There were other reasons that set Raaz and Seana apart, such as their habits and attitude were in contrast with one another and also their goals and ambition were also not aligned.
The last thing was that she was too attractive for him. Maybe he was a simp but can he protect her from all the wolves on her tail? If not because she did love him, he doesn't think he should be able to keep her.
"I'm a She shouldn't have cheated on me. She only likes me for sex and she always acts smart ass and as if she was doing me a favour for being with me!" Raaz grumbled.
She was a genius, with an IQ of 188, an inventor and also a renowned scientist.
"Fuck!" He cursed now that he saw her with someone a fang of pain was throbbing in his heart.
He turned and thrashed until he managed to sleep. Early in the morning, there was an insistent knock on his door.
He had no choice but to walk there to open grumbling. "Who the fuck….!" He swallowed hard.