The Morning Prayer
"Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation, the spirit is indeed willing but the flesh is
weak". Matthew 26:41
It is important for every believer to spend time in prayer and in the presence of Jesus Christ every
morning, because in doing so you will receive the power to sustain you throughout the day.
There are demons of darkness deployed every single day, against the true followers of Jesus Christ
all over the world, there are 270 regions of demonic powers on earth and they are launched against
true Christian and there are more than 30 million occult centres throughout the earth, which
launch demonic powers at 12 o'clock midnight which carry sleep waves, specifically designed and
commanded to fight against believers and weaken them from every 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. by sleep
gratification and influences, this is to solely neutralise the majority of the people of God to neither
prayer nor search the scriptures during this blessed period. In all the kingdoms of darkness higher
witches and wizards recognise every 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. to be highly auspicious in the world of man, this
recognition is based on the spiritual understanding that during this blessed period, the universal
creative energy accelerates to increase and to quicken the vibration of potency and life energy and
power of each and every one who is at that time engaged in any of the following bonified spiritual
acts : Sincere and Righteous prayer to the Almighty God through our Lord, Master and Saviour Jesus
Christ; Profound Meditations in the search of the deeper meaning of the Word of God , the Holy
Scripture, the bible; Singing the songs of Praise to Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit or to the Heavenly
Father; other related spiritual activities which are directly connected to glorification of the Lamb of
God, Christ.
It must be understood that all evil forces, whether in high or low places dread all faces which are the
children of God on earth, who praise, sing praises unto the Lord and study the Holy Scriptures
between 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. daily.
If this warning is not heeded know that your prayer and mental capacity will continue to be a
playground for Satan and the forces of evil, if you are a true child of Christ do not be naïve in
thinking that the spiritual kingdom of darkness does not know of you and that they'll never attempt
to fight or influence you with the sleep wave that was mentioned, be aware that when the sleep
waves are launched by the 30 million occult centres on earth, is for the sole purpose of weakening
the people of God, what attracts it to any living child of God is the signet of the son of man, this
glorious signet is an invisible sign that one is a righteous child of God, it is a dazzling light radiating on
the forehead of each and every true member of the body of Christ. This is a sign that all demons and
some human agents are aware of metaphysical recognition. It is important to know that when
this light shines is an indicator that you are a child of God, which attracts the forces of darkness to
come and fight against you, but note that when this light is quenched or put out by active and non-repentant sin, you are gone. "Let your light so shine before man, that they may see your good and
glorify your Father which is in heaven" Matthew 5:16
The weakening devices of the enemy cannot fail to attack you if you are a true disciple of Christ but
you know that you have highest power in Christ to overcome not only his weakening devices but all
the devices, crafts and influences of the pit of hell, a devoted believer who prays and hears from the
Lord every morning will invariably live the presence of the blessed power of the Almighty Creator, to
hear from the Lord through scriptures and otherwise is the bonified process to possess enough
power to gradually banish the powers of darkness from your life, this is the reason the weakening
devices of Satan are launched every morning, for the moment you are weak spiritually you are
bereft of the power to fight against the demonic powers and their agents, however this does not
mean that a faithful servant of Christ should not pray in the day and in the night. A believer must
pray always, pray without ceasing.
It is important to note that there are no periods where demons are not engaged in battle against
The same weakening devices operate throughout the day and the night, at 12 o'clock midday the
high astral forces, demons of the air operate against the earth (men), from an metaphysical focal
point in the space through the radiations of the sun planet, by doing so these astral forces contribute
to propitiate the occult influence which subjects the children of men under this wave.
The three blessings of the church services (only for believers)
There is also another wave of influence in which you may attend church service for many years
without a single blessing from the Lord your God this is strictly from believers, there are 3 periods of
great major blessings for every true church service, it occurs whenever the people of God are
gathered together in the holy presence of God, in every living church on earth, an angel is present to
bless the holy ones during each and every service. There are three periods in which these blessings
are poured out, if your church service starts by 6:30 p.m. the angel of the Lord will bless as many as
there before or exactly on this time, if you are late then you forfeit the blessing; The second blessing
is poured out in the midst of believers during the offering, if you are outside or refuse to give to the
work of God the elements of darkness and demons have influenced and hindered from receiving this
second blessing; the third blessing comes at the time of benediction, which is the end of services,
therefore if you leave the house of the Lord before the end of the service you are bereft of the last
blessing. Demons can influence and hinder your blessings for several years when this is done. So be
vigilant to discern all the tactics of the forces of darkness.
"Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation, the spirit is indeed willing but the flesh is
weak". Matthew 26:41
Be vigilant in the morning, day and night.
"No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that rise against thee in
judgement thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their
righteousness is of me, saith the Lord" Isaiah 54:17
In the Holy Scriptures the Lord made special promise of protection to all his faithful servants on
earth who called by his name, even by the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the holy scripture we should be careful to note that Lord did not promise that the weapons of
principalities and powers of darkness shall not be formed against a believer, rather He promised that
when such evil influences of demons are projected against his servants, they cannot prosper, they
must fail and come to nothing, that is the eternal promise of the Lord our God, in other words the
powers of demons and their human agents could by volition gather together and make an evil plan
against a believer but by the Eternal decree of the Almighty God and in the name of Jesus Christ, the
influences of such an evil plan must flee when it is about to be executed, so that it cannot stand as
long as you remain faithful, true and worthy to the Lord Jesus Christ.
"Behold, surely they shall surely gather together, but not by me, whosoever shall gather together
against thee shall fail for thy sake" Isaiah 54:15
Their universe is infested with demonic entities and the Lord Jesus knew this and called them
serpents and scorpions.
"Behold, I give you the power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the
enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you" Luke 10:19
The true believers of Jesus Christ are absolutely beyond destruction.
There are seven occult kingdoms
It is certain that the believer will overcome all the powers of darkness whether high or low in all
places by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, and it is furthermore stated by the Lord that nothing
shall by any means hurt the true believer.
Dreams can be used as points of attack, physical manifestations which often leave people with
fatigue, agitation, slander, lies, swearing, etc.… But all these can be fought through in the name of
Jesus Christ
"When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against
him" Isaiah 59:19
Always call upon the name of Lord Jesus Christ, never let the spirits of forgetfulness enter your mind
even for a second, because the gates of hell cannot prevail against the name of Jesus and no evil
inspired action can carry on after his name is called.
"Therefore, all who devour you shall be devoured; and all your foes, every one of them, shall go into
captivity; those who plunder you shall be plundered, and all who prey on you I will make a prey."
Jeremiah 30:16
For demons to appear to a believer does not mean that a believer has any part to do with them, it
could simply be for something Jesus Christ wants you to discard off. So, you can seek him more
earnestly. Demons often urging you in a dream to keep a matter hidden can be seen as an indirect
attack, if a matter is shown to a believer by Almighty God, the Lord Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit.
Demons must see no unrighteousness on you so that you may overcome them.
Never let accusations of your past, be resurfaced in your mind and even by the physical
manifestation of demons, if you are living a righteous and holy life, because it will cause bitterness of
heart, and soul, resulting in unholy depression.
Always call upon the name of Jesus and never ever engage in sexual acts in your dreams and, should
they occur, call the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and the blood of Jesus immediately because that is
a means to kill you or steal your blessings.
The kingdoms of the dark heavens and the devil's representatives
The pope is the representative of the devil on earth, he operates in the banner of the council of
nations which is the United Nations, the pope is the 666 representative of the devil.
