How you know Robert and how you know that he will be coming with us ? John was so curious. I know about Robert because he is my class fellow
or I say was and the second question I heard him talking to the school principal for the vacation for months I was curious but I don't say anything. Do anyone else hear that? No no one heard that it was just me and. What and ? And of course the principal . John sigh and said Thank God .
Momo started laughing and said You have to look at your face when I said and. John also laugh.
So what is your answer wanna come with us or not. Mmmmmm let me think I think I should go with you of course. Okay so please now can you give me some food I am really hungry. Yeah but call your friend and also ask him to came here with Robert . I will cook the food for everyone.
One second do you love Robert.No I dddd don't.
No I can see his love in your eyes . ah alright yeah I love him but don't tell him okay. Okay and this will not just be an adventurous journey but it will be also full of love . John call his friend and he came with Robert at Momo's place they eat and do fun things John introduce. his friend to Momo his name was Daniel. They sleep good and Tomorrow is going to start journey which will be so remembering .