*John gasps for breath as he awakens in the depth of HELL*
JOHN: Where am I ?... What is this place…
*looking around more scared than confused*
LEVIATHAN: I'm really starting to get irritated by the fact that y'all keep asking the same question, it's sickening, but what can I say…Welcome to my kingdom and unarguably your new home... THIS IS HELL!!
*Laughs maniacally*
*John dazed*
JOHN: How am I here?
*Levithan now getting pissed and irked at how dull and slow to assimilate a man can be*
LEVITHAN: So you are one of the dull ones, well you died moron, and for you to be here your life must have been a mess…so that makes you a dull bad man. I do like your category.
JOHN: I am not!!! What you mean? I should be in Heaven since I was killed…
LEVIATHAN: Not what?, dead or bad or generally dumb… and HEAVEN!! *scoffs*
You are very foolish indeed
*scrolling through John's record and laughing*
You're definitely meant to be here; I mean murder, drugs, rape
*Leviathan pauses, looking at John curiously*
you're meant to be here alright, but not now, tell me how'd you die?
JOHN: Was about sleep with the most beautiful girl I know…
LEVITHAN: Sleep???..I see ,but why do I feel the aura of rape all over you?
JOHN: *smeared with guilt but carries on with his lie anyway*…
Suddenly some guy swooshes in grabbing me by the throat, next thing he has wings, his eyes are on fire and he has horns!!!! At first I thought I was being delusional but then everything went black and I am waking up in this really awful place.
LEVIATHAN: Awful? …Did I hear you say awful?...you dare lie to the king of hell …and you still have the boldness to call my kingdom …AWFUL!..good thing you are here
JOHN: King of HELL??...
LEVITHAN: *smirks at how shocked the imbecile was , but then pauses in shock* wait did you say he had horns? Wings? What color?
JOHN: grey or black, look man I don't know, how do I wake up from this really terrible dream? How do I get back home?
LEVIATHAN: dream???..you are beginning to piss me off…
*Still trying to make sense with what his new intake just said*
That must be BELIAL! But how??.. He should be bound like Lucifer? How is he on Earth?
JOHN: What is Belial? How do I get home? I need to get home.
*sighs in annoyance*
LEVIATHAN: Ugh! You are home, YOU!!! ARE!!! DEAD!!! You serve me now, welcome to hell.
*makes a grimace with a touch of confusion*
How is he still alive? This shouldn't be a problem, I think I need to visit Earth, The serpent is coming.
*looking at John* tell me everything you remember including where to find him.
*suspenseful sound track*
PABLO: *whispering* it's been a week and he's still here?
*looking at Belial* what are we supposed to do with him?
LAYLA: You do realize he can hear you and smell the fear off you too, if not for him, John would still be roaming the streets and we'd be dead.
PABLO: *scoffs*
I won't say dead.
BELIAL: You would have died; it was your destiny to die.
PABLO: *tittering* I wouldn't die so easily, I don't go down without a fight.
BELIAL: All this lies would give you a special seat in hell.
PABLO: *glares* lies??
BELIAL: Just thank me for saving you by helping me get home and then carry on with your life.
*Layla staring at him, curious, confused kept questioning herself*
BELIAL: ask me all your questions wolf, stop talking to yourself, you can't ask yourself questions that I have answers to.
LAYLA: Fine! *sighs*
Grim says that I am some sort of key, what does that mean?
BELIAL: You're the Marchosias.
LAYLA: *still not making any sense* Marcho…
PABLO: Marquise of hell!!!...Shittt girl you are finally a big deal.
LAYLA: HUH! *dazed* you know what that means?
PABLO: Read books once in a while Layla.
BELIAL: The Duke of hell, leads thirty legion f demons, a wolf demon.
LAYLA: Duke? That means it's a male's position, what you mean; me? The duke of hell *hearty laughter* I AM NOT MAN.
BELIAL: Obviously, but you have the Trinity mark on your back.
(The trinity mark indicates raising consciousness; it's also used to summon the wolf demon)
LAYLA; How do you…
*Belial cuts in*
BELIAL: you were naked when I saved you, I saw it, the mark traps the demon in you, all we have to do is summon it and I can go home.
PABLO: Wait, wait, wait, why is it so important to go back to hell? Hell's not where anyone wants to go or even have the thought of going to.
BELIAL: *in a very intimidating voice* that shouldn't be your business now should it?
LAYLA: It should, he has a point, tell us why you want to go back so badly and we might decide whether or not to help you.
BELIAL: *giggles* help me or not?? You make it sound like you have a choice, well let it be known that YOU DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE!!!... Just because I gave you a chance to still be alive doesn't mean you can't die right where you stand.
LAYLA: *stuttering* I'm, I'm', I'm I am not afraid of you.
BELIAL: *maniacal voice* oh but you should be *stroking her hair*although I find that exceptionally hard to believe …you are trembling, I can hear and smell it
LAYLA: Who do you think you are?
BELIAL: I am BELIAL! The person who saved you and your friend's pathetic life.
PABLO: *hands on his chin* fine if we help you, what's in it for us?
BELIAL: *smirks* This people are honestly trying to strike a deal with me… you get to keep YOUR LIVES!
PABLO: *petrified* okay, how do we summon…
*Layla cutting in*
LAYLA: A word *gnashing her teeth*Privately!!!
What are you doing? Think things through before doing them.
PABLO: *yawns* you don't think things through before you do them, I mean that's why we're here.
LAYLA: *coughs* no need to recall the past, I just don't understand, there's a "demon" inside of me, and you want to summon it why??????
PABLO: To help him get home.
LAYLA: How'd you know about the Marchosias?
PABLO: I read a lot of books and do a lot of research.
LAYLA: On demons?
PABLO: My best friend is a wolf, of course I'd do a little research, I happened to stumble upon it somewhere.
LAYLA: Oh, but how would this affect me?
PABLO: That's where we need Belial, he is obviously knows more than we do, all we have to do is trust him.
LAYLA: *sighs* Okay, that's your plan?!! Trust a demon?
PABLO: *stares in rage* you got any better idea?
LAYLA: *lowers her head in shame and answers in a squeaky voice* no.
PABLO: Trusting him and gathering every information we can on this duke of hell story.
BELIAL: I see you decided to trust me, wise choice.
LAYLA: Where you eavesdropping?
BELIAL: Does it matter? *grinning*
LAYLA: Pablo I don't like him.
BELIAL: The feeling is mutual, a demon that is powerless, utterly useless.
LAYLA: *gaspin* how dare…
*Pablo getting annoyed*
PABLO: ENOUGH!!!! Now that we want t help, how about we don't kill each other too, let's shake hands and seal the deal Belial, you help us we help you, Deal?
*Belial grabs Pablo's hand and pulls him into his bosom whispering something in his ears*
BELIAL: I trust no one especially people who lie, I am the demon of lies, I know when someone is hiding something; answer this one question, why do you smell like Layla?????