Chereads / I Have Mission In Zombie World / Chapter 29 - What are you gonna do

Chapter 29 - What are you gonna do

we gather up in Sue director room. Me, Jeniffer , The sister, Alicia, Itsuka, Sue, Gerard, And David.


"Appreciate the inconvenient, but i will talk straight to the point. I was chosen by fate became god or king, But i need some of yours view because you guys all have some smart logic and know me very much" they confused and i just gave them sign to tell me

"What kind god or king you mean for" Sue asked me.

"God is like powerful or something like unbeatable but i don't want you assume that kind of god in the bible, more like human god in particular. King is like zombie , i can control every zombie in this planet just by my presence even boss type zombie was my slave. that's it any thing else" they now understood a little.

"What do you need us for" Itsuka asked me and im smiled at her

"I know some of you has many view, Sue was like scientist to make human advance, Itsuka like super soldier who can perfect any kind of order, The sister for religious view, alicia was view of zombie queen,Gerard was human view, Uncle david was Life view, Jeniffer was experiment view. so i want you guys to gave me something that i will think about it. because i'm not from this world" They gasped and disbelief at me

"Are you alien ?" Gerard ask me a question

"No, Rather human from different dimension. my sole reason here was 2, help humanity or destroy humanity but in this year our race was stagnant because something. but my first choice was help your kind,despite all you had done to me. im aware that our first met that i was immature but now. i'm just tired, i want to comeback to my world. before i going back , i need safe this world" they now understood my condition

"So you are not my specimen" i just shake my head.

"I'm still your creation, and always has been" i just stroke her head.

"So what you gonna do" The sister asked me

"Rather being god or king, i will choose to be human. because i respect all of your hard work and your struggle with or without me" They relieve and want to hug me but i reject that because i will go now.


{Are you a king or a god}


Become zombie king (1/1)

Have a queen (1/1)

Subdue strongest human (1/1)


1x Random


Become invincible (1/1)

Defeat strongest being (3/3)

Destroy human stronghold (1/1)


1x Random




{Save Humanity From Zombie Apocalypse}

Defeat the creator of virus (1/1)

Subdue Or Kill Perfect Super Soldier (3/1)

Let Sue Dissected You (0/1) <> Suicide (0/1) <> Let all humanity fight you (0/1) <>


1x World Cure


1x Return to Your Original World


what the hell is that mission, fuck fuck.

"i have confession" they look at me and confused again

"There is three way to help your world First Sue you need to dissected me. Second let me suicide.Third i want all humanity fight me" they angry and scolded me

"You dare"

"No,you cant do that"

"I cant"

"Boy what are you talking about"

"You what stupid freak"

"Silence" They shut up

"This is my last choice to save this world. you guys can choose those three option, the reward was the world cure. do it or not is your choice" they silence and think about it.

"Because when sue dissected me, she will found the cure. If i suicide , all virus in this world will follow me to my death. If all humanity fight me to death, i will not respond just accepting my death with the hand of my kin" silence, so quite.

"What happened to you after that" Sue want to make sure what happened to me

"I will die, cant be revived or anything else. that's a necessary sacrifice for better future, i'm sure you guys tired in this world of zombie. so i will make the sacrifice and help your kin. i'm sorry, our kin" Alicia approach me and hug me

"if you die , i will follow you. because i already promised to my self"i stroke her head and give her cheek a pinch.

"Cant do, you must live" She cried and keep hugging me

"No, i will follow you even in death"so i knock her out.

"So anyway, lets not talk about that. you guys can discuss about it, call me when you done" I put Alicia in the couch and im back to my room.

i waited their answer because i know that i was immature and too selfish, but you know. i cant do anything.

i'm not smart as sue even i call her stupid, i'm not logical as jeniffer when we in desperate situation, i'm even not perfect soldier like itsuka who is born as assassin.

i'm just human, who is not perfect. i have a weakness that is my ego.

my ego holding me back.

so now i must do what i do to help this world.

if they didn't choose either of three, i will choose option 2.

am i bored in this world ? yes and no, because i can have cool thing in this world but i cant enjoy normal live while my kin struggle to survive.

i had sex in here, every man dream am i right but life is not about reproduce.

i just don't know what to do, restart civilization ? take more time.

i want quick simple way, the mission already gave the answer.

but i will dead, True dead. If that what happened then so be it.

what happened after i die, that was i scared.

if the cure make every zombie comeback to human or normal thing is okay, but if every zombie dead.

only human in facility, and other survivor who survive out there still alive , then restart humanity from the scratch just like Adam and Eve.

but Alicia maybe will followed me to death, but i don't want that. because she must live until she died in natural way.

not stupid way like me, cause i'm more stupid than Sue .

