The strain between Marco and The gals less, but they not working for him and closed the office,they are in their summer house working,will they evet talj to him and get this work out who knows, back to the. Story. Marco and Josie walked out their house after eating breakfast , " they really think i speaking. For you, you agree that was putting us, " yes, because we didn't say yes , they can't stand you, they stop see me as their father, and quite, going back to by telegram, we lost the hold family of law, said. Marco, " mom and dad wont come down to talk with them, my sister is disappointed in me, we brought this on ourselves, because we won't give holiday pay that they in title I have to fix this, so won't you get a room in town in stayed for while,they see you t, they not going to see me or hear me, said. Marco, " marco?" Josie just do it or leave,i need them back , to get them to see that you are speaking for me, that we both decide this as husband and wife, and explain to them, they got in the buggy in. Left, The family is up east, heading out to speak with the couples, will you have an nice day for an outing, back to the story. " lets. Get start. Family we let you know if got something, they hallowed down the valley, as they arrived up to the. Home stead, the walked up as they. Got off their horses. And walked up," bounty of law season hearts, tell us she was the last time you she seen her? Asked. Jordan," this morning, said. The mother, Marco called them, "(Jordan and Jessie can we meet please please?) Asked. Marco, " we are heading there Trackers head out search up west, we go east search, we call if we found her move out,"( we busy Uncle Marco, )-(" after please come heck you know that you mean the world to me, and Josie we are team she doesn't speaks for me, we talk and discuss, you hear,) said. Marco, " ( you made your to take her as your wife , that all you, you find your new queen,you don't need us.) Said. Reneshaw, "( you love hurting me don't you, you go they all go, I need the four of you and my grandkids , what ever you want me to do I will do it, just to have my family back.) " ( mom Aunt Jordan you are not going to like this,) said. Chessie, Renshaw got off his horse,"( mom and dad how far are you?) Asked. Renshaw, they rode up, Jessie got off her horses, "( we got an trail Jordan ,)" how long we going to be mad at grandpa mom and dad? Josie I careless about, she not his type, way to young, said. Trent, " Trent how you know what type he is, grandma is a sweet lady! Said. Beth," yeah daddy." She a young hole who after him for his position, sweet my butt! Said. Trent," that is not right!" Beth hon, it definitely is because what mom and Aunt Jordan both thinking, said. Trent, " grandma!" Yes at first but we let it go done can be happy, lets go clubs, they got up on the horses," what we really think maybe it is time to leave Houston Texas move to Lancaster they got great homestead and farming. Lands , we sale the house and land to the bank, have a new homestead built, where we can keep an eye on the sister states, office and the family business, not because we mad at him,we love him, but like you we want to see the world, expand the badge outside of Houston, they ride off, down the valley, back at the homestead, " ( Jess we are on our way,yes we four think it is time for a change,) said. Jordan, they got on their horses and rode up the valley. " we in but what about grandpa? Asked. Dain," we had a house built for him ten miles in cases he want to move their,without her, you really are good people, back to the story, they ride up to them , " so when wait will that hurt him, come on mom and Aunt Jordan,, I love grandpa," we love him to, he not thinking straight, we been thinking about leaving and setting up office somewhere, Bee got to business the depot and this , we can wired up the sisters to monitor, if you don't want to move, said. Jessie, " then we won't, this is what best for the family, if he want to we have a house and house built near for him. What we got, asked. Jordan. " blood mom?" Little dry Jordan east Red devils, said. Jessie, " grandma, said. Julia, " east we go we find her alive , they got on their horses and head out, they have to find this gal. Back to the story, as the sun went down and the wind is picking up. They half mile up the valley, " mom just sit talk with grandpa please,not fualy, said. Dolton," we all for it I don't want to leave without grandpa, said. Dayton," Josie was okay until she upstart to," Daytona swallow what you about to call het son or do you need your mouth washed out! Asked. Jordan, ' he you I grown man with a wife and jid, " its so cute how they think they grown because they have a family we talk with dad again and work it out see do so he want to move with us, said. Jessie, Heather pet her mothers head," that a good gal, said. Heather, " excuse you why are you petting me , focus, said. Jessie, they arrived at the camp site,they are sleeping," I do not see the gal Jes,said. Kelsey, " she could be in one of those tents , said. Harrison, "alright you got my back,Jordan pulled out her knife belt and put kept on, she take off her hat, vest and gun belt in put them on her horse, Jessie pull out her rifle cocked it and got on her knees," over my dead body mom you are not going alone, said. Preston, " alright Preston when you going to let me go!you k I wow oils love to see you with a wife and jid you know! You come, said. Jordan, " same here , when is that going to happened sin?" Hah never,said. Cameron, " what the hack I did to you?" Now you wondering that,I been asking the exact same thing! Said. Rico,they jump down and ran up the camp, Jessie point het gun and get ready.