Chereads / Lorien Legacies New Dreams / Timeline- Lorien legacies

Timeline- Lorien legacies

 Before the Loric Arrive

1990- Birth of One

1991- Adamus Sutekh is born(Good Mog)

1993- Birth of Seven And Eight

1994- Birth Of Five and Six

1995-Birth of Sam Goode, Four, Nine, and Two

1996-Birth of Three and our Mc


 -Lexa, Zophie, Clayton and newborn named Ella who is a garde escape destruction in a second much older spacecraft unbeknownst of the other loric.

 -Pitticus lore arrives at Malcolm goode's house asking him to gather the greeters and put the loric children into hiding right as they arrive on earth.

The Night of the quarter-moon- 1999

 -9 loric and 9 cepans and one pilot named Janus escape from the destruction of Lorien

 -The loric arrive on earth after a yearlong journey and are given new Identifications on earth and go their separate ways into hiding.

2000- The mogs arrive

2001- The mogs work with high level government officials in trade for technology they would over assistance hunting down the loric

2002- All greeters have been captured

2003- One is caught shoplifting in California which forces them to move to Malaysia where they are caught One is tortured and Adamus is hooked up to a mind link machine where he falls in love with one gives him her own legacy because she believes he's worthy.

2004- One Dies


 -Two Dies in england

 -Six and her cepan get Captured 

-While not specified most likely the time when to makes it to Miami since Ethan hired Five and his friend Emma for jobs off and on for an extended period of time And he stayed with him at his house for an unspecified period of time plus the training he did with the mogs the trauma of almost dying probably forced his legacies to awaken earlier he had to be old enough to awaken his legacies to reach Miami since he is the same age 


-Sandor dies and Nine is captured

-Five's Betrayal (though heavily manipulated


-Three dies in kenya

-Start of the series

-Number Seven is found

-Number EIght is found


-Mogs try to take over the world

-The revolution of the loric