I must rest now, before i meet my end in this world.




i sleep for three day because my brain didn't have enough dopamine , i just stay in my room. not going out because i preparing my heart to die.

now lets take a shower first, i go out and take shower. really long shower, without wanking though so yeah.

after shower i met other resident and talk little while, we have good laugh about life.

i met sister Marie, to gave me some comfort in this last day in this world.

she gave me some pray and bless for happy life in next life.

"thank you sister Marie" She nod and gave me a cheek stroke. i enjoy it , she was pitying me.

i came back to my room to find this four girl sat in my bed.

Sue, Itsuka, Jeniffer, and alicia.

"Can i help you" I just smiled at them.

"we decide that, We didn't choose your three option. because you deserve to live" i cant take anymore

'Destroya equip'

after i equip that, i walk toward them

"You guys failed me again,So be it" I then fly toward sky.

after i hovering in the space. i see many other continent, they beautiful without zombie though.

i release my alpha aura to gather all zombie toward one place. unnamed island in middle of nowhere.

zombie swarmed me and im ready to suicide.

i felt some helicopter came to me, i was ready up.

how am i going to suicide ? Easy ,destroya has energy cumulative explosive. just like nuclear fusion, kill every living thing in parameters. including me, i will gone reduce to atom.

i order some zombie gave them place to land and not attacking them

"Stop vangra" Sue scream at me.

"You freak are more idiot than a monkey" Jeniffer adding some sarcasm

"Stop you molester" I just sighed at her comment.

"If you do it, i will hug you" cant do my queen .

"Stop before i will exploded" they keep continue and already in my range of nuclear fusion.

"no" they say it together, what a girl.

"Alright let hear the reason then" I will listen for now.

they approach me and sit in front of me.

"we cant make you a sacrifice , we want you back to normal human. together with us, not away from us" Sue opened our awkward talk and i unequipped destroya.

"What do you mean"They just don't know how to answer, i look at them and shake my head.

"Sue. If you dissect me i will death and you can find the cure for all humanity, we cant be selfish this one" she then slap me

"is you who are the selfish one, You always decide something we dont ask about it. You are more selfish than our kin combine, so comeback and think again" Sue continued slap me, stop and crying in my chest.

"No" refused her offer was not an option because the mission i choose was the cure.

if my soul worth for humanity cure, so be it.

"Listen to me Vangra, Come back or i will make myself turn in front of you" She now threaten me, how cute.

"For what Sue ? For my pity toward you ? For your love toward me? Listen to me, i was nobody in here. before you guys meet me so yeah" i cant find any reason for this situation.

i'm only have mission in this world, my mission was save humanity.

i already try defy the mission when creating Alicia, now i cant do that anymore.

look what happened to her, she now depend on me like a parasite. i regret and grateful because of it.

we came back and i'm going to test subject room.

i lied down in the bed and look at the ceiling. sighed and thinking this was the best for me.

"What are you doing" she asked me to come back for this, but now she question it again. oh my god.

"dissect me, please" i'm ready to get dissected and Sue just standing beside me

"no" she cried and i wiped away her tears

"The cure, or your love. Choose Sue, I already said it. abandon all think or feeling toward me" she slap my face

"those apply when you get turn, not this" i slap my forehead and coughed.

"i'm sorry, my brain was turn off before" she laughed a little

"Why you doing all this" she asked me to confirm something

"because i want return to my world, because this world was stagnant , only thing i can do was this" she looked at me and ready to slap me again

"that's not a solution" smile , just smile toward her

"then tell me how to help this world, the cure you say, is inside me. or you want restart human civilization from scratch" she now slap me again, the hell woman.

"i don't know and don't want" she now hold my hand

"then what do you want" i hold her hand back

"i want you to be a human, i want you live as Vangra. not zombie king, not super soldier, not a god, not a weapon. a human" she hug me while i was sleep. i hug her back and caress her back.

