Chapter 12 - One man army

I ordered the skeletons to attack me with the intent to kill me, without the risk of death I will never be able to achieve the strength to protect lives. I summoned my katana and my short sword with the katana on my right hand and short sword on my left.


I took a deep breath and got into position and stood in front of the 70 skeletons, wind blew through the soon to be battlefield and a leaf separated from a tree and started floating through the air and slowly it touched the ground.


As soon as it touched the ground both me and the skeletons dashed towards each other, (All of the skeletons had swords) I ran towards the skeleton army and as the first ones were about to swing their swords at me I jumped and landed on one of the skeletons in the middle.


The skeletons couldn't react fast enough as I immediately used my katana and made a circular slash around me, the sword cut through them..... But they immediately started to heal, afterall they were my summons. Another skeleton used the chance to attack me since I had my katana down and couldn't swing it immediately.


But that was exactly the reason I had summoned my short sword, I swung my short sword from a crouched position and stopped the oncoming attack of the skeleton. That bought me enough time to put my right feet on the ground and push upwards while slashing my katana upwards, This created enough power to cut through the skeleton from bottom to the top and split its body into two.


The skeletons this time instead of attacking in small groups or alone started to rush towards me from every direction, This situation is trully deadly... For other.... I thought as I threw my short sword towards the incoming horde of skeletons and it started to spin and cut through them.


But still that only took care of half of the skeletons, I still needed to take care of the rest of the oncoming horde.... But I still had a counter for that, I gripped onto my katana tightly and slashed sideways and beheaded 5 of the skeletons and immediately I turned around completely and used the momentum to make another sideways slash.


Again beheading them but this time because of the momentum I beheaded 8 of them at once, I then twisted my arm to the right and made another sideways slash to attack more of them. But like Master Daisuke had said "The same attack never does the same damage again"


They ducked and dodged the slash and used the opportunity to attack my defenceless right side. As their swords inched closer and pierced me, they became confused since the swords went right though me... But I had used swindle steps to make an afterimage of myself, soon the afterimage disappeared and I was standing there with my katana held above my head.


Because the skeletons had stabbed my afterimage they had too much momentum to stop and too less time to block with their swords, I tightened the grip on my sword and twisted my body to the left and made a sideways slash that beheaded a lot of the skeletons...... Since I had used the sideways slash before I had figured something out.


Instead of using all the momentum and making a slash with all my power, I made a half sideways slash and changed the direction of the katana towards the next skeletons and made another sideways slash. Like that I kept on making slashes after slashes and the more I slashed the more momentum pilled up and the more my Momentum pilled up the more my speed increased.


And like that I started to slash through all the skeletons and finally slashed the last ones, But those continuous slashes left me extremely exhausted and my muscles fatigued.


I turned around and my short sword flew back to me and I grabbed it... I was back at the start of the battle, all 70 of the skeletons were standing fully healed infront of me while I was exhausted and felt like my hands were about to fall of my body... But this situation just excited me as my blood started to boil and I started to feel more excited than every before.


A giant smile creeped onto my face as I realised that this is where I belong, in a battlefield where I have almost no chance of winning and the risk of death. Suddenly I felt like a warrior who was risking his life to become stronger.... To become the strongest.


I got into stance and started to dash towards the army of skeletons and this time instead of jumping over them I used my katana to do the strongest over head (from above) slash I could towards the skeleton... But to my surprise my katana passed through without any resistance.... I immediately realised what it had done as I used my swindle steps to back away.


The skeleton had used swindle steps to dodge my attack... This battle just got 10 times more exciting, who knew that my summons could be this terrifying... I thought as the smile on my face grew wider and I prepared to lunge towards them but I was interrupted as the skeletons at the back threw their swords like I had threw my short sword.


10-15 swords flew through the air towards me while spinning at great speeds, I immediately ran towards the right to dodge all of the swords but I didn't get any time to attack since I was immediately attacked by a group of skeletons from all directions. I jumped in the air to dodge the attacks and got ready to slash them but again I was forced to dodge by some swords that were thrown towards me.


I used my short sword as a foot platform and backfliped behind the skeletons, as soon as I landed I used my katana to slash but instead of slashing though the sword was stuck at the neck of the skeleton as my hands shivered from the pain and fatigue.


If I wanted to I could have easily told my sword to cut through it but to awaken my sword ki I had to do it myself, the skeleton tried to attack me but my short sword flew beside me and defended me. While that was happening I gritted my teeth and tightened my muscles to stop it from shivering.




I started to shout with all of my strength as my foot dug deeper into the ground and I used both of my hands on the sword and started to use all of my strength on the sword.




Suddenly it was as if my body responded to my thoughts and I felt something different travel through my body, from my heart to my hands and then into my sword. As my sword started to glow with a white light and it immediately slashed through the skeletons easily and it even managed to cut a tree that was in the vicinity without even touching it.