Chereads / Brook Harbor / Chapter 3 - Magic

Chapter 3 - Magic

Tac slept in his garage again and he couldn't figure why it was so hot. The heater was on, and it was also keeping hot the pillow he was using. He yawned and told himself comedically, "Simple. It's probably just not going to be a good day!" Inspiration from Merlin as he looked forward and blinked like a creature. Tac was referring the teacher of King Arthur of Camelot who was raised by Merlin in a forest until he was a teenager. Merlin often did the opposite thing.

"It is not, and so it is." Tac picked up his blanket with his left hand in a robotic way, put opposite socks on, and walked sideways toward the garage door. He opened the garage, and it was so hot because it was very sunny outside.

"Now it is not hot! As I have steadily raised the bar in life to change my life settings," he said to himself.

Tac took his dog Brando around the block for a walk, and as he was pooping, he looked upward in respect for Brando's privacy. Another dog walker passed.

The guy asked, "What kind of dog?"

Tac replied, "He is a Pit to me, but I honestly think he is only part Pit. I got him from folks I met at a fundraiser. The money helped their friend get prosthesis."

"Oh, really?" the walker replied.

"And yours?" Tac asked in return.

"Part Pit, but he has some Rottweiler."

"Oh, nice."

Tac pet the man's dog and continued on his way. Tac thought about his impression while squinting his way forward. "But, in the spirit of Merlin, who cares!" Tac thought. The day was nothing, then made a bit magical. In that, change occurs through honesty, which turns into a continuous positivism. "Who's to say that anything is too much as long as we are honest? Our private lives are cloudy with rainstorms. Only peace should survive," Tac assured himself.

"Black magic is the culprit!" Tac growled to himself, gritting his teeth while walking Brando back to the condo. "That is an evil culture with the aim of looking at people with devilish eyes."

Tac assured himself of control over his power by saying, "There is no magic but the magic of Camelot. If there ever was, then magic can kiss my butt! And I hope their wands get confiscated. Love is all there is!" Tac landed back at his condo with a slight disgust for black magic practitioners. He put Brando inside and gave him a treat and furiously stepped on dry leaves to get around to his garage. He looked at his surfboard hanging on the wall, and told himself, "There is no place like home," throwing a hang loose sign to all the dark energy out there.

Tac performed a scan of the crowd at the Harbor Mall. An adult, but still up for contact. Yet, there existed noone as he stood there at center court. Atleast at the moment. He stopped looking and continued to buy his lunch. He walked over and bought some Chinese fast food.

He asked, "Two choice, with tea." She replied, "No tea, only Coke."

Tac got a little upset, but controlled his temper in his modern humanity.

"Maybe I can get tea elsewhere," he thought as he calmed himself. Tac continued with his order, now needing a fork.

Again, though, the lady replied, "Only chopstick."

He grit his teeth. "Ok, no tea, no fork, so then what?" he asked himself. "Maybe this food sucks," Tac thought, situating. Then he tried to explain it away, "This is just how I feel. Else, me get very angry at woman!" Tac paid the bill. It was twelve dollars! He got a two choice, a side of soup, and some fortune cookies.

As he walked over to the booth next door, he tightly gripped the top of his Chinese bag of food and asked, "Tea?" "Only with order," the lady expressed to him. Then he asked for a napkin.

She said, "Ok."

A booth over, he tried again, "Have tea?"

"Yes, Brisk Rasberry."

"I'll take it," he said with an angered look.

"I don't feel good right now," he told himself. "I know I'll meet a real bad one, and then maybe the universe will situate my perfect iced tea," he pondered. "But, I'll be met with more anger," he realized. "Maybe not. Maybe a little painful reality is what I need. I'll keep to my desires and hope that this imbalance is settled with my meal."

Tac sat down and ate his meal near the mall entrance. He watched people walking in and out but soon noticed his old friend Devnel walking into the mall with his partner.

"Devnel?" Tac shouted in time before he passed.

Devnel looked over surprised and said, "Oh sziiit! My homey! Tac the beach macketty zig zag pac!" Tac laughed with a noodle hanging out the side of his mouth.

"This is Barbara."

"Nice to meet you Barbara." Tac added, "So what do you find interesting about Devnel? I've known him since we were kids, but I haven't seen him since our friend Jack came back from Hawaii. I bet it's you like his sense of humor, right?"

"Well, he says a lot about you guys when we're around the harbor. Devnel is Devnel, I guess. I like his sense of humor for sure; but tell me no more, because we must enjoy tonight. We're going to watch Cyber Wars and I don't want to leave him just yet," Barbara joked.

"Well, lucky you two. Cyber Wars and a theater frankfurter is better than this stupid Chinese food. I paid twelve bucks and they didn't have tea. Ask Devnel. He'll tell you how much pride we have in our drinks!"

