The Twin Flame*) the journey was too beautiful to ignore and impossible to remove from her memory. Unlike the soulmate, two souls that belong together, a twin flame is two halves of the same soul. How could she burn the other half without burning herself?
She had to bleed to cut Billy's name from her heart. Bones, body cells crushed to kill that name from her soul. Should it be all in vain? Why did all the intoxicating love stories she experience if there was no message behind them? What secret is the universe trying to tell her?
Her happiness is like tasting the beauty of Heaven, but she can only taste it without being able to enjoy the pleasure fully. And the pain is like tasting the taste of Hell. She seemed to be in Heaven and Hell at the same time.
Why did God want me and allow this to happen? Why does He punish in this way? Even if this is a punishment, what's my fault?
She suddenly got an answer,
Isn't God like the prejudice of His servant?
Twin flames define as those whose souls have agreed to reincarnate together across many lifetimes.
If you believe in previous lives, maybe previous lives did exist. Yulia could have been a maid that she wasted during her past life. And in this life, Hira receives her karma; Yulia is married to the destined person for her. Hira must first feel the bitterness of being a Julia in the past before finding her true destiny in this life.
But even if there is such a scenario, what's the point? God is so dear not to allow Hira to believe in such things is to protect her heart and feeling, not to be burdened by her past, the time before she existed, which was nothing to do nor her fault.
How God loves Hira, but Hira doesn't just trust Him. Searching, seeking, questioning the things. How great the love of God but Hira could not just accept and follow the guidance.
The girl started to cry.
Hira met Billy unplanned. God brought them together. And the term Twin Flame just appeared afterward; Hira had never looked for it and didn't know anything.
The post about Twin Flame seemed to guide, support, strengthen, and sometimes comfort her. Everything she wants, what she wants to hear, see, and feel, perfectly manifests into a reality. A love that is so strong that it burns and changes all aspects of her life makes her look for various ways to find the truth—knowing the ending.
She started getting acquainted with Tarot Cards, Divination, moon, stars, sun, guardian angels, numbers, and spells, from ancient times to medieval times, from native Indians to ancient Egypt. And much more.
And everything conveyed by the tools was true; all the messages perfectly fulfilled her curiosity, not because of black magic, but because it represented her energy.
'What goes around comes around.'
Suppose her Twin Flame missed her as much as she missed him. She loved as vast as the Galaxy as he loved her. She wants to make love as she wants it, having an incomparable desire to live together and be together forever as she desires. In the end, the hope is a happy ending.
'What you seek is seeking you.'
But the more you search, the more you run. Wandering never stopped. The journey did not arrive like wanting to see your ears. We can never reach it with our eyes. Only with the help of a mirror can we see our ears.
And the Twin Flame is a mirror. Twin flame gave a mirror to look within and stop looking outside because all that is sought is within itself. Suppose you want to find the answer, and the answer; Look at the mirror.
*) Note:
The concept of having a "Twin Flame" originated in Plato's mythic dialogue entitled "The Symposium" which wrote that humans originally had two faces, four arms, and four legs. Under the threat of being overpowered, the gods split them in half, creating the humans we see today. Hence, it is thought that we all have one "twin" soul out there in the world.
Others hypothesize that twin flames are members of our Soul Family (people with whom we resonate on the deepest level and were predestined to meet), or that twin flames are the embodiment or other "half" of a singular soul.
The purpose of the twin flame union is to help each other spiritually grow, expand, and reach spiritual illumination. Everything in life is composed of energy at its core, and twin flames are people we resonate with on the deepest spiritual level.