"then return me back to human before i was a test subject" she raised her body and stare at me.

"i can't" i sighed and stroke her cheek.

"Why?" she hold my hand tighter and trembling.

"I don't want to" i staring her eyes straight to her souls


"because i can't"


"I cant Vangra, I can't do it, I just can't"

"but why?"

"listen to me Vangra, I can't"

"No, Why you can't?"

"I" she now stop and looked at me

"Why you can't" she then kiss me and i accept it.

after done kissing me she then continued holding my hand

"because i don't know how" i sighed and stroke her head.

"Dissect me is the only way Sue" Sue cried and hug me tighter.

"I don't want you dissected again like before" i know Sue, you afraid to lose me now right. what a nice girl even she unconditionally stupid sometimes.

"if the answer was fight me or let me suicide then what your feeling about that" seeing her genuine reaction was amusing but i want her choose now , not enjoying entertainment.

"I will keep watching and keep your body" i facepalm so hard then flick her forehead.

"You really love me even don't want to lose me" she shy and punch my chest softly

"Yes, I love you. But this is not the end of our relationship" i pinch her nose and move it right left.

"You crazy naughty scientist" she now happy and want me to spoil her, but not now.

"I'm crazy because of you, just like Alicia said" i chuckle and stroke her hair.

"Sue how about this. use this ticket" i gave her my partner ticket to her.

"whats this?" she confused about the ticket.

"when you done dissected me and get the cure to the world, tear that ticket. and i will meet you in my true world" she hug me and crying in my embrace.

"what if you didn't come back" she afraid that i truly death, i smiled and give her a kiss

"did i never back down in my word Sue" she smile and hug me again, man this girl love hugging me.

"promise me you will wait there" she gave me pinky promise, what a cute girl.

"yeah, wait for me if i late okay" i gave my pinky promise too. such a lovely couple we are.

"alright i'm ready,Vangra I love You" i smiled and laugh a little

"I love you too Sue" she then starting dissect me.

My world became dark after sue start dissected me, and i got notification


{Save Humanity From Zombie Apocalypse}

Defeat the creator of virus (1/1)

Subdue Or Kill Perfect Super Soldier (3/1)

Let Sue Dissected You (1/1)


1x World Cure


1x Return to Your Original World


"Mission Complete"

I'm glad and happy about this, and Sue keep her promise.

now selecting time. first option i choose you.

but why the second choice is on ? if that additional reward. thank you, thank you, thank you. i must return before Sue was there.

i choose it and my view became bright.

i woke up in my old room and start go out to see someone.

"You here, Vangra" She looked at me and smile

"I'm back Sue" i ran toward her and kiss her passionately.

after done it we stared each other.

"I always keep my promise didn't i ?" She giggle and stroke my cheek

"Yeah of course" i bring her to my couch and hug her like a good lover

"Now what we gonna do Sue" i asked her a question for our future.

"Many, Married, have a kid, enjoy our life in your world. No zombie only human. only two of us . a Scientist and her zombie subject" i chuckle and pinch her stomach fat.

"let's do it then , my naughty scientist" she giggle and caress my hand.

"I love you Vangra" She kiss my cheek

"I love you too Sue" I take her head and give her kiss in the mouth.

my mission is done in that world so now, i must continue my mission in this world.

what mission do you ask ? make my little scientist happy, that was my mission.

what is my reward ? A happy life or Normal Life ? Why not both though.

what is the requirement ? just become good man toward her, not perfect, not immortal. be a good man.

And i.

Already complete it.


OP pp's note

Finally finished, I'm really tired because 80% of this novel without a translator, except for a few scenes. because the logic of the sentences and what I thought was very minimal, so it could not be achieved to the fullest so I'm sorry.

I feel that the speed of the scenes in this novel is very rushed, well what else? I only use pure English from my memory, not from the translator. so it's a bit like a novel made by elementary school children. but it doesn't matter to me, and thank you for reading my novel.

I'll probably make a longer novel.

But I have to make full use of the translator.

Why not just study? Because I'm lazy man.

Why bother learning if you don't understand it yourself?

Keep it simple and most importantly aim for a story that makes sense and is easy for the reader to enjoy so there you go.

Thanks again to all of you readers who added this book to your collection, don't bother giving me a power stone, just reading it makes me happy.

Goodbye and see you in the next novel