Chereads / Dropped_909 / Chapter 1 - Prologue


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Chapter 1 - Prologue

#info dump

Importance of January 2nd 2025 : Start Of Cessation

In the year 2025 the world faced a tribulation insted of lightning from the sky, Monsters came uninvited from the tears of space.

And a system which classified itself as the "final arc" provided humanity with necessary needs and opportunities for them to gain a grip on their situation at a cost.

Those who utilised it,in the starting phase of the final arc they became the first ever know Custodian's of humanity.

People refer them as Custodian's rather than guardian or heros because they only guard it if it belongs to them even though disappointed they started to accept reality and line through it.

With the help of the Custodian's, humanity managed to bearly survive until when the already catastrophic situation which was hanging by thread collapsed due to a shocking yet a disturbing news.

The ''final arc" system which they assumed to be an assist for them to go through the final phase of humanity turned out to be just an emotional less, calculative AI whose job is to only filter out the strong whether they are humans or other life forms on earth.

The first incident happened mearly after 8 months of the Cessation, a female cheetah which killed a group of wandering custodian in Namibia gained the access to mana and also to the system, after 9 days the death rate in the surroundings increasing at an alarming rate so the head quarters at the windhoak sent an elite team of Custodian's to Namibia to check if there is a Spatial tear

In case if there is a Spatial tear then to neutralize it, when they entered the reported area all they find was litered mutilated cropses of people ranging from different ages, after a full night search with no results the team took rest for next 6 hours and continued their search for the cause of the disaster.

Second day morning they finally met with the source,a female humanoid creature that greatly resembled a cheetah, with the sacrifice of 6 members of the elite team they managed to eliminate the new born mana beast.

Various similar incidents started where animals turned into mana beast,these incidents have a different name in different parts of the world but the Custodian's counsel refered it to as "The Inner Fallout"