st heaven – ruled by Lucifer's representative called the Queen of the South, she incarnates evil
spirits in the flesh of babies in the wombs of women on the earth, the queen of the south places
babies in the womb of women that are barren and consult charlatan native doctors in order to get
babies, the queen of the south who is also a goddess of fertility sends unclean spirits of her kingdom
to the earth by placing them in the womb of women seeking babies at the charlatan native doctors,
every time a barren woman consults a native doctor for a baby, the Queen of the South will
subsequently incarnate an unclean spirit in the womb of these women, these babies that are coming
to the world are called avatars, these avatars are people who are not human , though they seem
human, these are unclean spirits of air and mission who come to the earth with specific missions and
assignments, many babies coming to the world today are avatars. That's why you'll always hear
native doctors, from time to time saying my name is so and so and I've been a witch or a wizard from
birth, these are the devil's missionaries on the earth. "The wicked are estranged from the womb"
they go astray after they are born, speaking lies, they are children who are born with a mission, they
are children who are born on this earth who are demons in the flesh, many demons of the air are
born on this earth, in these end times with a mission, they are people who are remarkably perverse,
evil and immoral, they are people who have criminal tendencies, many of the babies coming to this
earth are cursed and they are bringing their curses to the world, whenever the woman visits a native
doctor, the native doctor will lift up his/her hand in an invocation of the queen of the south who is
the goddess of fertility, as the invocation goes up the queen of the south will transfer a baby into the
womb of the woman but this baby is cursed for he is a demon of the air. These babies are demons
who have a mission on the earth and once they fulfil their mission they die and return to the first
heaven where they came from. Parents will only be happy for the fact that the baby is born, but
hardship and suffering will follow. They are children who grow up with chronic sickness and will
begin to suffer, often the child will die but before his death, he will cause financial hardships, some
of them are perverse, some are criminals for they are destroyer, we must note that in the end time
many unclean spirits are sent to the earth with a body of flesh, many demons are born on the earth,
they born of the daughters of men, Satan grants these babies with abilities and gifts so that they
fulfil various missions on earth, demons who are born on earth have rapid growth in the intellectual
field, they are gifted and liable to breakthrough in all areas, they can get married and have children
but these children are also demons for they come from the union of children of men and avatars
who are demons in human flesh, such are beings who live among normal human. The physical
demons lived among men for years without being identified even wizards may not identify them
because they are superior beings, the bibles say "they shall mingle themselves with the seed of
men" it is easy for them to master and to dazzle their entourage. We must not forget that witchcraft
is only the initial stage of the activities of the world of darkness. In the kingdom of Satan, a leader of
a sect can only be a high-ranking demon born in the flesh on the earth to accomplish this mission.
The field of operation these demons operate in are various, the devil is helping scholars from around
the world to discover weapons that can exterminate the human race, the demons born in various
regions of the world work with human scientists and instructing them until they manage to make the
weapons more destructive of all human history, all the engines of death, the advanced war planes
were discovered by demons who came in the flesh in our world, many scientists are demon born on
earth, these demons born in the flesh who work with scientists have installed in spaces satellites of
all kinds to control humanity. Some of these physical demons born on the earth are sent to destroy
churches, these demons who are sent in the flesh as priests or pastors have the task of destroying
the churches by making the word of God weak and ineffective. They have been giving the mission of
building schools of theology and training servants of God with knowledge without divine power, they
teach the word without power like a letter, they are teaching that a midst of the power of the gospel
is now spreading around the world for hundreds of years yet the gospel is the power of God for the
salvation of anyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ. When people fall into the trap of the devils
teachings, the devil gives them the ability to analyse the word of God according to their thoughts
that the devil injects into their mind, yet it is the Holy Spirit that teaches according to the law Jesus
said to his apostles "when the Comforter the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name comes
he will teach you everything and will remind you all that I told you", other demons born of earth
physically are sent to major financial institutions of the world that are all secretly governed by the
devil, note that the printing machines that print the bank notes are all under satanic domination, all
printed bank notes in the world pass into the temple of Satan in order to attach the occultic power
before putting them into circulation, the satanic power attached to bank notes is luxury that drives
some to sell their souls and the souls of the children for money, this occultic power of luxury causes
men to envy the riches of this world, it causes even Christians to abandon Jesus Christ, this power of
luxury and materialism holds the whole world under the power of the Evil One, some of the demons
who are born in many countries of the world are musicians and they are popular, Satan knows that
the songs or records of these musicians who are unclean spirits born in the flesh on earth will attract
millions of souls who will not have the time to think of God, even Christians will be attracted by their
melodies and they will have shared hearts still in the field of music, Satan laboratories in which he
has produced musical instruments upon which he has placed occult powers that are intended for
churches around the world. There are also demons who are physically born on the earth with the
task of rising to power and ruling Christian countries as presidents of the republic in order to pass
laws and legislations against Christian values and standard. The mission of these demons born of
flesh is different, some must prosecute Christians in the countries that they govern. The presidents
who are demons in the flesh favour the entry of satanic sects and orders in their countries. They are
distributing important positions of their government to Satanists and other demons who are born
and living in their countries. We must understand that we are living with people who are born on
this earth yet some of them are not human, they are the enemy, they are celebrities, they are
politicians, even preachers but they are demons in missions, the second responsibility of the queen
of the south is to spread disease on the earth, whenever it is noon on the earth the queen of the
south starts operating an patrols the world spreading sickness, this woman operates every day on
the earth, when it is midday, she deploys all kinds of sickness on the earth which travel like arrows
on the earth, precisely at noon and midnight on the earth, which is rush hour for the kingdom of
darkness, it is written in Psalm 91:5-6 " You will not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that
flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday."