Barbara laughed.

"Devnel added; yeah drinks, but don't tell her about the other pride," he joked.

"And what is that?" Tac asked smiling.

Devnel let out a big "Haah," and said with a strait face, "chicks."

"Funny man Devnel you are. I miss you a lot, bro. Please keep in touch if you can. I go to the dock every once in a while and think about old times."

Tac and Devnel shook goodbye and they both smiled big at eachother before departing. Devnel released a farewell wink at Tac before turning into the main mall walkway with Barbara.

"My apartment is relatively clean. A sort of dirty clean. Still clean," Tac went over in his mind. Tac got a call from his old friend Travis.

Travis yelled through the phone seeming very excited, "Broseph, do I got a plan for us tonight!"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Animal house party at Harlem Street, here in Pineridge!"

"What kind of party is it?"

"A darn beast party!"

"Hmm," Tac wondered. "I'm up for it."

They hang up.

Travis and Tac's old highschool buddy Lorraine picked up Tac at his condo, operating as the designated driver. She was very mean the whole way to the party, but she still had a good heart, and she was seriously down to help everyone have fun.

Travis, Lorraine, and her friend Jan, and Tac all got down and went in to the party. When they stepped into the fraternity type house, there were couches full of drunk people smoking and drinking. Travis asked a host, "Where's the bar area?"

The host replied, "No bar; all cases in the fridge. It's over there."

Tac smirked, which eventuated into a sarcastic face. "I was expecting a traditional party," Tac thought to himself, "but it is, I guess, a wild animal house party!"

Two big males were guarding the liquor near the fridge, and Tac just blurted out, "Wassup, passing through!" Tac grabbed four beers. This usually worked for Tac.

One of the guys stopped Tac and said, "and put your trash in the garbage!"

Tac eeked a little and thought, "What a douche!" However, "No pain no gain was the deal of the day," Tac took into account.

The big guy looked Tac in the eye and said, "Ok?" in a mocking way, making a dorky mouth shape.

Tac shot back, necessarily, and asked, "so where's the garbage?"

The big man laughed and said, "I don't know, all around…"

Travis was watching this all from a short distance, feeling an alpha situation coming up. But to Travis, it was nothing they couldn't handle. They were harbor kids. Tac said, "Well, allright. I got your drift homeboy."

The guy laughed again and chanted, "Beast, beast, beast, beast!"

Tac was a bit shocked and amazed. He wanted to get on his side a little. So he did. It was a get up and fight situation for Tac. Tac then chanted with him. "Beast, beast, beast, beast!" Tac was not backing down.

The guy's friend joined in and put his arm over Travis's shoulder and shouted, "Partaaay!" Tac started to love it a little, in a sort of mischievous way. Both of the big guys then turn to the party and just start running through everyone in pure fun.

"What am I doing with my life?" Tac thought. "I guess I never partied like a true animal!"

Tac and Travis got back to their people and the party was started. It was an animal house! And now Tac and Travis were party animals, taught by true party animals. Tac pondered, "How do I go all out party animal?" Tac watched the people partying all night. He mimicked their moves for the crazy night, and had a few vodka shots with Travis. When the night was over, all the men were cleaning. "Awesome party," Tac said before heading out with his friends.

One responded, "You're very welcome," in the most mature and refined tone. And comments, "Good looking crowd. Hey, do you happen to have a cigarette?"

Tac wondered, "What exactly is manly to this guy?" in his innocent vibe. Tac felt less man. "If beast is man, then I might be wrong," thinking in his intoxicated state, handing over his last cigarette to this strong man.

"Get out of here already, you're stinking up the place with your lack of cigarettes," he said with a big, grinning face.

Tac just gave him the brow and walked off, paying little attention to the guy's negation, as Tac was relatively immune to this beast mode already.

It was a changing moment that whole beast party. Tac knew what he was as he awoke the next day. He also pissed himself because his beast mode status, however. "I'm nice, talented, and educated," he thought. "Should I be more like them or should I be what it is that I am?" Tac's friend Travis stopped by to see how he was doing, since it was such a harsh night.

He said, "Bro, that was a crazy party, huh?"

"Travis is probably awaiting an honest response, but I guess I was not man enough," Tac thought to himself. "It was fun, but the negative aura of evil beast vibes took over," he said to his close friend Travis, poking at himself. "All I could think was my skinny body," Tac laughed. Travis seemed to know this and overtook Tac with a, "Don't worry bro, I had a crazy night, too," approach as if he knew what Tac was thinking. Tac told Travis, "It made me think like an animal. Next time, no jocks!"

Travis replied, "no jocks it is. And may I add. No crackheads, also, because I feel a little cracky today. It's probably just the 'Monster' energy drink I just drank, but still," Travis remarked, making an intelligent connection. They smiled at their united charm. They felt better together talking about these sorts of things.

