It had been days in the forest and I had learned a few things. Such as Grim meat was not edible, and I had to find and eat some proper animals. So setting up not only traps for normal deer and rabbits that I ate. I also stalked grim and killed them. The grim were relatively weak though I had only found 3 types so I didn't have a good scale for them.
I had gained a better idea with what I was working with in my situation. It seemed I both still have my skills from my past life and all the skills gained by my new life. I could still shoot a gun and now I could shoot a bow. Using a knife in my past life consisted of accurately stabbing people to death. Now I had the skills to use a knife to dissect and butcher animals with ease.
I also learned much more about the semblance I had and what semblances were in general. I had nothing like this in my past life, but if I did I would've never been caught or killed. The past, I'll call them Vessel A. When Vessel A was using this semblance they only ever used it to make their weapons more effective. With various things like enchant fire or ice.
I had expanded the range far more quickly creating a infinite bouncy ball made from a rabbit skull. I lost the skull fairly quickly and it would like stop at some point. Most likely by landing in the sea. I also caught some rabbits to test some more outrageous ideas. One such trial consisted of me giving invulnerability and regeneration. The regeneration was by far the scariest thing I had seen. If one was injured it would first heal the wound and then soon after the cells began wildly growing. Tumors had formed on rabbit I tested and I realized I couldn't give any long term effects that would have a increasing effect.
I wasn't a scientist or anything, but I could say for certain things like that were not smooth. Anything that increased in its variables also caused me some serious problems. Things that factor in like this were Regeneration and Velocity. It was a true mess for myself, specially if I wanted to use this semblance to increase my abilities.
I would give it a month or two until I figure out the full extent of these new abilities. I was only scratching the surface of my own imagination after all. I already had thoughts about giving myself immortality or some form of manipulation of higher concepts. The problem was yet again however I wasn't a brainac so those higher concepts were fairly simple and I didn't want to accidentally do something regrettable. Didn't want to be a Teratoma Tumor monster like the rabbit I created.
I sighed, on the bright side once I was done testing my skills and learning how to use my semblance I would have a ton of dead grim to make money from. The fur and bone seemed usable for things like the clothes I was wearing and the knife I was using. However the meat seemed pointless. I cooked it and it was still bad. I drained the blood and juice and the liquid I got was toxic as fuck, but the meat was almost rotten and decayed faster. If I separated the fur and bones from the grim they didn't decay, however if they remained to the meat the same slow decay would happen to them.
it was an odd concept to see bodies turn to dust. Normal animals didn't follow this which meant it was unique to these creatures. The dust that was created wasn't toxic though and it didn't damage the soil. Which made me unsure of what exactly could cause this weird decay effect. I could try my semblance on it and test with that, but it seemed unlikely to produce useful results.
On the bright side I had plenty of Grim to kill thanks to my semblance I learned I could attract and repel them with certain phrased commands. A few things worked to attracted the grim however only Enchant: Grim Repellent really worked for getting them to avoid me. Enchanting the toxic liquids of the grim I got it to turn into normal water. The whole process of learning was fascinating like I was a new recruit back on the battlefield with my trust firearm.
Those were the simple days, before psych evaluations and when everyone was being drafted. You could smother your entire camp in the night and no one would bat an eye as long as a alien corpse was on the scene. I sighed, killing grim was simply not the same as the intelligent xeno creatures I had fought in the past. Aliens just like humans except they had a larger frontal lobe. A race of long eel like mammals that used psionic tasers.
"Haha! I shouldn't reminisce or I'll miss my old life." I grabbed a rabbit and enchanted it with negative emotion. It was filled with fear not a lot, but enough to cause some grim to sniff it out. I would find something to truly enjoy in this life. Whether it be fine wine and great views or killing immortal lovers I would certainly have my day.
In a month I would start my way to Beacon and work on my social life.
-----This fic series version of the semblance explanation. If you need clarification on it comment and I'll explain questions-----