Chereads / I Have Mission In Zombie World / Chapter 2 - Stuck in City Center

Chapter 2 - Stuck in City Center

"Enough joking , Who are you?" this guy didnt understand my reference, sorry then.

"My name is Vangra, Im survivor in that facility, Now who are you guys ?" I looked and asked question to them.

"Captain Gerard, David, Itsuka" He point every one in his team.

I inspect all of them, Gerard have M16, David have a fucking Minigun, Itsuka have MP7.

well a heavy hitter in this team , i assume.

"What are you doing here, this city was ruined because zombie horde. why you survive?"

im not crazy enough to tell them , i got transported into that place.

"I was test subject, im honest with you. I sole survivor in that. before you asked me , am i infected or not. Im 100% not, so please. let me help you guys in this hellhole" I plea to them, of course i want survive this city.

they release me and i follow them to explore this City.

i learn 2 or 3 from them.

first, nobody will not be turned if they not dead.

second, If you meet superior zombie or any advance zombie. run.

Third, Lower zombie has one weakness, just 1 bullet . job is done.

now the question is, how the hell humanity struggle from it. too many advance zombie or superior zombie? or humanity is stupid enough to survive this world?. is this kind a third rate joke that im to idiot to understand.

after a while we gather in city center, resupply etc.

gerard and david always talk with themself, itsuka always stand alone watching me the whole time.

"what are you looking at , are you into me?" I spoke into itsuka, she immidiately shoot her mp7 at me

"Im joking , stop, stop" She stopped her shoot.

i inhaled big oxygen , this woman is crazy.


{Survive zombie horde}

Survive zombie wave (0/4)

Kill Juggernaut (0/1)


1x Juggernaut Mutation Virus

30x Round Magazine for every wave you survived


Well fuck, Looks like im gonna milking them for the first wave

"Guys we got a problem" I spoke to them,tell them our condition. Sure enough they are panic. but freet not, we will survive this horde.

Gerard and david go into west and east side, Itsuka and i go into north and south side.

well they doing great job. shooting those brainless fucker but me ? im run around in loop, need them to help me. cause my amunition is limited.

after a while , they done doing their job and looking at me in amusement, especially itsuka who laugh looking at me

"Do you have any consideration to help me" I scream to them and also ran around looping this zombie. eventually they help me, I taking break cause im tired , really really tired. holy shit i forget doing leg day in my past life.

first wave is done, i check requirement

Survive zombie wave (1/4)

Kill Juggernaut (0/1)

good, lets check my ammunition.

i opened my backpack see new magazine in there, great.

the waves keep coming again and now i must do my job properly this time.

i shot normal looking zombie in the head, then they drop like flacid ballon.

after killing 10 zombie , new zombie coming at me in fast speed and got clawed at my hand, i shot it in the head. but it doesnt go down or stagger at least, maybe this superior or mutated zombie. i keep evading and shooting this zombie.

"Go down bitch" i keep shooting this zombie , when i reload this zombie lunge at me, i evade then it slammed its head to concrete, i shot it then it dead. finally.

shit that zombie claw is hurt , i need healing right now. Im gonna call that zombie,Runner zombie.

after that i check my requirement again. this time 3/4.

wait how ? so this is last wave then.

alright, lets check magazine again. well enough for last wave.

zombie horde coming again but this time two Runner coming at me, Shitty luck.

i honestly struggle to fight this zombie. Shot this shot that, i almost dead, legit almost dead. shitty luck.

i return to them , i frown to see they are fine. while i bleeding out. i sighed, then gerard throw me first aid

"First time" He laugh and help me mend my wound

"Yeah, Thank you" After i mend my wound they discuss about something, but im not joining cause i know. Juggernaut is coming.

and well he really coming from my south side.

Big guy 10ft tall , big stomach , Held sharpened Knife, wear steel helmet.

well shit we gonna die

"Guys we got company" They looked at my way then shrudder.

"Everybody run" They wanted to run

"Wait, Give me knife and grenades. i will fight it" They looked at me in disbelief, please trust me . im doing mission here.

"Are you crazy ? that thing is 100x stronger than all of us combine" Itsuka spoke for fhe first time.

"I know , but if it bleed,i can kill it" i stand up ready my glock, David throw me A Military knife, Gerard also throw me 3 grenade

"Alright, If you can kill it. we will wait you here.

if you dont survive , we will abandon you"they go to second floor in abandon building

"We will see that" After done prepearing. i go straight to it and slash my knife in to the stomach.

it slashed the knife to my direction, but i easyly avoid it.

my guess is right. it bleed and the wound is wide open.

i run into it and pull out pin of my grenade and shove it into that wound. but with wrong calculation my hand stuck in there

"Well shit, looks like i put to much force into it"

it slashed my body and then grenade explode.

i got thrown to wall, i vomited my blood and my body broken because the explosion.

"Mission Complete"

great now my reward bitch.

i waited a while then pain is coming straight at my body, i screaming . this pain is unbearable.

'Juggernaut mutation virus, Virus developed to increase individual power into maximum potential'

Shitty summary again. Fuck you.

i looked my body who ripped out, At last my skinny looking ass now is gone. time to meet them

they waited me in second floor, i wave at them.

they surprise to see me.

"You alive ? Great now lets continue our journey" Gerard lead our way to abandoned subway

"Really ? No welcoming party, You guys no fun" i shrugged then follow them into subway.

this team sucks