Chereads / Bright Academy / Chapter 254 - NYMPH OF NATURE

Chapter 254 - NYMPH OF NATURE

I kissed Anneliese on her lips then pulled back as I sensed something wrong, and so did she.

We ran down the stairs to the triplets' and Catherine's room and saw it, a giant spider like creature hanging from the ceiling over them from a web.

I yelled Alexa's name as it opened its jaws then I yelled her name again and it bit down but its jaws didn't close, then Alexa walked through the door with her arm stretched.

She then twisted it and it began writhing in pain as its own web wrapped around it then she went forward and touched it then it began getting stiff, then turned to dust.

She looked back at us then she said,"In case you're wondering, no, I didn't send that spider to kill my own children, but Darlok did."

"Darlok?! But I thought you killed him!"I said.

"Killed him?"She said then burst out laughing,"I barely dud anything to him, the only thing I destroyed was a small fraction of his essence, but his real, killable body I sin the Space between spaces.

She then turned back as three more spider creatures crawled in, she said we should handle the others, while she'd handle those three.


I got to Jessica's room where two scaly creatures faced and possibly... definitely tried to hurt my daughter.

I roared in fury as my eyes burned blue, then ice spread all around the room and pierced them all over, before freezing them solid.

I ran to Jessica who was still sound asleep and shook her awake, then she woke up perfectly fine, I didn't know whether to be happy she was safe or suspicious of why she was so deep asleep.

Indigo's eyes darted open then he looked at a wall and yelled Alek's name, then crashed right through it as a strong vortex formed around the two black clouds, gathering them into a small sphere, then Indigo started haphazardly blasting it with lightning till...they changed colour, then he ran to his son who thought he was in a dream so played along.

"Yes Alek, this is a dream and when you wake up everything is going to be normal, okay?"He said.

Alek nodded then lay back down and Indigo looked back at where the gems the creatures before yielded turned to dust and began repairing all the damage in the room, then took a deep breath, right before gasping again, the prisoner...

"Oh, so he's the reason they came."I said,"...and for a second there I thought we were the multiverse's most wanted."

Indigo sighed and palmed his forehead then asked,"What will happen if they bring even more forces? Now multiple creatures...wizards, are coming at once, what if we're eventually overwhelmed?"

"Calm down dad, you'll get grey hair from all this stress, we will be ready for whatever Darlok fires at us, trust me."I said.

He looked at me, then laughed at my carefree attitude.

In Darlok's presence, a roughly human sized creature was brought, despite its resistance then Darlok said,"Ahh, Giselle, my daughter."

It screamed and said something in an unknown language then he said in her own language,"I'm not going to hurt you, in fact I want to make a deal to save your entire universe, will you take it?"

Before she could agree, her eyes began to glow green, and the gem on her chest glowed brighter, then she stood straight and said in English,"I shall find my siblings father..."


I was working on the garden with Lilith and Jessica, no lights used then I groaned and said,"This ancient back isn't what it used to be, why don't I take a rest and watch you two do all the work?"

Jessica laughed as Lilith threw a handful of manure onto my face, and when I was totally covered in the stuff from both of my daughters' armapults, I went to wash off by the pond, then saw a vine real time.

I was confused as it began to bring buds from all over its stem then yelled,"Lily, Jessie, remember, no lights!"

"Got it dad!"

"You too!"

I looked back at the plant as it began to form pink, middle mist red like flowers, I knew the previously mentioned was a shrub so something was fishy, but suddenly, I felt overwhelmed with sleep, and found myself on the wall the plant was using as support, catching a snooze.

From the dense undergrowth came out three beautiful women, who looked at me and squealed and said,"We got him without dying!"

"Eek! You go girl! Now let's get him outta here."

"Aargh! He weighs like a thousand tonnes!"

"I know and all of it is pure raw masculine muscle."She said and did a cat growl.

"I know right, eek!!!"One yelled,"Do you think I stand a chance with him?"

"Girl, you are two hundred years old, of course you don't, I on the other hand am two hundred and one, he's practically already mine..."

While they were fighting over me, Indigo saw them from the window and flew down then yelled,"Girls, girls, you're all pretty, now what have you done to my son?!"

"She did it."One pointed.

Two of them then vanished into the vegetation around but before the last could, a thick layer of ice formed over everything, including myself and her, she couldn't escape.

She then burst into tears then said,"I'm sorry, the Mother commanded me to do it."


"Mother nature."



Indigo turned back to see a fairy, with angelic human features, two huge, butterfly wings, a pixie haircut and all sorts of magic and nature circling around her.

"What do you want with my son? To give him to Darlok?"Indigo asked, calmly.

"He is not your son, he is Darlok's, we are all brethren and it would be quite prudent of you to embrace your father and join him."

"And why on earth will I do that?"

"I just...I just explained..."She palmed her forehead and sighed,"... between you and the guy who just stared at sinister and suspicious flowers for like thirty seconds before passing out, I'd say he was the smarter one."


"Enough of this, join me."

"On one condition."

"And what's that?"

"Heads up."

Before she could turn, she was slapped in the back with a tree branch and thrown to the floor.

She screamed in fury as Indigo took off with me in his grasp, with the three nymphs mooning at how strong he was...

"Do you think I have a chance with him?"

"Idiots! Get them!"


Indigo was running when he tripped over a largely overgrown tree root then fell with the roots wrapping around him, he looked back at the nymph and yelled,"Do you really want two hundred years of your life gone at this very moment?!"

She slowly disappeared into a tree then the roots turned into a Quark Gluon Plasma solution then he tried to pick me up, but I literally passed through the ground, then he heard a whimper.

"Oooph! He is heavy!"A nymph yelled.

Indigo looked at her then rolled his eyes and swiped his arm, then a powerful draft blew between her legs and she fell, but it levitated me above the ground then he brought me to himself but yelled in fury when mosquitoesll and houseflies began swarming him.

"Is that literally the best you can do?!"He yelled.

Wasps and bees dispatched from their nests and flew towards him but immediately burned when they touched his plasma window then he spread it and it burned through all the vegetation then heard a scream and he saw Jessica burst into tears.

Lilith was confused as to why he did that and why he was taking me away, unconscious, then began to think he was an intruder.

"Let our father go!"She yelled.

Before he could respond, he had been blasted through a wall and into the ground with water.

He began to cough out blood and sensed them attending to me then a man walked to them... himself.

The man said he... the real Indigo was an imposter and he needed him in the interrogation room with me.

Lilith agreed to help him then stretched her arm and several tree roots burst out of the ground and wrapped around the innocent Indigo.

He tried to resist, but with just one word, Lilith put him into a deep sleep...

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