"Velian Keller?" The elf representative heard about this new king from her queen, but she didn't expect him to be this important for their land, after all, he was just a new king and a young kid, who haven't even lived one-third of her life.
Both representatives of Elf and beastkin were rather disappointed in the current situation of humans and couldn't help but think.
'How pathetic! Is this the same race that hero appeared from?'
They didn't want to acknowledge that hero, who defeated the demon lord was a human, but in their history, it was clearly written about him.
Even though they hated humans, they respected the human hero, so none of them even thought about insulting him, but the disappointment was rather apparent in their eyes about the human race in general.
"So where is this new king now? Can we meet him now? I hope you have arrangements because we don't have time to play,"