shita happily hugging Belle, now. Ha ha! Okay, yoku taberu! (eat well), Belle and Shita said in unison. They both smiled and ate their dinner talking about what happened in their day today.

Belle almost mentioned the mysterious guy to Shita, but she hesitated. However, she can't hold the secret forever. So, she told Shita and advise her not to tell a single soul.

I needed to tell Mama about him, anyway and soon. Mama will be back later, and now it's eight in the evening. She'll be here in a bit. But I wonder what's going on with the mysterious guy in the garage room, now. I need to check up on him, it's bad that he dies here and all. I'll be in a great mess if that happens, Ojichan willbe in serious trouble too. Hmm!

I am not very tall, about 5' 2" in height and has a slim body. My wavy hair grows long to my shoulders and colored brown. Though my ancestors are Japanese, we are already a mix of British and American since some of my old relatives lived in London and California (thinking while I creep in carefully in the garage room and check on the mysterious guy we found in the lake). A good enough reason why I wanted to travel these countries and live to tell the tale of….Wha…? A Watshi no! (Oh my!), This man is a god, me feasting on his body that happened to be so muscular. His hair golden, face, so beautiful and his chest, wow, I think I'm already full and no longer need to finish eating my dinner, after seeing this glorious creature who happen to fall from the sky and chose me to be blessed by his beauty and yumminess. Eehemm!!!, Shita interrupted. Onesan!, what are you thinking now? Ahaaaa! Something sexual huh!, she added smiling teasingly, her face is close enough for me to bite her. Aaah! Where have you gotten that idea, I think from the you tube videos you've been watching all day, go upstairs and study!!!, I said scolding Shita while I pushed her upstairs back to the dining room. Okay stay here and I will ask him if he's hungry or something. Brush your teeth and get ready for bed. Are you done with your homework? I asked authoritatively. Yes Madamu!, hehe! , Shita running to her room instantly laughing. Hmp! Silly girl!. Anyway I need to make sure he's okay. I ran softly down the stairs and saw him, this mysterious, beautiful man awak and sitting on the edge of the bed.

Kon' ni…chiwa! I greeted the him enunciating the word per syllable to know if he will understand me. Me, moving closer to him and stopped in front of him curious to know more about where he came from and who he really is.

Kon'nichiwa, Watashi wa doko ni imasuka? !Hi and where am I?) I am Mor…er…Maa..rk, Mark and you?, I said while I wondered where I am right now and who I am talking to. Since she spoke Japanese, I am an angel so I know all languages.

Heehhh! Koko de anata wa nihongo o shitte Imasuka?!, Wow!, okay. Hi Mark, I'm Belle or Beru Sun. But you can call me Belle. Nice to meet you!

What happened to you and where did you come from?, Belle asked now so curious about Mark. Well! It's a long story but I don't know if you'll believe me, but I'm an angel from heaven, I explained shyly, since I don't know whether she'll be scared of me or call the police thinking that I'm crazy. And knowing humans, though I haven't lived with them long enough to know them, I don't think they are so open minded when it comes to supernatural things. They can be amazed at first but fear things they don't understand.

Nani!!! (what?) Tenshu???? (Angel?) Haah!, Belle said surprised and at the same time wondering if Mark is just hungry, saying these things to me. Ah! Maybe you are very famished now, so come, I prepared dinner upstairs. Follow me!!!, Belle added smiling sweetly.Mark followed Belle and ate the pasta. Mark since very hungry blasting from heaven, gone through space and fell to Earth, who wouldn't be. He finished the whole pot. Oh my! This man's really something. He must have gone through a whole lot. Poor Mark!, Belle added while admiring and at the same time pitying the angel in front of her. Angel! Huh!. Hmm!