Once upon a time, there was a an orphan named Elora who lives far away the Kingdom Corinthia that was being ruled by King Leon Ausgard. Her beauty was exceptional having a golden curled hair. a cupid's heart shaped lips, an electric brown pupils, a fair skin and rossy cheeks that get envied for. Her parents were killed when she was just a kid. Elora an eighteen year old maiden learnt to live by her own by selling different flowers and herbs downtown. Through this, some villagers mistaken her as a witch and seducing men in the village. Most of women hated her and even plot to kill her. Her story even reached nearby towns of Corinthia. Their suspicion about her began to rule the kingdom. That she was a witch.
There is a legend circling the kingdom, it's been decades have passed there was a fine lady that have lived before; the villagers called her Celeste. Celeste remained mysterious to all the villagers. They have no idea where exactly she came from a
or who were her relatives. Her identity remained unknown to everyone. But the people known her for her beauty. Until one day, the villagers have never seen her since then.
It was twilight that day, when Elora is walking toward the village. She was about to deliver several flowers and herbs she made herself that day. It may took her ten miles walking until she could reach the town. She is holding with her a rattan basket filled with flowers and herbs. It so happen that she lost her way.
That was the first time it happens. She lit a lamp and started her journey. She's starving. It was dark and she was in the middle of the forest!
She can sense danger in that very moment. She heard howling of wild animals.
"I think I lost my way!" She says in panic. "I must go this way." She commanded herself. As she was about to take a step. She heard the rustling sound of footsteps approaching her.
"This way I saw it heading this way!" A man shouted. It seems like they're looking for something. Maybe they're looking for a human.
Being scared, she unintentionally created footsteps. As the men heard it, "Point an arrow to that direction!" A commanding voice suddenly interrupted. "Yes, Your Majesty!". As the king commanded, the servant pointed the arrow and aimed it.
"Majesty? Is that the king?" She asked herself. As she was about to retreat. She suddenly felt pain in her right leg. "Ahhhh!" She screams.
"That way!" They searched the place. But they did not find anything. "Wait!" The king searched the area. "The target is not yet far. It is wounded. You could search from different directions. Disperse yourself." He said.
Elora cannot walk farther. Her leg is bleeding and she might loose a lot of blood.
"Are they hunting me?" She is very weak. Her sight even blurring. She did not walk anymore instead lay herself under the tree. As she was about to close her eyes. She can still sense the men found her. Until she lose consciousness.
"Woman, are you alright?" A man tapped her cheeks . The man was amazed such beauty she has . But he did not show her amusement in front of the king.
"Take her with you." The king ordered them to take the wounded woman in the palace. His face did not show any reaction.
Elora who was unconscious that moment was taken at the palace.