Chereads / I Have Mission In Zombie World / Chapter 13 - Third time the charm

Chapter 13 - Third time the charm

We arrive in this big warehouse, 15ft tall. great, but now its close due to some funny jizz. maybe blood meat or some shit, i don't know . the smell little horrid so we will adapt eventually.

we waited in front of it , I sit and of course Jeniffer still throwing tantrum to me. i ignored her , everybody just shake their head.

"If you keep throwing shit , do some act you bitch" She glared and pointing at me while keep bitching. i just facepalm so hard that my ear burn.

i sighed then steal her communication radio

"Hello headquarter, This is captain jeniffer bitch speaking, we need reinforcement immediately. Over" she now silent

"Roger, locating position. 30 minute we will arrive. Over" I smiled and throw that to her

"So" I stand up cracking my bones all over my body.

"Do you guys want explore or straight to fight" they confused about that.

"Explore. Pros , you can do whatever you want in that building. Cons,You lack ammo after you done searching" They listened to me

"Fight. Pros, quick job quick home easy as that.Cons, We absolutely zero clue about what happened next" They nodded. good.

"Go on discuss , i will wait here. doing nothing" Jeniffer again throwing tantrum for that. i sigh and open my pants zippers. she scream and pointed toward my open zippers

"If you keep talking , how about talking with my dick . maybe he will listen" She angry and punch me, and i just pull my zipper and tank it like children hit me.

the team just ignore our fight and choose first option, very well.

they went in, i'm now going to repair the two M2 and put it in my new backpack. good thing is when i done repair it, little tap to backpack. M2 gone and going to backpack, that's cool. maybe i can store a tank in the future.

now i waiting for them and i eat my chocolate chips, but they really taking their time there so now i'm waiting faster.

30 minutes they come out and explosion happened. hmm that's some good firework.


{I'm fucking invincible}

<>Let Yhord show you his evolution<>

Don't join the fight (0/1)

let Yhord kill every squad team (11/0)

Enjoy the show with Yhord (0/1)

<>Let Yhord know that , you are the invincible<>

Speed run Yhord dying (0/10)

Keep every member you team alive(11/11)

No gun needed (0/1)


1x Injection needle


okay that's some good choice, of course i choose second option. the team was fine except the captain. so i must save them

Warehouse now explode , in the debris a dragon walking toward us , roared and jump down into us. Yhord has been evolved into legit dragon. 2 wing, legs with spike for every elbow, face with two giant horn and teeth. lucky for me, the claw mark still there.

health bar now pop up, okay time to speed run this shit.

i equipped Hellhound and Hermes, when Yhord roared. i dash to its upper head and kick it down, its answer my attack with slash and whip , i grab its tail and RKO it.

Yhord down with bottom body open , i jumped toward it and stomp its chest like no tomorrow, Yhord roared and claw me but when he claw , i jump and slam its chest then continued stomp it.

after that i clawed all of Yhord body , Yhord spin its body and ready to fly, before its fly i grabbed its tail and slam it forward, backward, forward, backward, and so on. until Yhord bleeding out , i throw Yhord back to warehouse. i walked toward it with small little step, and slicing my double claw together.

"Mission Complete"

Good , now little push . i will get better challenge.

"Yhord you are too weak, wanna have some fun or a little handicap" Its glared at me and growl.

everybody look us in disbelief event no gun needed to finish this zombie off.


{For the first time, I was challenge to duel}

<>Fight Yhord all out<>

Use all weapon (0/0)

Kill Yhord with glory (0/1)

<>Fight Yhord with handicap<>

Inject Yhord with red tubes (0/1)

Upgraded Yhord evolution (2/3)

Fight Yhord without a weapon (0/1)

Executed Yhord with style (0/1)

Make sure all the team member survived (11/11)


1x Random


lets have some fun Yhord. second option i choose you, so i pulled out the injection needle and put it in the content of the red tube. i put all my weapon to the backpack and walked toward Yhord.

"This will make you invisible but before we attack each other like a madman, i would like you to let my team go, so we will fight to heart content. Do you understand , buddy " Yhord look at me and wink later little growl , so its seem its agree.

I inject it , then Yhord body become cocoon again.

"What the fuck are you doing" Jeniffer pull my collar, I just smiled

"If you guys don't wanna die silly, After the reinforcement come, Run , never comeback" I just push her hand to release me

"No we will fight together" Then the cocoon broke, Yhord roared so hard that sky become dark, Absolute malice. Cool as fuck, my male fantasy screaming again . Yhord you are really worth investment.

Now Yhord have 4 dark green red wing, Bigger and stronger body, its chest now have hardened armor skin, its breath contain toxin smoke that so deadly even nearby building melted. he become true dragon lord.

After its done roared he look at me in the eyes and sneered. looks like its have consciousness now, i just sneered to and sit here looked into its eye.

we just doing staring contest. every body who witness it ready to attack.

"If i become you, I will never comeback home intact" I keep eye contact with Yhord and its smile toward me. everybody now wait the reinforcement.

Atmosphere around us keep getting stronger, so this is feels like unstoppable force meet immovable object.

we keep staring each other even without blinking, good you waiting patiently.

helicopter arrive and pick the team up. i just smiled and its smile too, I throw my backpack toward jeniffer and gave her sign to go away

"You crazy asshole , who's your name" She scream toward me

"Vangra, Tell everybody in facility. I'll be back in a minutes" Yhord sneered even wider and chuckle with growling its ass, Oh you bitch . you don't know i gave you a handicap.

when they go far, we stand up together , i cracking my bone while Yhord ready its wing and body

"Round Three,Fight" I scream that, and we dash together into oblivion.








When Jeniffer arrive, she tell everybody about me fighting Yhord alone, even she tell them about Yhord evolution.

Eun Ae fainted, Sister Gabrielle drop down and pray with sister Marie, While David and Gerard angry toward jeniffer who didnt help me.

"He specifically request that , if we go in . we will die before the bullet even get shot" Jeniffer gave fabrication over the fact but that give them a little fear.

"its there anything he left to you" Sue asked jeniffer who was scolded by Gerard

"here" She throw my backpack , but Sue frown about it

"This is not his backpack, Are you sure" She gave the backpack toward Jeniffer

"Yes its his backpack, When we fight some mutated snake, his backpack change like that so we just ignored it. and when he confront Yhord he gave us the backpack then relay you a message'Tell the facility ill be back in a minutes' so yeah like that" Sue facepalm and sighed.

"You never listen to us Vangra" When she almost open the backpack

"If You open it, I will fuck you in the yard and get watched by everybody Sue" I scream and land down in the middle of yard. every body looked at me in horror

"Hey there welcome to Tuesday night in This shit world" I gave every single one of them Middle finger.