The pentacle that you must rebuke. All the TV stations around the world are at the service of the
devil, they include two categories of employees, on one hand ordinary demons and demons who
came in the flesh and on the other hand human beings in a television station. The ordinary demons
and higher level demons who came in the flesh have a function to give special treatment to the
images of TV, these images are sent to the laboratories of Satan by an occult channel, and there a
demon is attached to these images and these images are given satanic powers which transfer the
demons to the viewers, the image already loaded with demons and is transmitted to the public by
the second category of employees, that is to say by the technicians and human journalists who do
not suspect anything, everything happens at the same time, this is how viewers just by looking at
these pictures can unknowingly receive demons of lust, distraction, jealousy, gluttony, pride, and
blasphemy against the Holy Spirit or idolatry, it is this demon of idolatry that drives the men to love
something or someone more than God, whether it is money, a husband, a wife, a profession, wealth,
magical protection or even idols we love, like statues or drawings representing Jesus or Mary, these
television images loaded with demons transmit also to Christians demons of spiritual weakness and
several other demons. Television is an effective weapon to fight not only pagans, but also Christians
from truly seeking, finding or learning more about Lord Jesus Christ.
nd heaven – Mary the fallen angel posing as the mother of Christ in the catholic church (the real
Mary is a saint like any other individual who has accepted Jesus and is not to be praised or
worshipped in any way, shape or form) is the ruler of the second heaven, she is worshipped in the
catholic religion as the mother of Christ; she inspires men to create false religions, apostate
churches, false pastors, false prophets, she holds weekly Sabbath in space on Wednesdays, that is
attended by popular pastors, false prophets, leaders of occultic sects and leaders of false religions in
the spiritual realm, the queen of space gives anointing to these false pastors, false prophets, leaders
of Occultic sects and leaders of false religions the power and capacity to work fake miracles and fake
deliverance. There are twelve great buildings in the second heaven and in these buildings there is a
false Jesus and each of these false Jesus give powers to these false men/women of God who attend
weekly Sabbath on Wednesday, this Mary who is a fallen angel is the second strongest siren in the
whole universe, she rules the world Armstrong which is one the headquarters of the catholic church
in the kingdom of Satan in the human word it is also known as the Vatican. The goddess of the
second heaven has the mission of signing pacts and alliances with men who want to start new cults
or new religions on earth, the purpose of this siren from space is to bring humanity to worship false
gods and idols through fake religions and cults, the mission of the twelve fallen angels that surround
her throne is to give false revelation to humans who enter into alliances with her so that they can
adore and revere her as God through false religions, they are at the root of all satanic spiritual
movements on earth and they have many churches and religions. Her churches and religions can be
identified by symbols.
rd heaven – governed by the prince of Persia, who rules the kingdom of dwarf demons, where they
battle prayers and confiscate the blessings of the saints
th heaven – is the incarceration facility where most of humanity is imprisoned
the heaven – the seat of the throne of Lucifer, most people think that the throne of Lucifer is on the
earth however we must understand that he is not yet cast to the ground for the throne of the devil is
in the air precisely the fifth heaven, where he rules with those who have fallen from the upper
heaven, the fifth heaven is the dimension of the fallen angels who were banished from the upper
the heaven – is ruled by the fire breathing dragon who rules in the air, this beast is part of the satanic
trinity and is always battling angelic movement and stopping prayer
The world of Lucifer is what you'd call the second world, the world of pandemonium – the world of
The Marine Kingdom is ruled by the Queen of the Coast which is in the Atlantic, it is a physical
kingdom under the ocean she is the representative of the devil in the ocean, she dominates the
surface world, the world is a physical world and most of the articles used in the surface world are
from the oceanic world ruled by the queen of the coast, some of the food we eat, some of the
clothes we wear, most of the electronic instruments come from the oceanic world, the oceanic
kingdom is the centre of advanced technology and new media prevailing on the surface of the earth,
the central server of all the technology of the earth is from the oceanic kingdom "The dead tremble
under the waters and their inhabitants" Job 26:5
It is important to note that the marine kingdom is divided into different territories within the sea.