"That's what friends are for," Tac thought. They were alone in the ideas of Wallstonecraft. Their habits were theirs, and that is what they projected. Simple. "Any dumb beast coming from me is a fad," Tac said to himself as they became confident in their unique manliness.

Travis continued, "Yeah man, and I'm seriously down for whatever, but let us atleast set the bar at no floating poop in the pool, k?"

Tac added, "Or silent piss."

Travis laughed hard, "Let's not go too far!"

That night, they all shook at the sight of the fungus. It was like it was looking at them as they pondered on the upcoming event. All Tac could think was his college party skills in relation to what was about to go down.

"That's not something that I know," Tac thought to himself. "I know I should be a man. But versus what?" he added to his list of worries. "Manliness is not going to help me fly like superman. Thus, dilute myself. Dilute everything with water. In fact, dilute the diluted, for any parts per million decrease is a good biological principle." Then they handed Tac orange juice. Tac began to trip and his first words: "Dumbledorf." He felt like a cosmic man with the world having undiscovered territory. He couldn't speak.

He looked in the mirror and saw a fairy. She just flew on by. He was in awe at the potential of the human mind. He tried to walk around. He saw beings that were his friends, but also like alien lifeforms. He could not speak to them for he would disturb their peace.

Positivity here was interesting, for all he could think was, "Be nice, be good, be cool." This extremity stilled his fear to some degree. The overcoming was to be himself. Do what it is that he was. He eventually went to sleep and awoke hours later in a gloomy state with a technicolor world before his eyes. An aftertrip that gave details to this other world. It said things like, "Life has this in it." He was shocked at life and the world like never before, in an odd way, for there were things about man that were shocking of which he didn't know; he just knew of the effects of weed, liquor, and anxiety pills. He stayed positive with shrooming within the grasp of anyone. All Tac could do was tell himself, "what on earth did I just do?"

"Life changes and gets better or worse," Tac thought. He was beginning to learn as an adult. "I feel this is too much," Tac said to himself. "All those stupid Youtube drug videos are no bull. There really is reason to check out these fascinations. That is because of this type of stuff. Certain media, like internet video, is as low class as you can get, but the world is paying attention." Tac continued, "There's probably a kid in the world right now making an internet video to explain to me these same experiences. His video is probably just a squawking about hallucinating in the woods; it's fun, it's super epic! And what he is saying has a reality to it; simply. And it's useful, because he's the perfect dude for the job. What a world we live in," Tac concluded as he sobered up, jumping on his mobile to do some research.

"What in the world is that?" Tac shouted to his friend Charlie, still relatively high the day after their shroom adventure.

Charlie responded, "A darn squid." On the ground lay a squid looking organism, but looked more so like a sea monster. Tac argued it was a monster, half joking, but partially serious. Tac took out his phone camera to take a picture and his hand received a shock. His phone fell in the sand.

He shouted, "Holy cow, it is a monster demon! It electrocuted my phone!"

Charlie started, "No way bro, I think these float up around this time!"

"You calling me a wacko?"

"Naw man, I just know bro."

"I do, too, but how often do these things electrocute phones though, bro?"

Charlie went into silent mode, but finally commented, "I don't know but you do sound like a wacky Tac right now."

Tac left for the sidewalk holding his broken, electrocuted phone, angry.

A few hours later, Tac saw Charlie and they chatted about the phone and squid creature.

Charlie started, "That's a dumb, evil squid," in a funny and cute way.

Tac remembered the anger coming out of himself and remarked, "Oh, like I don't know what you're going to say?"

They started talking about other topics, but it felt as if their relationship got damaged along with Tac's phone.

Realizing this, Tac, in his nerd voice, squeaked, "According to my calculations, the coordinating events made me think as wacky Tac, so to reach nash equilibrium, I must ask, could we agree to disagree?"

Charlie smiled and said, "Yes, of course Digi Tac V1."

When Tac was seventeen, he and Travis went on a boating trip near the cove to see dolphins and whales. Midway, Travis slipped on a puddle of water and sand Tac left from snorkeling. Tac was sort of a bully that day and didn't pay much attention to his own actions. Tac even almost drowned Travis when they were wrestling in the deep water at the edge of the boat. Travis swallowed a bunch of salt water and cried when he got to the deck. Travis got very angry at Tac, and told him to be careful with that way of his. Tac responded with his usual ways, "Oh man, I'm sorry dude, pardon me." Travis assessed himself and saw that he had to change. Tac for the next few days acknowledged Travis's newfound perceptions. Tac remembered this moment, and looking back, he felt bad. "The pain still sits as fresh as ever," Tac started to think as he and Charlie were making up.