Chereads / The Garrett sisters season ii vol i / chapter I The family depot

The Garrett sisters season ii vol i

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chapter I The family depot

Jordan,Thomas,Jessie and Hank is packing bags up for Ryan and Cinnor, they let them leave home , What an proud moment for the Garrett family , back to the story. " boys so do you know where you want to go or going to do? Asked. Thomas, " not really dad just ride see the old west, said. Connor, " sleep under the stars, we just want see Houston, said. Ryan," lucky mom knew that and had you prepared, said. Hank, " mom. In the Ranch lands cattle theifs make off with over three million cattle from every ranchers, one of the Rancher pick up the line and call for help,"( help our cattle is missing!) Lucky with their new outfit , office they got an house line that the telephone receivers Mic is attach to the stakes to their new gun belts, at the house. "( bounty of law, did you see who took them.) Boys we fish packing you she we get back, we got a call lets move, we are on our way sir. ) they stop what they are doing and got on their horses and left, " ( Jordan and Jessie I want a full out report on it catch and bring who stealing ) said, marco. Marybeth, Jim snd Chuck and Jean walked up. "( mom dad is supplies coming? ) asked. Joseph" (yes when it get there start making wagon parts.) Said ,Hank. " cool we got it what about help and food, ) Breakfast and chow is set and wagon repairs is 120' silver check, We will have lunch plates made when w are back, stagecoach is 120 gold check, the same with dinner to. And patty wagons is 120 copper check. Seconds is extra, ) said. Jessie, "( Grandma mom and Marybeth could you handwith the kitchen?) " ( passing out breakfast, yeah what we are charging?) Asked. Josie, " breakfast plates is 20 silver dollars,

Lunch plates is 20 gold dollars

And Dinner plates is 20 Cooper dollars, call us went you run out of food, ) said. Jordan, "( Jim and Chuck and Dad help them in the shop we should be done and on the way back, ) said. Jessie," this come first gals you beholder of the people and I need a chef of security and law enforcement.) Said, Marco, " sir Mr. Anderson can I do it, " ( dad you need two chef of law enforcement and chef of security,) said. Jordan, he smile an Chef of Law enforcement= the law of the state and send out the season hearts and run the office,

Chef of security= make sure the Congress I safe, the security is enforced and In order, but who will he pick? Back to the story, they arrived back at the hoise, they put their horses back in the barn huse, and got to work st the depot, when a wagon with missing wheel drag up. " Could I have one of my grandkids gsls, yes Jim you can be chef of security, you are in charge of the security of Houston, said. Marco, " yes which one , asked. Jordan " clubs your grandfather need one of you, said. Jessie, " I do it grandpa I take chef of law enforcement, said. Weston, " thank you my grandson, he kissed him on the head, They walked up to him. " evening sir welcome to the family depot, said. Joseph. " do you have wheel I need a wheel, said. The wagon master, " yes wheel repair is 120 silver dollars, said. Joseph, " mean time you can have dinner while you wait,( mom is any dinner plates ready? ,) asked. Randolph, "( we getting dinner ready send him in, ) said. Tonia. " they fixing dinner you can enter the front door sir, he got off the wagon, " thank you, he paid for the wheel, Freddy put the money in the money case, they take the wagon in until the shop, time to get work repair wagons, meanwhile up south, an storm rode into Nashville County Sally Comes, she like a black willow spider mate and kills the husands, in this case she what the world calls a Succubus, that a western demon that seduce then killed man aftr, she walked into a saloon, everyone stopped, what an gorgeous toxic women,and cowboy walked up to her. " howdy can I buy you a beer ma'am? Asked. The cowboy, " what a gentleman sure, said Sally , he took her to an table, he don't know what he is in, back at the homeStead, the traveller walked in the door, " welcome to the Garrett depot diner, hope you brought your hunger, said. Jordan, Jessie set the table,*"( guyswe need a diner that not our kutchen, by the way your plates will be on the counter,) said. Jessie, " wait you the queen of hearts, I been looking all over for you two,no one knows where or how to get in touch. Said the man, " base is in Morgan town sir we accept walk ins, telephone calls and telegram, what seem to be the problem? Asked. Jordan, " have you heard of the man eater. Asked the traveler, " no, you After her, said. Jordan, " she kill my son , but no marshal will help me catch het, said.the traveler, " what is your plans for her? Asked. Marco, " hanging her, said. The traveler, " gals, they walked up to him, " what you think?" He smells like a bounty hunter, said. Jordan, " looks like a bounty Hunter to, what you think dad,by helping him hang this women, you ruin your name, in the eyes of Houston. Said, Jessie, Billy and Chuck rode up,"