Chapter 55 - HOME

Third Person's P.O.V

"What happened?" Mino questioned as he noticed the deity's frail form leaning against a big tree. Kypper was crying next to her, tenderly patting the deity's cheek so she wouldn't close her eyes fully.

"Papa!" yelled the young wolf as Mino approached the wounded body of the deity. Kypper dashed into his arms, and when he lifted him up, he felt a tremendous trembling.

"Don't ever try to follow her!" the deity's stern but emphatic advice. "You're bleeding!" Mino remarked rapidly, while Kypper couldn't stop weeping. "Don't worry about me; I won't die yet," the deity replied faintly.

She compelled her body to stand, and she leaned awkwardly against the large tree. She quickly held her bleeding, blood-splattered side. She also violently wiped the blood off her mouth.

Mino can't stop thinking about what just occurred. He caressed the back of Kypper, who was terrified and crying. He looked around, and there was indications of a violent clash.

Many trees had severe slashes, others had been tossed, and there were fissures in the ground created by the brutal battle. "What the heck just happened?" he demanded loudly at the deity.

"She's worse than I expected," Circa responded gravely. "I can't stop that beast," she said, struggling to walk with her wounded legs.

"I'd be dead right now if it hadn't been for that kid," she murmured, hissing in pain as she straightened her back, causing her deep wounds to throb. "What do you mean?" Mino said, trying to console Kypper.

"She's no longer Vreihya," she remarked, but she had lost her balance due to the injuries she had endured. "What have you done?" Mino asked the deity as her wounds gradually healed.

"What she is right now is not my doing; she already has it; I merely prompted it to appear," the deity stated gently before abruptly twisting her arm and creating the sound of a bone twisting as well.

"I think it's wiser for you to go home," the deity replied, twisting her other arm again as its bone sounded. She can also feel some bleeding in her head. The monstrosity appeared to be even worse than the last time she saw it.

"I'm afraid it's too late for that," Mino replied, continuing to soothe the boy. The deity only smirked at Mino's demeanor. "That beast became more furious now that Vreihya has you," the deity replied, struggling to straighten up straight.

"I don't care what that thing is; where is Vreihya right now?" Mino replied emphatically and determinedly to the deity. "She fled into the forest; if your feet ever feel like they're going to flee, just follow that instinct; it'll bring you to her," the deity stated as she opened her arms forward to take Kypper from Mino's arms.

Mino was still contemplating giving Kypper to the deity, but the deity sneered at him. "Well, come on! The boy's journey here isn't over yet; I need to fix him as well," said the deity, who didn't appear to have been badly injured previously.

Mino simply nodded and handed the child over to the deity. "I'll get back to you, okay?" he softly reminded Kypper while he was now in the deity's arms. Despite its reddened eyes, he nodded slowly.

He softly tousled his hair and kissed him on the forehead. Then he returned his uncertain gaze to the deity. "What's up with the look? Am I a criminal or something?" she questioned sarcastically.

"I still don't know if you're a foe or an ally," he stated plainly, as if the creature he was speaking to was insignificant. A familiar mischievous smile appeared on the deity's beautiful face once more.

"I can be anyone that meets your criterion," she responded, shrugging. "Don't worry about me; I'm not the threat here," she said. "Decide whether she is an ally or a foe when you see her now," she added, turning away from Mino and softly rubbing Kypper's back.

"Oh, friendly advice," the deity said as she paused slightly and returned her gaze to the mortal who was gazing at her. "Just go home," she murmured coldly, before disappearing into thin smoke.

Mino can't help but be troubled about the princess, especially since the deity appears to be warning him. Curiosity is currently invading his system, as if something is battling with his mind, but one thing is certain. He will not abandon her.

Despite the fact that his body is not used to something that was awakened within him, he concentrated all of his energy to release that force. He trembled slightly when his pupil began to be thin again. All his senses began to enhance while his body trembled slightly due to the unfamiliar strength.

While sensing his surroundings, he closed his eyes and tried to settle his breathing. He had the sensation that his surroundings somehow whispering to him. He turned to face the direction where he felt something strange. He came to a halt when his body was facing north.

He opened his eyes and took a deep breath as he sensed a terrifying force coming from that direction. He fixed his gaze on that direction and bit his lower lip as he sought to calm his nerves. "What's going on with you, my princess?" he asked quietly.

He didn't waste any time and dashed in that direction as quickly as he could. He almost hit a large tree because he wasn't used to maneuvering himself with his newfound strength.

As his body collides with various trees along the way, loud thuds can be heard everywhere. He came to a halt and regained his breath as he felt a faint pain in his head. His pupils are shifting from round to thinner once more.

His breathing became heavier, but he shook it off and kept running. His mind and body appeared to become heavier and heavier as he went closer and closer to the source of the terrible energy.

He forced himself to run again, but he fell when his knees suddenly grew weak. He landed violently on the lawn. He lifted his face from the ground, and his pupils became round, but he tried to thin them out again.

He didn't care whether it pained his head or even his body since he was determined to use strength that he wasn't used to exerting. He wanted to reach her despite the fact that someone seemed to be roaring at him to flee.

As he gets closer to her, he senses a demonic aura that compels him to flee as far as he can. He's horrified right now, something he never expected to experience when he approached the princess.

He has no idea what he will find when he gets to her location, but he is eager to see her. "Fuck! Fuck! Just shut the hell up!" he yelled to himself as the voices in his head pled with him not to approach the princess.

He pushes himself to stand, but something makes his body feel heavy. His powers are attempting to vanish, as if they are scared of merging with the terrifying power he senses emanating from wherever the princess is.

When he stood up successfully, his abilities left his body, and when he sought to resurrect them, he couldn't sense them anymore. His eyes returned to normal, and he punched the tree to his left with force.

"Fine! I'll do it without you! Fucking coward!" he exclaimed to himself, struggling to glance in the direction of the princess. Even merely looking at it appears challenging.

He began to take a step with his left foot, but something appeared to be pushing him, and he couldn't. His mind is racing with questions about why it is so difficult to get close to Vreihya.

His breathing became thicker and heavier as he felt something is suffocating him. He moved his right foot, but it became more difficult than when he stepped with his left. He's using all of his effort only to get closer to the princess, even though he can't see her yet.

He was going to step forward when he heard a loud thumping of wings from above. He's about to look up when a blurry motion lands with enough force to shake the ground underneath him. Mino rapidly lost his balance and collapsed from his stand.

He closed his eyes when pieces of dust were blown into his eyes as the pair of wings flapped forcefully. Fear immediately consumed his system when he heard a sinister laugh coming in front of him. That laugh is eerie enough like it was a laugh coming from a nightmare turned into reality.

The terrible energy that was immobilizing him appeared to be directly in front. His knees began to quiver as his mind debated whether or not to open his eyes. He is terrified for his life, his sanity, and his soul.

His horror is beyond ordinary—even his body wanted to collapse. A major part of him wanted to get up and go away without even looking at the creature that was stealing his last ounce of strength.

Just being in its proximity causes the evil aura to devour him. He wanted to shield his ears as that sinister laugh echoed everywhere. Despite his thoughts and body battling, he violently opened his eyes, which was a terrible mistake.

He crawled backwards as his eyes enlarged in response to the monstrosity in front of him. He covered his mouth with his shaking hands, cursing himself for not escaping while he could. He crept desperately and rested his back against the large tree behind him, as if his life depended on it.

He desires to flee! He wishes to return home! What he is witnessing is well beyond his normal ability to think. He's scared to death!