Dark Hunter is a Awaken Level Deep Fire Being, the Deep Fire Levels are
Deep Fire Level
Blue Deep Fire-
Red Deep Fire-
Black Deep Fire-
Awaken Level )
Considering that, Dark Hunter is a Awaken Level 1, it is expected that in ten to fifteen years or maybe more, he will become a Origin Level Being, the power difference between, New Deep Fire Level and Awaken Level is too much, one Awaken Level easily take out more than thirty new Deep Fire Level alone.
The difference is too much.
Dark Hunter slowly crouched down and turned into a humanoid bolt and shoot towards to house of Fraus, which is ten km far away from itself.
Fraus who is silent, opened his eyes in danger and then vanished, "Booooooooom"
The ground Fraus was sitting on crushed beneath strong physical power, a deep hole five meters deep and five meters width opened.
Dark Hunter giggled and speaks.
"Where are you little human."