Chereads / Lorem: / Chapter 2 - Lorem

Chapter 2 - Lorem


"Dad are you not afraid??" I ask my dad when he come home. Again, my dad go in the forest where he bought a lot of woods.

"I need to go there Lorem to bought this..." he said referring to the woods. "This is the only thing i know to make money." He put down the woods and start filing it.

"Dad. Are you not afraid?? I know you heard about a song coming from the forest everynight. There's a rumor that it was a ghost, singing!" Dad laugh to what i said.

"Don't believe that Lorem, there are no ghost...."

"Lorem!! Honey!! I bake cookies!!  Want some??!" We heard mom shouted.

Daddy and I entered the house, we were scrambling for cookies that Mommy had bake. We were happy together. We always laugh....

I can say that...

I was lucky...

Because i have a complete family.....

"Guys let's do this!" Margin said it lively. Our other friends agreed to her.

"I think this is a bad idea Margin." I said.

I am the only one who disagreed to her suggestion. She was suggesting that we present a horror short film in our teacher and we will go to that forest to make it more scarier.

"Are you afraid Lorem??" She said like she was teasing me. I look at my other friends and notice that they where staring at me.

"I-im not saying that because im scared. It was just, we should care about our safety. W-what if---"

"Oh, come on Lorem. Stop thinking that way... right guys!! It was exciting!?"


I lied to my parents about where i am going, well my friends too, they do the same way.

Tonight we planned to go into the forest. Even though i disagree to this, i don't have a choice but to come with them because i need to have a high grades this year to get a scholarship.

"Oh, i thought you weren't coming." Margin said when she saw me. I just smiled to everyone and we start walking in the forest.

They are so many tall trees everywhere and Insects and animals.

"This place is good. Let's start our film..." I said to everyone. They look at me and give me a questioned look.

"Actually Lorem. The truth is, we came here to discover the source of the song that came from the forest." Kern said to me that make me angry.

"What?? You said yesterday--"

"You see we lied." Said Margin and she take out from her bag the camera. "Here. We will going to video it and upload it in my youtube account." She waved the camera and smiled at me.

"D-does anyone want to go home??" I ask my friends, hoping that even one of them wanted to go back.

I am now completely mad because they laugh at me. If only i know, i shoudnt come!!!

I want to go back, but i am scared to go back alone.

After we eat our lunch we started walking again. I am tired already from walking but i need to catch up on them. We keep walking and walking in the forest. Margin and Ascii are taking a video in the forest.

"Guys, it's getting dark already... should we go home now??" I tell them but they insist.

"Guys, Did you notice that we always heard that song everynight. What if, we should stay here--"

"No" I disagree again but again they didnt listen to me. They keep walking forward and i don't have a choice but to come with them.

We stop walking when we heard that song again. The way she sing it was so calm and her voice was beautiful.

"Im sure, that voice came from a little girl. You heard right?" Said Ascii.

I don't know why i stop for a moment and just stared at the tall trees who was moving because of the strong wind. The leaves are falling down to the grass and the anonymous voice was achoed in the forest. The song was about a happy family and it was a lovely song but behind it.... i feel like the song was sad....

I don't know why i followed my friends and joining them to find the source of that voice. For a moment, i feel like i want to know who sing that song.

We stop when we seen an old house in the forest and our curiosity went deep and we found ourselves walking inside the house.

I don't know but i don't feel scared. The way i am feeling right now was..... i was sad. Sad? But why? Why do i get sad when i see this old house in the forest??

"Let's go back Margin..." Ascii said nerviously. Everyone laugh at her.

"Now, you want to go back. You said eairlier that you weren't afraid of ghost." Everyone laugh at her again.

We held hands together when we heard that song again. It really came from this house. So we started walking and everytime we step forward, the voice is getting louder and louder. Together we started walking down to the basement.

We seen a door. It was made from metal.

"Hello??" Said Margin.

The kid who was singing earlier was stop and after a few seconds we heard a loud barge in the door. My other friends shout when we heard the woman talked.

"H-help me!! P-please! Open the door!!"

