Everyone was also shocked to the point of gasping. The fifth young miss of the Qiao family was actually a world renowned medical expert...
"Qiao Yue, will you save Qiao Ying?" Qiao Jing looked at Qiao Yue and asked coldly.
"She is my sister, of course I will."
Qiao Yue had already asked Yin He to get her set of needles and inserted them into Qiao Ying's various acupuncture points.
In less than five minutes, Qiao Ying's stiffness disappeared and her body seemed to become flexible again.
Lu Ying, who was assisting Qiao Yue, could feel a faint warmth on Qiao Ying's body.
"Lu Ying, massage the two acupoints at the back of her neck."
Lu Ying nodded and began to massage Qiao Ying while Qiao Yue continued the acupuncture treatment on Qiao Ying.
Everyone held their breath. The excitement tonight was too scary.