Forcing Anko to walk Naruto home, Makoto and I cleaned up all the plates after the hearty dinner, while Kurenai played with Karin in the yard.
As for Cameia...
"C-Cameia, please..!"
She was standing behind me, her arms wrapped around my waist as she held me.
Grunting, she just squeezed my waist before kissing my neck, and I felt something press against my back.
Blushing, I glanced over at Makoto, who was trying her hardest to not look over at us.
However, I could tell that she was looking at us, making my blush deepen.
"C-Cameia! W-What's come over you!?"
"Nothing... just want to hold my mate..."
Her breath felt warm on my cheek, sending my hair fluttering.
She murmured something else, but I couldn't hear it as I focused intently on the thing resting against me.
Trying my hardest to ignore her, I continued scrubbing the various bowls and spoons in the sink, washing away the remnants of the thick stew we had eaten.
"Haha~! Come back here you~!"
Kurenai entered the kitchen, chasing after Karin as she scurried around, giggling.
Slipping in front of me, Karin grinned up at me.
"Oh? Where'd she go?"
Prowling around the kitchen, Kurenai made a show of searching everywhere for the small girl, making her giggle slightly in front of me.
Smiling down at her, I tilted my body so that Kurenai couldn't see her, enjoying the way Karin pressed herself into me to further hide herself.
"Hmm~ Where'd she go?"
Approaching me, Kurenai grinned at me as she asked "Koko, have you seen a little crimson devil?"
Pursing my lips, I thought about it before shaking my head, making Kurenai sigh.
"Where oh where could she have gone~?"
Walking away, I watched as Kurenai crouched behind the island, staring over at me.
Thinking Kurenai was gone, Karin peeked out from in front of me, scanning the kitchen before gingerly creeping out.
"Thank you!"
Smiling down at her, I laughed when Kurenai hopped out from the counter, making Karin squeal.
"What's with all this noise?"
Anko entered the kitchen as well, smirking as she stared over at Kurenai lifting Karin above her head.
"Nothing~! Just caught myself a sneaky little devil!"
Chuckling, Anko approached the squirming girl with wiggling fingers, making us all chuckle as she started tickling the girl.
However, Cameia frowned slightly behind me, gently tapping my waist and whispering "Three people are watching us."
Keeping the smile on my lips, I nodded, rapping my knuckles against the counter a few times.
Anko and Kurenai glanced my way, before nodding.
"Come on~ Let's go show you the house, Karin!"
"We can finish up later, Makoto."
She nodded, quickly wiping her hands before following behind Anko and Kurenai.
Cameia released me, and we all made our way to our bedroom.
Entering, we all dropped our smiles, making Makoto and Karin confused.
Slipping into the bath, I closed the door before staring at Cameia.
"Where? Friend or foe?"
Pursing her lips slightly, Cameia stared at the outer wall, saying "Edge of the Compound, and..."
Frowning slightly, she narrowed her golden eyes as she said "They have no emotions..."
Anko and I frowned, while Kurenai pursed her lips.
"No emotions... like a puppet?"
Glancing at Kurenai, Cameia shook her head, saying "No, they are people. Just... empty. Hollow."
My frown deepened, before turning towards Makoto, who was hugging Karin close to her.
Smiling gently at the shaking girl, I said "It'll be okay, Karin. I promise. You'll always be safe inside this house. Always."
It angered me that not even a day inside the village had passed, and yet someone wanted to spy on us; be it because of Cameia or because they wanted to determine who Makoto and Karin were.
Her red eyes were watery, but she nodded, attempting to give me a smile.
Seeing that, I pinched her cheek before standing up, giving Kurenai a nod.
"Stay here, keep them safe."
Nodding, she stood in front of the two Uzumaki's, while I said "Cameia, we'll get out quick; try to at least get one of these people."
She nodded, and we approached the door.
Taking a deep breath, I asked her "Where are they now?"
Looking around, she said "One is by the training ground, and the other two are on the far right corner."
"Go for the training ground; it's closer. Anko and I will get the other two. Go."
Bursting forth from the door, we jumped out of the windows and rushed towards the areas Cameia pointed out, Anko and I utilizing Body Flicker to appear on the corner wall.
However, we saw and felt nothing, making us frown.
"She's a freak..."
I nodded, turning to see her lifting a man by the throat.
Returning to her, we watched as she knocked him out, only for Anko and I to freeze.
Staring at the Anbu mask in disbelief, I furrowed my brow as I leaned forwards, gently tracing the kanji on the masks forehead.
"'Root'... not Anbu, but 'Root'..."
"What? Root? The hell is that?"
Anko crouced beside me, staring at the mask.
"Anbu aren't allowed to decorate their masks, nor do they have any markings besides colored strokes that denote rank... So this is no Anbu; it's something else..."
Gently lifting the mask, my frown deepened as I saw...
Jumping back, I narrowly avoided a beetle that flew towards my head, its horn a deep purple.
"Aburame? What the hell..."
Anko stomped on the beetle, while Cameia frowned, staring at the man with slight anger.
Under the mask was a pale skinned man wearing the goggles typical of the Aburame clan, and his pores were slightly wider than normal, his flesh wriggling.
Staring at him in disgust, Anko spat on the dead beetle, before saying "We need an answer for this; why the hell were they watching us? Who ordered it?"
I nodded, before looking at Cameia.
"Can you keep him completely stationary; uncapable of attempting to end his own life?"
She nodded, tapping the mans brow.
His body shook once, before completely seizing.
"Now lift him up; we're going to the Hokage's office to demand a meeting."