We help her. We find a hammer and started to break the padlock. "Please! Make it faster!! He will coming !!" We break it even faster and when the padlock destroyed, we immediately open it.

The woman is wearing a long dress and she smell so bad because her body is full of blood. I want to ask her but suddenly we heard a man's voice in our back.

His voice is familiar so i look back to make myself sure if that was my dad.

"Dad?!" I was surprise because i didn't thought that dad was here. He was holding a wood in his right hand. I start walking towards him. "Why are you here dad?--" But before i finish to talk he suddenly...

He suddenly hit the wood on my head.

Gradually the lids of my eyes closed. I could still hear the screams of my friends until I closed my eyes.

I woke up to Ascii's scream. My head hurts so much and I feel dizzy.

Even though I was dizzy I forced myself to sit up. I touch my head and when i took my hand, I saw some blood.

Gradually, i remember what happened earlier. I look around and saw that we were locked inside the room. There isnt a window and the door is made in metal. I think, this is where the woman was imprisoned....

When i look around, i saw her sitting in the floor. She was hugging both of her knees. I saw that she was shaking....

"That's your father Lorem!!" Ascii shouted at me several times.

Even me, i still can't believe that Dad.... his the one who imprisoned this woman??!! And us???!

I looked up at the woman, she was looking at me. Her face is full of dirt but even so, she looks familiar to me. Where did I see her ??

"Madigan." She tell her name to me. I walk and sit beside her. "My daughter he imprisoned her...."

I'm guilty, Is it because my father did all this thing to her ??

Some of my friends started arguing. They blame Margin from everything.

Margin was the only one who escaped. Ascii and kern walk away from me, we were on either side of the room.

" Will Margin come back to help us??" Kern asked.

We were backing away when the door suddenly opened. I cried looking at Dad but I don't know why now he look at me differently.

We all screamed when we saw what he was holding.

"Are you looking for your friend ... " It threw Margin's head at us which terrified us all.

He killed Margin !!?

Out of anger I was able to grab the boulder on my back and quickly hit Dad's head. Kern also rushed in and punched Dad. When Dad pulled the 'dagger' from his waist, it hit Kern in his hand.

When Kern knocked Dad down we hurried to escape that room.  Even though I was dizzy and had a headache, i endure it because i want to escape..... i still want to live....

We were going to the same way we had entered earlier but Madigan said that there was another tunnel down here, where it leads to the town. So followed her.

We followed Madigan until she stopped at a door.

"Is this the exit ?? "Kern asked.

"No. That way." Madigan pointed the other way. They were about to go there but Dad suddenly appeared causing us to scream. Madigan forced the door to open, fortunately it didn't have a padlock so we quickly broke the doorknob. When we had all entered. We take heavy objects to lock the door.

Suddenly, we heard that song again....  we heard that little girl singing again. But this time, it was so loud and it feels like that song... coming from behind of us....

When we look back, we saw Madigan. She was sitting in the floor and on its lap was a girl who was singing.

That girl look at my direction. My eyes started to tear....

That girl..

That little girl....

Was me...

She was still singing, and when she finish singing that song....

gradually she became a corpse.....

That girl....

Is dead....

"Her name was Lorem...."

I step back because i can't believe what just i saw now. That little girl was wearing my necklace...

That necklace, my mom gave that to me when i was a child.....

No! She isnt me!! That girl! We were just look alike!! She isnt me!!!

I held my own necklace i was wearing right now...

It was just a coincidence that we have the same necklace....

"Ascii Kern--" I stopped talking when I saw that my friends were slowly disappearing into the air.

I look back at Madigan and the girl on its lap.

I'm crying. I don't know why....

I don't know what's happening....

My attention was focused on the candle stuck in the man's skull.

That thing..... i remember that in my dream...

And suddenly....

All my memories with Dad have been replaced by painful memories. What happened earlier is not true. My friends and I went here did not happen because what really happened was that I was the only one who came here.

Everything that happened is just my imagination ....

Because I have been dead....

for a long time ...


Author note: this is a mind blowing story...