When I was 12, sitting at a desk in the first row for Spanish class, this boy with black curly hair ran inside the classroom and jumped over this other fat boy that was sitting next to me. I later found out all that was about a girlfriend. The thing, and this is the plot twist, the fat boy won the fight. His name was Emmanuel Ledesma, that funny fat boy every teacher loved. I thought it was funny how he had that other boy under him as he continuously punched him, crying and bleeding on top of him, it was a sight i never forgot. And ever since that moment, in class and even at lunch, I followed him with my eyes. I was curious about what he was like on a normal basis. He was the kind of boy to hang out with older guys and make them laugh, some felt genuine good vibes from him, others just made fun of how he looked, a pig trying to fit in. I could see how pathetic he looked to them but to me, he was worthy of admiration. I never knew if he could tell his group of friends made fun of him, but he was never the kind of guy to feel bad about himself. I also remember our first conversation; I was sitting on a bench while he played soccer. His shirt kept rolling upwards and his belly would show, the older girls that were cheering laughed as if they were gasping for air, it sounded exaggerated and forced. Girls as obnoxious as them would call you friend from across the classroom and say things like "he's my friend so don't make fun of him, friend I gotchu". It wasn't only insulting and degrading, it really made me want to get physical. I was never the kind to get in a school fight or be noticed, not even as a loser with no friends. That's mainly the reason why i never approached him, still I managed to get noticed by him. He was usually in the middle of fights or soccer games, always covered in dirt and sweat. Looking and smelling like a pig he walked into the nursing room and dragging his bleeding knee, he treated his injury all alone, i was nervous but i walked inside the room and he pretended like he didn't see me, he kept his head facing downwards, his hair fell on his forehead and sweat ran down his neck,
-I can help- I said as I got on my knees.
- I'm fine,'' he said with a gentle voice.
-Are you embarrassed? - I said shortly after.
He turned to me with his eyes wide open, smiled and extended his hand offering to help me get up
-Nah that's not it, you look skinny, I bet even with my injured knees I could carry you to my house. In comparison to you, I'm not only in good form, I'm like hulk.
- But you're fat…
-Duh you doofus, that's how that works, i lift a lot more weight that you do, that just proves my point.
-Then at least buy bigger shirts, those don't fit- i said bitterly
-Hmm, you're right, I should tell the bitch….
-You mean your mom?
-Nah, this other bitch that's living at home right now.
After that small interaction I would get a small greeting in the corridors and occasionally he would wave at me from the fields. That kept up for the rest of the year until freshman year in high school. He dropped his friends from middle school and in periods we had in common he would talk to me like we were friends. He made real friends and would drag me around. It was pointless to deny we were close; he would hang out at my house whenever he wanted. Overtime he lost weight, he was always into sports and the coaches encouraged him into intense training and taking care of his body which, he did only for the praise. In 10th grade he started hanging out with seniors and college students which introduced him to the womanizer life. Senior year of high school he slept with a nurse assistant, he had told be about this and at the moment I didn't really think much of it, she was older than him but not in a way you'd think he's having sex with his mom, it was just toxic. But she was the first girl he tried being loyal to. The first he fell for. She left him shortly after. He had heard she was pregnant, but she said it wasn't his. He doesn't like talking about this. I'm the only one of his current circles of friends that knows about her. Her name was Vennesa, she died from an overdose. After her, I haven't heard him speak of any other girl in an endearing way.
-Terry! Sorry to bother, I think I left my copy of the apartment key inside the room, can I borrow yours? - Leo said gasping for air, almost falling apart
-Ooh.I don't have it on me, it's in my locker. Can you wait? -
-Will you take long? My class starts at 12 o'clock- he said as he pulled up his phone. -Its 11;22, i need some stuff from in there-
-He has to do some stuff but i can take you to his locker, i know the passcode- said Manny
I was weirded out, he's usually nice, but that's usually towards women with ulterior motives.
-Since when do you know my passcode? -
-Since 10th grade when Juno died, his death date… i tried a couple of dates, and you're predictable- He said while he chuckled.
-Why would you need my passcode?
-Back then you were too much a bitch to pass me the homework. -
That pissed me a little, but I guess that meant he could go with Leo
-Alright then go- I said bitterly.