Chereads / The Salvation : The legend of the westland / Chapter 31 - The appearance of the ogres god

Chapter 31 - The appearance of the ogres god

All the parties of the agreement gathered at Odin's table, the two supreme beings, the two kings, and Ahmet.

Ahmet started the meeting saying, after we finished the ghouls and the necromancers, we are now at the gates of a fierce war with the army of ogres led by Trundle and the centaur Jack , this war is irreversible as i think, but even so i will send a message to them to tell them to retreat and enter into the agreement , if they accept, then they are welcome, and if they do not accept, then our war will be to subdue them, not to erase them. the race of ogres will be important in the war with the masked man , He told them that the next meeting would be at the top of Mount Atlas Lion and that they had to prepare for war and took precautions and asked the white snake Python to send spies to the land of ogres , the meeting ended at this point Ahmet asked Odin four strong knights and asked Frey the same thing.

Ahmet went with the knights to the kingdom of the ogres on an official visit in which he claimed to be the messenger of the union, before entering the lands that belong to them, he drew the circle of teleportation for the backup and entered with the knights and they got attacked from the first unit they met , Ahmet spoke with them and told them that he was on an official visit to King Trundle,but they did not pay attention to his words and attacked him. He had to kill them all and hide their bodies in his own void.

After that, he continued his path, and every time a unit came across him, he killed them and hid their bodies until he reached the walls of the mud city, which is the city inhabited by Trundle, and before entering he wore a black cloak and entered. All the ogres in the city were angry and their eyes were red as if they were thirsty for blood, but they did not attack as if they were being held captive by magic. When Ahmet arrived in front of the castle, the doors opened in front of him , out of the castle came a huge ogre, full of muscles, his body full of scars, he have blood red eyes, and he had two large canines, one of them broken, holding a huge serrated baton in his hand , then he spoke in a trembling voice and with intermittent words, as if a child stuttered, and said: " grrrr are you looking for death because you found it?".

Ahmet replied, "I am just a messenger from the Union of Gods to tell you that you have a chance to join them and avoid a pointless war."

The ogre hit the ground with the baton until it split and said there is no useless war , we are warriors by nature , war is the reason for our living and the purpose of our life , he was very angry, so he hit two of the knights and killed them in an instant, as if they were flies. The aura he released was equivalent to the strength of Atlas, the experiences he went through and the battles he survived made him develop this much .

He advanced towards Ahmet with the intention of killing him, while Ahmet used the circle on his metal arm to send the rest of the knights to safety. Trundle approached him and raised his baton high and lowered it hard on Ahmet , who repelled the blow using daggers , Trundle was surprised by what Ahmet had done, but this made him angry, so he started screaming and frenzy, his baton was raised high, and the moment he wanted to drop it on him, the centaur Jack shown ordered Trundle to stop , Jack was a centaur, his lower half as a horse and his upper half as a human, but he was huge, even bigger than trundle, carrying a silver spear in his hand, then he said, "Stop this, let's hear what the messenger brought , it may be useful for us and our plans, and also what is the use of killing a messenger, you idiots".

Ahmet spoke and told him the same thing that the Union invited them to join, Jack answered tell them that it is an inevitable holy war and that conquest is what makes a warrior a warrior, but God is what gives wasted blood meaning and we will cleanse this land with the blood of everyone who does not believe in the faithful God.

It was very strange, the ogres, including Trundle, were obedient to Jack and he was their mouthpiece, And also his strange talk about salvation and about God, even though he had previously claimed divinity, he and Trundle and all the sublime creatures , but Ahmet did not want to reveal himself, so he did what the messenger does, which is to deliver the message. If he had asked many questions, he would have revealed his case.

The centaur left him to return with the message to the Union and ordered some ogres to accompany him outside their lands, when he went out, he went directly to the summit of The lion to meet with the leaders and tell them about what happened in trundle castle , everyone was surprised , Trundle hadn't succumbed to anyone before and Centaur Jack wasn't that strong for the ogres king to submit to him too, jack's strange words aroused suspicion also , the armies gathered on the plains of the Goblins Forest while the leaders were behind to make plans. Ahmet used this time to read the book he found in the abandoned house.

He opened the book, and the first page contained the same words of the centaur Jack about blood, God and salvation, and on second page it was written: "Mortal beings with their desires and lusts are the root of evil, all creatures are the creation of one God, but every time he creates a new race, he think that it will be better than the one before it, but the same thing is repeated because of desires, dreams and ambitions. This God created a new race, which is the race of the gods and sent one of them to the earth to be the savior and lead all the races to overcome their lusts, but he failed and he too was dragged into his lust, And he followed his whims, so he returned to the city of the gods and killed the greatest god. then he was arrested by the other gods and placed in an eternal prison, the race of the gods is immortal , even after killing him, he returns to the ball of light, which is the origin of the life itself and is formed anew".

Some pages talked about the road leading to the land of the gods and that it opens with blood only, and the other pages talked about a dimension in which the dead live, but they lose their minds and hearts, and pages talked about that dragons are creatures serving the gods, and the last page was strange, half of it was empty and the other half wrote: "Our God in his eternal prison is our true God, he represents us and represents our desires and our truth , he is a God who is far from being perfect and saw the deficiency in us ,he has come back to punish those who put us in our lack, so he deserves worship and we will remain loyal to him until he comes out of his prison and brings us all our salvation"β€’