Upon the skies, a red dawn roses of lies, and deceit, a pure boast men in their hallowed offices golden chairs and grinning fact
Men and women die of hunger. soldiers shot dead with blood that splatter yet on their backs, there was no shudder hlankness of the night, sacit, mute
Farewell liberry and justice, heavens frown to this lying bliss, I am deceived by higher men. with the words of plain corruption
The crows will feed on the living
but we will never bow to them we rejoice to embracing death where freedom comes, free and no fret
Farewell liberty, farewell truth in my own motherland my root Innocence and corruption, action and counter reaction of a one divided nation
Let us cry out in bittersweet, how we slowly die in living, living in death yet believing that one day we will restore thee.